When did computers stop being inspiring for you?
When did computers stop being inspiring for you?
When it became a job rather than a hobby.
Never. They went from being a toy, to a window on the world, to what seems an infinitely flexible tool.
ran into driver politics.
When infrastructure and capital became consolidated in the late 90s and gave rise to the technofuedalism we know today where organizations like cloudflare have to ability to undermine constitutions.
when i realized that not being NEET is overall better
Now I just use my home computer to read news and consume media.
When I realized that they are stupid machines. All they ever do is count. They are absolutely predictable and will do everything you want from them if you just program they right.
Unless cats or women.
When you made this shitty neo-luddite thread. I used beige box PCs in the 90's. They were fucking trash. Poor quality dirt cheap OEM garbage for days that ran BSOD-happy Windows 95/98, and Linux back then was an even bigger joke than it is now. Don't even get me started on trying to get anything working in fucking MS-DOS, needed a Ph.D in autoexec.bat and config.sys. I'd rather retroactively abort myself than have to go through all that bullshit again.
>undermine constitutions
In the 90s i used Apple Macs with System 7.5.x
antifa are cucks
They didn't. They still amaze me and Amiga 500 was my first computer.
few years ago.
been webdev for years, always in debt up to my eyes because faggot capitalists took-over/ruined the industry. developing physical ailments from lack of movement/sleep.
but hey! i learned another part of "ThE StAcK" today.
when business faggots got involved. Thus fucking up all the salaries.
I wish it never went mainstream thus creating a need to automate every fucking thing that gurlcoders and pajeets could do everything, while suits made metric fucktons of money.
>but hey! i learned another part of "ThE StAcK" today.
share with the class what you've learned, user.
What's this "when" shit????
2007/2008ish when industrial and tech design started to go to shit and everything became generic
software and internet suffered the same fate plus worse shit like identity politics and killing of freedoms/security/privacy
2007 was the end of the /comfy/ era
back then i thought the computer were for nerds, you know, introverts, freaks, crazy weird guys .
i'm still into computers (programmer) but right now, every damn normie kid thinks they know something about computers, that makes me sick. I should have studied astrophysics
not to mention all the normies going into the IT or CS field just because money and current trend
That's why I have technology as a hobby and not a job.
I fucking love not making that mistake.
Oh the irony.
When internet normies became the intended market
are we talking about in general or a specific cut-off after which all technology made after that point is just boring as fuck and not worth caring about
for the former: never
for the latter: 2008, everything became boring and identical and hardware advancements only really meaningful to gaymers on the consumer level
i'm already bored with computers, which is why I'm doing a networking degree.
When technology companies became monopolies and too big to fail, holding users hostage.
Not everyone who criticizes capitalism is a communist.
When I made the mistake of going into CS after I failed out of college the first time - now that I sit behind a computer all day grinding away for a tax/accounting software company they lost their allure. Trying to get into project management ASAP coding will kill me
>everything became boring and identical and hardware advancements only really meaningful to gaymers on the consumer level
how to spot a brainlet
right up until I installed [spoiler]linux[/spoiler]