/pcbg/ - PC Bulding General - vega price increase edition

If you want help:
>Assemble parts list
>State the budget for your build (and country if not USA)
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?
How to assemble a PC, select components & more (outdated)

No i5 unless discounted
>G4560 - poverty-tier builds
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (R3 1300x - Good stop-gap between the 1500x and the 1200, only get a 1400 if you absolutely need multithreading
>R5 1500x - Good but up to 1600 if you can
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; 1600x if you want higher stock clocks
>R7/Used Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/VM/mixed use; Not for just gaming

Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser
>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>GTX 1050(Ti) - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games, RX560 beaten by both
>RX570 - 1080p@60~hz maxed, running most maxed older games at 100~Hz
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@80hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; RX580 better in newer games
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p
>GTX 1080Ti - 1440p@144hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games
>Good fucking luck even getting a VEGA right now

>Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM
>Ryzen CPUs benefits a lot from high speed RAM

Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor

Other urls found in this thread:


Should I buy a GTX 970 for $160 USD? The seller claims it's never been used for mining which I take with a grain of salt.

I currently have a GTX 660 but it's really starting to show its age, even in normal desktop tasks. I was waiting for Vega 56 but I'm really tired of AMD's marketing team fuckheads and currency miners.

Only have a 1440p60 monitor right now; want to go to 1440p144/165 at some point but I don't want to pay $1200 for the upgrade. Will likely upgrade for Volta.

That's a pretty good price for a 970. I got my GTX 980 for $200 and it's a beast of a card. Unless you want to WAIT till Volta (2018), a GTX 970 will provide a nice boost in performance.

160 isnt much at all

My 970 started whining the other day, and after updating to 1440p I don't feel like it's powerful enough.

Too bad I can't find anything at a reasonable price to upgrade/replace it.


is it really safe buying an uses Xeon? I want a really powerful CPU, I don't game much

So does the EVGA GTX 1050 Ti have something wrong with its fan?

How do i make my hard drive shut the fuck up?

it's had this obnoxious fucking grinding sound ever since i got it, my PC case amplifies the noise but i can hear it even if i take the hard drive tray out and hold it away from anything, it vibrates very noticeably which is the source of the noise.

I've stuffed like ten paper towels under the hard drive tray to quiet it a bit, but it's still been noticeable and i just got a new graphics card that thanks to the huge size of it and it's power cord makes it almost impossible to position the hard drive to be quiet anymore, just taking a fucking step too hard near my PC moves the hard drive enough to start being loud again, and i can't secure it in place with screws because that just makes it louder than anything.

I've been listening to vidya and anime soundtracks nonstop to drown out the noise of this thing for a week, but i can still feel the vibrations on my feet from it.

I'd rather use my piece of shit phone for the internet than listen to this fucking thing forever.

>I want a really powerful CPU
>i don't game much

They usually don't/CAN'T make noise unless they're dying/dead
Get a new one

EVGA is one of the best vidya manufacturers

Hard drive noise is why I can't wait for SSDs to become cheap enough to be used as storage. Fans are steady white noise I can ignore.

You want to mount it on soft foam so the foam absorbs the vibration and doesn't transfer it to your case.

Also you might want to line the inside of your case with sound dampening sheet.


Friend is insisting I go ryzen and use only their prime membership unless the deal is "crazy dude" got a deal on two rx 570's for 250 from my old roommate. Will this all work or is the compat checklist lying to me. Havn't built a pc since 2011

Hard drives don't normally make that kind of noise, so either:
-It's dying
-You installed it wrong
-Or your case is defective somehow




Which? The Acer has freesync but I hear the colors out of the box suck dick and I'm not a patient enough man to sit there for 10 hours finding the perfect setup.

>2x 4GB of Patriot RAM

thanks for that

What is that reaction image supposed to convey?

>all my build components arrived yesterday
>still waiting on the case

you know what to do user

Should I pull trigger?
My old GPU should work till I buy new one? Its from my old prebuild pc.
This motherboard because I think its best mATX one if I ever want to try get GPU passtrought working.

can anyone recommend me different psu?
also which cooler will do better job when i will overclock cpu?


The Noctua will probably run cooler by a couple degrees, but the Dark Rock will probably run quieter
Whichever one of those two attributes is more important to you, buy that cooler

>my case arrived yesterday
>still waiting on all the components

still in doubt which card to get



30 dollars difference between the two here, with STRIX being the more expensive one. Don't know how much difference there actually is between the cards, I'm not gonna OC.

Not sure if a few LEDs and an extra fan is worth 30 dollars more.

>GeForce 1060 is too slow
>GeForce 1080 is too expensive
>GeForce 1070 has an uneven digit

Build it outside the case for now, install the os and drivers etc
It will be ready faster when you do get the case

Hey guys I found someone kinda desperate selling their i7-7700t for $250, I talked them down to $150

I currently have an i5 6500, would this jump be much of an upgrade? Keep in mind I paid about $150 for my i5 6500.

