This is no doubt a dumb question, but how do I become more Sup Forums?

This is no doubt a dumb question, but how do I become more Sup Forums?
I wanna be tech-savvy.

Well, what do you already know?


Different user, but I know to how to use a computer to a certain degree. I want to get deeper.

I can clear my browsers cache & like, use insepct element.

People on Sup Forums are anything but tech-savy...

Probably install Gentoo and learn how to program. Then set up a home server or some shit.

Install Gentoo. Debate the superiority of hardware you can't afford but call everyone else a poorfag anyway. Lurk /tpg/. Give career advice to the rest of the undergrads here while working at Target. Steal pics of someone else's room for /bst/ because in reality you're using a Pentium III in your stepfather's study. Cry yourself to sleep after jerking off to /fit/ progress threads.

Buying more consumer goods that will improve your life.


You either autistically find tech interesting to the point that you stay up all night learning about obscure programming concepts that you don't even understand because you feel compelled, or you don't have what it takes. We're autists for a reason user, you don't want to be like us.


Becomes paranoid, keeps an eye on all the processes in use on your computer, suspicious that the national security agency is everywhere and especially on your computer. Keep a local copy of all responses that appeared on Sup Forums.

By shitposting Sup Forums. Good start.

As a noob, a good wikipedia binge is a good start. But just like exercising or playing an instrument, you have to get INTO it and repeat it daily. Then like both of those activities I'm comparing it to, you gradually level up.

And as someone without a college degree but 10 years of experience, I can tell you that you must be prepared to continuously learn and re-learn things for the rest of your life. Eventually, you will bind to certain aspects and develop a specialty. I went from making a geocities page about Rage Against The Machine when I was a teenager to programming RF tag "solutions" later in life. Its possible, never feel discouraged. Be open, and don't try to make yourself "culturally fit" into something that you may see as a subculture from the outside, because then you'll basically be a poser and you'll end up in some type of technology cesspool, like Sup Forums.

tl;dr: Read, watch documentaries, slowly take more on. Heck, read childrens' books about computers if need be. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and learn to walk before you can run.

Typo, 10 years of *professional experience.

Sup Forums archive dot com

You need to collect the essence of a fellow Sup Forumsentooman which basically means suck dick, OP. It's yum! Then you will be ready for your first language chose C++.

buy thinkpads get a trilby and avatarfag a pic of your face with the faceapp female filter

Do you have a job?

- install gentoo, windows 7, vim, mpv, gimp, a tiling desktop manager
- buy chink shit, a needlessly expensive smartphone, a thinkpad, an amd vega GPU, an amd ryzen CPU
- become a cyberpunk
- learn a bunch of useless or needlessly complicated programming languages (haskell, c++, rust)
- hate on microsoft, systemd, amd, intel, nvidia, RMS, apple
- become a corporate shill for microsoft, apple, intel, amd, nvidia
- spread your Sup Forumsitical retardation disguised as tech-related topics
- post anime pics
- spread your ignorance about technology every day
after all of this, you've become more Sup Forums. congrats!

Is that /ourguy/?

yes she is

Yeah, I was in a good mood so I actually tried to give advice but I guess I should've just said "install gentoo".

So OP, install gentoo.

I forgot:
- take pics of your shitty computer
- buy expensive headphones
- ask retarded questions
- use private trackers

You guys are just meme-ing, surely, haha. There's no way Sup Forumsadgeters or whatever you people call yourselves are so lame.

You must be obsessed only with the image of being an ideal tech NEET. Or rather, making others thing what you are doing makes you the ideal Tech Wizard Lord.

>tiling window managers
You must use tiling window managers instead of a desktop environment. However you must only shit post, write useless scripts in C, and listen to MP3s with it.

You also must use outdated hardware, not because it's better, but because you can't afford anything else and you must convince the world it is not because you are poor, but because your old t420 is actually better.

>riced Firfox or IceCat
Make sure you're browser is retarded, like overly done to the point it would make it almost unusable to anyone but you

also, pic related

kekekke linkeks wooddscrews wowoawiewa 3,5 gigs overheating housefireeeees no drivers ultra maximus kekes jew jews jewsss!velodensity flacs wooow 320kbps empeethree transparent java is teh sucks c++ beterrrrr tried rust?mozilla firekeks s shit pale meme qbit stalled memememme darkasmysoul.jpg shark sdcards chnese chink maki maki flavor of the month shitpaosting xdddd noctua value????why do yu hate le yt channel guy(he/she/it is kekkkk)adams apple >>>v > gtti epic performace 10nm benefits heat headatsss boiiii whaddapz freuency respnce kekek;e;e; wow much mpvfoobargalaxylg s7000 showing me le cawk boipucci lelel le mr robot arch le babbie shit why compp crsshing pls halp y not le dumbphone??i got boxwanna c wats inside it
le fell for the ssd meme xcdcd le mayyyymayssss lelellele fell for the(.......)16 memmemem
freedom freeedom freeeeeeeeeeeedom
what you are reffering to as niggerpost is in fact /nigger/shitpost
vistarooni instllerooni windooozer lele lunicki shittt omg woowow le macbook caplele allple touchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

i know how to install gentoo

Get a book on the basics something that covers the history of computers, how they work, operating systems and networking.

Then Get books for the following:
-Data Structures
-Network Security

-Digital Forensics and Recovery
-User Experience and design

Youtube channels: Coding Tech, The Coding Train and Computerphile

that was too real

Any books you recommend yourself?

cant find it. is this original content OP?

you wont get anywhere by learning things just to learn.

play with a few IT subtopics like hardware programming, linux sysadmin, even web design, and find which one you enjoy the most.

then pursue it. having fun will propel you to learn the most.

Thanks for this, fampai.
I've been strugglin hard with the whole
>fit into SV culture
>or be a loser
lately. Fuck GitHub projects/ open-soure contributions, I just wanna do my own shit and not waste time on this signaling crap.

Try yandex, iqdb, and google images

First build your own computer. Use pcpartpicker research every component, what they do and how they work. Then you'll have a basic grasp on hardware. Next install arch Linux on it. It's shit, and pointless but you will learn lots setting it up and using it day to day. After that just watch some YouTube programing tutorials and you are already ahead of most of this shitty board..

install windows 10
also who is this girl holy shit I want her to bear hug me while she rides

add to that: read, study and don't be satisifed until you can fully comprehend sicp

Lurk more.

First, become a girl (male).
Second, install Solus.
B-тpeтьих, learn Python.

hold me anons

Sup Forums told me to get thinkpad. I got myself a t410. Did not regret it.

Well done, my son, now install 4ChanX and say goodbye to all your sauce woes, and embrace her threads

learn a programming language
learn some networking
build your own desktop

everything else will come naturally.
no, you do not need to be a linux retard.

get the fuck out windows kiddo, before i rm -r your life

>thinks he's superior because he can type some prebuilt flags in terminal

you are like a little baby

don't talk to me


>You either autistically find tech interesting to the point that you stay up all night learning about obscure programming concepts that you don't even understand because you feel compelled.

3 hours later and I still dont know why touring completeness is anything but a meme.

too close to home.

wow, this is either some excellent bait or the quality of posters truly has taken a nosedive

You have to suck cock OP... a lot of cock...


Ok spelling mistake aside I am serious.

I understand what it is. But I dont understand why it matters.

lol faggot

there you go