Apple III flopped

>Apple III flopped
>Lisa flopped
>Macintosh flopped
>NeXT flopped
>G4 Cube flopped
Why this faggot considered as a genius?

>haha guys steve jobs hate thread am i cool yet

he invented touchsreens

Cause he brought apple from the brink of death and once brought back to apple, nearly all the products he made were high sellers. As much as I hate that guy, he is considered a good businessman. Genius, idk.

normies literally didn't understand computers or the internet before he gave it to them in a way they could process.

But muh minimalist design that appealed to masses. Electronics looked like jewelry at last, making it not associated with "losers" and "nerds" for the first time.

He created a cell phone for normies.

Bill Gates brought apple from the brink of death to the tune of $150 million, Blow Jobs just rode on Bill's coat tails.

the butthurt in one single post is glorious. stay mad kike

Except he doesn't..?

>Eden flopped
>why is that faggot considered as a god

When will bill come back and save the company he built?

underrated post

Let's discuss bill gates failures. Oh wait that would exceed post limits

Considering how much influence it had on the rest of the industry immediately following its release, the Macintosh is the most successful "flop" in the history of personal computing (not to mention it single-handedly created the desktop publishing industry).

Also while NeXT didn't pan out, its technology was so far ahead that it still powers Apple's entire current product line.

No one claimed that he's more successful than Jobs.

God-like post !

reminder that job's was a closeted homosexual and died of aids he contracted from a male prostitute.

>built best dev OS and highest quality laptop
>brought touch devices to mainstream
>built richest company in the world

He is a successful fashion designer and marketologist. Not much different from, say, Christian Louboutin. He was just selling computers to faggots instead of shoes to rich girls.

because he knew how to transform computer selling business into a religious cult and make billions


The fact that jobs cared enough about design to hire competent people to design products says a lot.

Insult him all you want but it would be nice if every other PC company gave a shit.

Even the fucking hardware design was ripped from a radio brand from 60s. I'm not going to bother finding images but still.
Apple just antecipated what was already on course, and sold it as a premium product with a ecosystem. Apple just managed to become a patenting machine patenting every silly thing like gestures, buttons and every design shit.

macs are horrible

Would you let the father that abandoned you for years take you back for a big wad of cash?


He looks exactly like he dead faggot lmfao

yes who cares if i had a shit childhood
my dad is back and he is rich

As with most success stories there was probably hundreds of steve jobs like characters and back stories out there. He' one of the ones that lucked out and became incredibly successful

Then we pick these people out and attribute there success to there work ethic and unwillingness to quit with no mention of how luck and randomness played a huge role.

We don't talk about the failures.

Same goes with investing. We look at people who lucked out and made millions on the stock market then attribute their success to their 'insights' and prediction abilities. We ignore the millions of people who had failed investments, who if they luckily hit the jackpot we would have asked them about their amazing 'investment strategies'.

I'd trick him into having gay sex and get AIDS, then pay a doctor to misdiagnose it as liver cancer while preaching voodoo witch doctor treatments to him so I can inherit his fortune.

Yeah. It's _embarassing_ how stupid people are in this regard.

I remember being in a thread where a whole bunch of idiots were crying about how they didn't invest in bitcoin. I tried to point out to them that right this very instant there are things they could invest in that'll make them rich in 5 years but for every 1 thing that'll work there are 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 investments that'll fail miserably. Yet these fools just couldn't understand the concept.

Well Bill is still the richest human on the planet.

Apple only feeds investors and opportunists right now.

Errrrorrrrr. He did NAHT!

NeXT didn't flop, he sold it for a lot of money.

He's not. Woz is

>products he made

I think you mean the products Woz made, and later pajeets.


The ibone

all part of the plan

He looks like a Scientologist in that photo
>"What are your crimes, user?"

He created the most successful entity in all of human history.

jobs did 2 things excellent: marketing and design
>baby interface
>looks pretty
>created lifelong customers

actual usability, functionality and everything else is trash but marketing and design i would consider him a genius of

>yfw terry a davis is the reincarnation of steve jobs

Truth, fuck turtle neck faggot.

You've got to try a few things to find which succeed and which fail.


Fuck jobs. Touch screen for years were not accurate poor responsive enough and are still shit. Texting and driving was never a problem with T9 but ever since touchscreen, constant accidents.

Fuck touch screens. Stupid gimmick.

Marketing! That's why he is considered a genius.

>tfw 2007 marked the end of society

Because he has pulled some Saul Goodman level shit to whole world and the best part is people actually believe him.

dear god...

Gates had to donate a few hundred million buckaroos for that to happen.

Because he dead in 2011, it’s 6 years later, and y’all still talking about Steve Jobs.

Now talk about everything he did and didn’t flop.

CEO during iPod, that's it

>what is the iPhone

>and the ipad
>and the mac
>and apple as a company

he was an asshole, and a bad businessman, but he had an eye for aesthetic tech

>NeXT flopped
How is that true when NeXTSTEP is still the best Unix-like/based OS ever?