I know the 7700t is weaker than the others, but I'm building a compact itx PC, I'm sometimes a gamer but also an engineering student that'll be using many 3d softwares,


8 threads sounds nice and the 7700t turbo boosts up to 3.8 Ghz

They all have uneven digits

Don't say that, he will literally kill himself now

Getting $20k from a lucrative contract soon

What pc should I get?

>implying you're going to make any time savings by putting it all together, taking it apart and putting it together again, just to install Wangblows

1050 Ti

Just wait for vega (to cost more)

Thotripper + Penith Extreme + V€ga


1050 ti
8gb Kingston RAM
64gb transcend SSD

Is this installed properly

>no reaction image
Bad reddiquette

Would a r5 1600 bottleneck a 1080?

am i better off getting a liquid cooler or a nhd15 for a high tdp cpu? im thinking more in terms of sound and loudness. if i ended up going water cooling id probably get a clc and put my gpu in it

You can take it apart before the case arrives. It's not like that user has anything else to do with his time.
And the software part takes much longer than putting the parts together.

how do i find out about "bottlenecks"? they dont seem like theyd be an actual thing outside of gaming really, and even then theyre not actually bottlenecking the gpus performance most of the time

For what application?

What would you add/remove? I'm targeting 1080p/60 on med/high more or less. My budget it's a bit strained at the moment. If I can spend less than that for similar perf that'd be awesome.
I have a case and keyboard/mice

Can someone tell me whether a 7700t for $150 is a good deal?

The 7700t is still new, so the processor itself likely has had little use

do threadripper and epyc always have high power draw or is it only at peak loads? i ask because i think theyre the only modern cpus without arm trustzone active management crap

Is this water cooler compatible with the Threadripper TR4 bracket?

'Cooler Master Seidon 240V V3 AIO Water Cooling Kit, Quiet, Compact 240mm PWM Fan'


Gayming mostly

it's fine
most benchmarks ive watched rarely if ever have cpu at full usage

no its not acetck reference

>7700t for $150
>with worse clocks then ryzen
>and locked
you would have to be paid for that turd cpu to be worth it

See for yourself user

>2.9 ghz
get a ryzen 5 1600 instead, the t series i7's are unapologetic garbage

>housefirelake-x slower then ryzen
>in gaymen
wow what the fuck are doing, i guess this is why coffee lake is getting rushed out next week

The 7700t barely performs weaker than the 7700k, and like I said, it turbo boosts to 3.8 GHz, the ryzen may have an edge on multi core speed what with 6 cores, but everything else is better on the 7700, plus I'm getting the 7700t cheaper and it has lower temps and higher efficiency

What would you recommend then?

And please keep it Intel, I dont feel like getting a new motherboard

> it turbo boosts to 3.8 GHz
one core quad core it runs at 2.9

>lower temps and higher efficiency
yea because it's clocked lower than my 8 year old athlon 2

just fucking stop with the intel apologetics, they are irredeemable shit and the only thing that makes the 7700k attractive at all is the ability to get to 5 ghz, the 7700t has lower performance then literally any ryzen cpu

literally unless you have a celeron the 7700t is not an upgrade

So uh, you be sayin' dis Intel shit be some sort uh wack processor even tho dis shit be 50% off?

You be sayin I should get this AMD raisin sheeit? The 1600?

>20% difference
Oh shit it's almost like 7700t is shit and costs more than superior 1600

>50% off
There's a reason why it's 50% off.

Power supply is overkill

4k or 2k monitor? Or stick with 1920x1080? Trying to decide whether to stick with my 1920x1080 setup or upgrade 1 or both

Okay, are there any decent Intel processors then? That arent overpriced?

g4560 xD

>not overpriced
yea its called buying amd

Anyone here have a Threadripper or Ryzen or Kaby lake CPU?
Can you guy's tell me how well this video play's in 8k and CPU usage?



The Pentium G4560, but that's the only one and it likely won't meet the performance you want


Is mATX really that much worse than ATX?

Since I need a GPU right now, do you think I should buy a 1050ti or get a used 970/980? Staying away from 1060 or the 5xx cards for now because of shit prices.


I've found a 980 for $220, a 980 ti hybrid for $340

I'm tempted to get a 1060 6 GB but they're too expensive

Is a 980 still good for $220?

Will you need 2 gpus?
Will you need a sound card? wifi card?

A GTX 980 is on par with a GTX 1060
A GTX 980 Ti is on par with a GTX 1070

Reporting in for early vega64 buyer impression.
First thing first: Loud.
I had a crossfire rx480 reference design before.
I just don't understand how it manages to make so much more noise at the exact same rpm.

