So some dumbass posted a picture of her debit card on facebook (both sides), visible for everyone in a group of 60k+ people.
If my friends used it to buy certain items in a video game, can something happen to them? (they are under 18)
So some dumbass posted a picture of her debit card on facebook (both sides), visible for everyone in a group of 60k+ people.
If my friends used it to buy certain items in a video game, can something happen to them? (they are under 18)
Yeah he'll die
leak niggaaaaaaaaaaa
Technically fraud
Also, pls order a shipping container full of programming socks with her card
>my friends
Are you literary retarded? It's obvious that you bought it; you are your friend. The fact that you think no one would notice that and that you would consider doing that proves that you're literally an idiot.
>under 18
You must be 18 to use this website.
tl;dr: you're a retarded idiot, stop posting and never touch the internet again, you moron.
fuck you
I graduated high school and I have friends in year 10 and year 11
too bad that being smart doesn't come with age, huh
think about it
she'll call the bank and revoke the purchases. some white knight virgin from the facebook group has already adviced her to do so probably.
It would be extremely painful
inb4 v&
enjoy getting cornholed in jail
what kind of idiot post this on FB?
That'd be stealing. You'd go to prison and be assraped by Tyrone every day for the rest of your life.
Woman post
Give it back Hakeem
Yet here we are, with you and your friends trying hard to outstupid some retard on the internet.
if the CC company can in any way trace it back to you, yes youre in for an ass poundin. CCs take this stuff very seriously.
That is, assuming you live in the US. If you live somewhere like Brazil, then I think youll be fine.
Didn't mom tell you stealing is wrong?
>tfw mommy grounded me for a year when i used her credit card to buy stupid shit for 500 dollars
You should be glad she didn't ground you six feet under.
OP you're fine as long as she doesn't file a police report, then they'll actually conduct an investigation
If she just calls the bank, they won't do shit
It depends on multiple factors, actions of the owner, bank, laws, etc.
Usually CC owner starts a dispute with the bank and the bank is expected to block the CC since it's data has been stolen, and may or may not roll back fraudulent transactions. It depends on the bank but if those were online payments and she had some sort of antifraud like 3D-secure, and those payments didn't pass it, then bank is usually obligated to do a chargeback.
If bank does a chargeback, then the store your "friends" bought from loses the money and it's up to the store to deal with your friends (e.g. don't ship the product or contact the police).
i hope she got you to pay it back as well
She'll get an sms notice.
She call her bank and cancel her card.
Bank will want her to file a complaint to get her money back.
The guy who used the card will be investigated.
Useless sack of shit. If you were my kid, you would get the shit beat out of you
this was over a decade ago and i was like 13 years old, pls no bully
i understand that, but still, if thought it would be ok at 13 to steal $500 from your parents, then your parents weren't doing a good enough job, and i do not sympathise for you
don't get me wrong, kids do dumb stuff, and i'm not blaming you, but kids need to learn right from wrong, that's just as much the parent's responsibility