>post yfw the cheapest air cooled vega 64 costs 650€ in europe
>post yfw the cheapest 1080 costs 509€
>post yfw the cheapest 1080ti is 695€
What did AMD mean by this?
Post yfw the cheapest air cooled vega 64 costs 650€ in europe
Other urls found in this thread:
>Cheapest 10 costs 509€
Nigga where do you live
Wew. Cheapest in netherlands is 562.
Wait that's a 1080 mini though
>Retailers jack up price beyond MSRP to take advantage of market demand and minerfags
There's already another two retard threads like this on the board right now, we really need three?
Reminder to report shitposters
>not knowing you can buy and ship freely from amazon.de
Not that bad here. Vega is nowhere found though.
I know but I'm pretty sure I can't pay with iDeal.
>cheapest 1080ti is 695€
Lol what kind of a shithole do you live in, I can get one for 500€
I've had a sneaking suspicion that European retailers set the prices of AMD cards higher to discourage people from buying a product that uses more power for the same performance, as Euro prices of AMD vs. Nvidia cards have been this way before the gaming market became the mining market.
Of course, this price disparity isn't in ALL euro countries, just most.
>dual slot cooler
top kek
AMD apparently lied about the prices to get better perf/$ numbers in reviews:
>Below is a quote from Overclockers UK's Gibbo, who reported that AMD's £449.99 price tag for their RX Vega 64 was "launch only" pricing. This price only applied to the retailer's initial allotment of RX Vega 64 Black standalone GPUs, with AMD giving gamers a £100 discount as some form of an "early adopter" discount.
*rubbing hands intensifies*
kill yourself retard
Europeans are paying too much
but amdrones told me ayyymd are the good guys
The Vega 64 is currently better than a 1080 Ti on dx12 games though, but utter shit on dx11 and lower.
It is by far the best for DX Mankind Divided, Total War Warhammer etc... when in dx12.
But, if you are going to play mostly dx11 games, I would have gotten a 1080 Ti.
Wonder how the Vega is on Vulkan supported games.
I'm getting a 56 to have absolute longevity on 1080P ultra until after the 7nm node shrink, hell if the drivers (and game development!) matures it might end up being decent for triple monitor.
I will probably never be able to upgrade my 270x for below €300
Fucking Miners
our jew taxes are included in prices
It was already a pretty shit option with everything being Nvidia-optimized, but this makes it even worse.
The only saving grace here is that the bundles appear to be unaffected. If you were planning to buy a new ryzen PC anyway, then nothing changed. Except if you're a minerfag of course.
I'm wondering whether they'll pull the same shit for the Vega 56.
Well my tax is only like 10 dollars for my gtx 1070 when I bought it for $300
I'm in the same boat user, at this point I'm very much about to say fuck it, I'll get a 1080, bigger getting a g sync display however