He wasn't a genius, fuckin idiot wouldn't accept treatment for his health conditions. The idiot didn't believe in real medicine

Dostoevsky was a genius, and a degenerate gambler that bankrupted his family more than once. Even geniuses can do stupid things, especially outside their wheelhouse. If anything, having a high intellect can make it easier to believe something stupid because you'll be overconfident in your reasoning abilities.

pic related

fuck off apples ia maxiummum comfy and you are just shitter

yet Apple is the most profitable company on the face of the earth right now... seriously beating out oil tycoons

Because he became an idol of the Silicon Valley. Assholes project themselves into him in the same manner as Sup Forumstards here worshipping Terry Davis.

>>built best dev OS
you mean he forked freebsd

"If only I'd known the winning lottery numbers!"

It's taken me 8 years to get as fast on a touch screen as I was on T9 without looking at the screen.

but but jobs had the fantastical ideas about the hardware! that's whys he's the genius of the two

>illegally reverse engineer IBM IP
>steal xerox GUI IP
>cuck bsd kernel and dont provide upstream
>add TOS/EULA to prevent legal software/hardware modification and hackintosh
>wall garden everything and add remote monitoring integrated on the hardware level so you cant stop in software
>betray, cheat, steal all credit from wozniak the man who made apple what it is

yeah jobs is a true genius

literally wiki leaks

>Oh Steve!

>Apple only feeds investors and opportunists right now.
And is worth substantially more than Microsoft.

just more human. also still alive.

Hi Kevin!

wow now he sounds like a badass and a genius to me

The Apple computer was just an amalgamation of a bunch of KIM-1 expansions in a simpler package.

>3 products and a side-company flop

Its fucking nothing.

>Macintosh flopped

Lel. Face it, he made the results and he made Apple what it is today. The most influential tech company in the world and basically the most valuable company in the world too. The products he made changed the world, he was indeed a visionary. This all sounds cliche, but its all true. You won't find many adults working in the tech industry at a high level who disagree, you're welcome to try though.

0. Trump is an idiot.
1. The IBM PC came much after the Apple I, Apple II
2. He didn’t steal anything from Xerox, he BOUGHT it from Xerox, Xerox agreed to sell the GUI to Apple and its rights for some pre-IPO shares
3. Didn’t cuck anything from BSD, and macOS kernel is available at
4. Yes, it prevents hackintosh, so what? Do you think that you are going to steal years of work for free? Fuck you! If you aren’t buying a computer from them, then they don’t have obligation to give you their software.
5. Yes, it’s a walled garden, and it’s fine, macOS is not a walled garden
6. No, he didn’t, Wozniak says he is ok with Steve Jobs, no problem.

>illegally reverse engineer IBM IP

Uh, are you sure you're not talking about the BIOS clone makers who created the IBM compatible market?

It's weird that he's dead.

I always hated him but, still weird.

Pretty much his own fault though. Hipster fucker.

>>NeXT flopped
no it did not.

NeXT and Lisa were planned as well.

Not really pancreatic cancer is pretty much as bad as cancer can get

And that's why you refuse treatment because medicine doesn't juts werk?

*blocks your path*

>the only meme to ever cure cancer

>Macintosh flopped
>NeXT flopped
Nigga, are you high?

I don't really get why they waited until stage 4 to operate, wouldn't the cancer have metastasize?

because he was a syrian immigrant

>And that's why you refuse treatment because medicine doesn't juts werk?

Source of your BS = None

He did the treatments before, and they were working, but then, they stopped working and he need a new pancreas. He decided to die.

>steve jobs built this...
>steve jobs created that...

Steve jobs didn't make shit. He was a highly successful Boss. That's what he was good at. The actual work was done by the people he controlled.

>macOS isn't a walled garden
Add a repo to your stock package manager.

>0. Trump is an idiot.
If Trump is an idiot and has achieved more than you would in 3 lifetimes while brilliantly manipulating people left and right, what does that make you?

>I don't really get why they waited until stage 4 to operate, wouldn't the cancer have metastasize?
Sometimes you don't realize you have cancer until it gets really advanced. He had bile duct cancer, which is kind of rare. He was lucky that the cancer hadn't spread throughout his body (that they can tell).

That's what 'making' shit in business is, retard. Those things wouldn't have magically happened without him, therefor he made them.

Damn he really was lucky indeed, I hope for him that it won't come back, cancer is a bitch.

I am no fan of Trump by any means but it's intellectually dishonest to say he's stupid. That's basically looking at a few tweets from his and considering that as his character.

What? Install homebrew, you faggot?

Already did.

Trump is an hatespeecher, and he accomplished nothing without his “small loan of a million dollars”.

>If Trump is an idiot and has achieved
Achieved what? Being born wealthy? Being a wealthy idiot and persuading other idiots? Having his companies declare bankruptcy multiple times and getting bailed out? Being a buffoon on a tv "reality" show? Being voted president by default because the established parties keep running shill candidates that the American people are completely disgusted by?

His tweets are completely designed to create a self-propelling and self-sustaining free marketing scheme.
The best marketing is when people's emotions do it for you, and keep your brand name alive for ages.
It still boggles my mind that people fall for them.