I salute those who like stickers in their laptops.
Sticker Thread
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It's one thing to customize your stuff.
It's entirely another to put stickers on the other side of the screen where you spend 99% of your time looking at.
They're very obviously not for your benefit, they're facing away from you in order to get others to look at them, but I'm sure you don't want people just walking up to you and strike up a conversation about some random organization or pop culture reference sticker on your laptop, so who is it for then?
>They're very obviously not for your benefit
It's aesthetics and I like them for sake of liking them. You can argue all you want about whether aesthetics serves a functional purpose or not.
>they're facing away from you in order to get others to look at them, but I'm sure you don't want people just walking up to you and strike up a conversation about some random organization or pop culture reference sticker on your laptop
Why not? If people want to come and talk about my stickers I'd gladly talk with them.
>so who is it for then?
Mostly aesthetics, which again, you can argue whether or not serves a functional purpose. If people think is lame or cool that's on them.
Really sounds like either pasta or just stirring shit for sake of it.
is that yours? if I saw you at a coffee shop or mcdonalds, I'd say hi.
Eeyup, it's mine. Wasn't really happy how the "no longer human" sticker (covering apple logo) turned out to be, but was one of my first buys on RedBubble. I was really expecting higher quality stickers given that I paid less for the EFF ones and are higher quality.
I have an EFF sticker and a bunch of anime stickers (mostly older anime... Lain, Evangelion (similar to the ones you have), Ergo Proxy etc.). gonna get a new laptop soon so I'll have to buy some new ones... not sure what I'll go with.
The EFF are basically timeless. They'll continue to apply for decades.
For anime I'll suggest to not go for current animes, but classic ones. Speaking of experience. I had a gears of war sticker (someone gave it to me) but after a while I regretted putting on my laptop. I covered it with the CSS and NERV ones.
it's harder now to find older anime stickers. and the ones that they sell are usually of shit quality.
I did it to be ironic at first. Then I just liked putting stickers on the shittop.
Pls no h8 am new to computers
I dunno why but it's addicting.
What does the green sticker stands for?
free as in freedom not as in beer
>Apple Logo
W2c Lum sticker?
yummy stickers, though he sold out.
>dat zapdos
nice hidden power
getting more stickers for the new thinkpad.
Damn your right. I think I'll cop one of these then.
>LEWD 18+
Where did you get this? Does it come in smaller sizes? Pretty cool
>no cloud sticker
Are you on IRC? Do you know if they made the patches?
Why post this copypasta every time you see the thread?
I'll just post this before everyone asks where stickers are from all thread.
Where'd you get the rein sticker
The green one's the logo of the Free Software Foundation Europe.
got the eagle too on my lappy.
have a bunch of stickers from conventions and shit, and too few places to put them on.
Lemme sede that top GNU stickers
It looks so bad, turbo cringe. You ruin the laptop's nice flat aesthetic with a mess of stickers that have nothing to do with one another with no pattern or any care for actual aesthetics.
It looks like shit.
It's no better than putting stickers on your car.
I would never put a sticker on anything I own.
Where do you even get stickers? Can you make your own?