2nd though: stuck gold.
75°C on default.
Power limit +50% doesn't even hit thermal limit.

How do you deal with turbo boost when overclocking nowadays?

If you want it on, do you have to set each speed manually, then do stress tests for every boost mode (one for 1 core, one for 2 core, etc). A system stable at the single core boost might be completely fucked when using more cores, or vice versa.

Turning off turbo boost and running the same speed all the time seems like a giant waste of power.

More testing is having me doubt undervolting works at all with Wattman.
Went down to 1000 mV without seeing any noticeable change in temps.
So sadly, I think that all I can do at this point, until AMD releases drivers that actually work.

>Will you need 2 gpus?
Not in the short term, I like the idea of having the option in the future but not a deal breaker.
>Will you need a sound card? wifi card?
No and... I preffer ethernet but if the need ever rises I'm not against it.

I read that you should always go for ATX if you can choose but if possible I'd like to relocate those 50 USD somewhere else in my build.

These are the two mobo's I'm considering which seem to give me identical functionality for my needs:

Hey fellas, just finished my build yesterday, posted a pic in one of the old generals.
Anyway, my internals are running super fucking hot. see pic related for temps when basically idling in a ~25c room.
My question is, what do I do to improve these temps? I had a 6600k and the same gpu in another case and it ran like a dream. Case is a 570x, 3 fans blowing in and none blowing out. CPU has stock cooler, GPU is on lower PCIE slot and sucking basically the same air as the power. What do I need to make these temps lower?

Temps look fine to me.
Let's be honest, anything below 90°C is ok.
It's a tiny bit less power efficient, but it's ok.

>GPU is on lower PCIE slot

maybe outside the scope of this thread but i want to get a custom case made. would a cnc and then powder coating look beyond professional? maybe a tempered glass sheet too?

>custom case
This is going to be extremely expensive

Saved for future use.

i was having some problems installing it in the upper, no dramas in the lower. does it make a noticeable difference?

probably, i figure nothing on the market is the form factor and features i want so im going to make one that does. who knows, it may eventually lead to manufacturing. but anyway the only parts i can really figure out are front io that dont look terrible. almost all usb a ports look so cheap and flimsy.

According to the official amd website ryzen supports 2667 mhz RAM, according to pc picker such a thing doesn't exist, only 2666 mhz RAM and they both list entirely different products. Should I just go safe and get a 2400 mhz module? And while we're at it is it really that much of a difference since everyone keeps talking about how much ryzen loves MUH RAM SPEED?

>Inno3D iChill GeForce GTX 1060 X3 6GB

what the fuck is this? i can buy it new very cheap (around 70$ cheaper than the rest of 1060 6GB in my country) but this is the first time i ever heard about inno3d and i don't know what to expect
i wanted to buy Ryzen 1600 + GTX 1060 to play total war and starcraft 2

Most consumer motherboards only give full x16 speeds to a single PCIe slot, others run at x8 or x4 even though they're physically identical.

Does it matter? Probably not, but it's still better to use the best possible slot.

The temps are fine. You can decrease them with more aggressive fan curves but that just creates more noise for no reason.

2667 is maxium speed that DDR4 officially supports. You can achieve much higher speeds with overclocking but it is not officially supported.

>is it really that much of a difference since everyone keeps talking about how much ryzen loves MUH RAM SPEED
It's mostly a meme but there's a grain of truth behind it. Pick the fastest that suits your budget but don't go overboard; if you have excess money it's better to spend them on a better graphics card or processor than to blow them on some super expensive 4000mhz ram

2667 is usually the sweet spot in price to performance, and around 3600 is the point where more speed doesn't have any impact at all.

That was tested using a 1080 ti, not a 1080. youtube.com/watch?v=UfNMn7RWgLw

what is the difference besides slight ram speeds and one being eatx?




Finally got my lazy ass to install the Alpenfoehn CPU cooler I had laying around for a few months on my FX 8320.
It literally went from the sound of an airplane taking off to being completely silent and the temps are much better at the same time.
I was fucking retarded not to do this earlier.
It's not even one of those super expensive meme coolers. Cost me 25 eurobucks.


Only downside is that I cut both of my thumbs during the installation process on some sharp edges inside the tower like an idiot.

EATX is extended ATX. It's wider than normal ATX and thus doesn't fit most ATX cases.

360€ for a GTX1070 ITX, you mad?

Vega56 will drop to that price at the end of the next year the earliest.

it's just a not well known brand that doesn't have as much recognition as MSI or EVGA. Just like there is Palit in EU that is also cheaper, but performs just as good, if not better that other brands. I'd say go for it, but be aware of size (it looks pretty fucking long).

eATX is a couple inches wider than standard ATX, makes room for those extra RAM slots
Make sure your case supports it