>Install Firefox Nightly
>See this...
What are they even trying?
Install Firefox Nightly
Kill yourself, retard.
Hhaha start page and already they are advertising shit
Someone ask Sup Forums to unbury doge and use it to promote trump, racism, anti-semitism, only two genders etc.
Maybe that stop kekzilla from using it. While they are at is, they can do the same for a bunch of other ancient normalfag memes just to be sure.
they are joking around since nightly is a dev version anyway so no-one cares what the fucking icon looks like
That's just embarrassing.
Install Palemoon.
please make dogecoin's value go up
i've been hodling as hard as i can
ya got fucking memed on kid.
I ain't fully autistic but this shit is too much. Maybe I'm getting old.
top kek
Thank god there's better browsers like Brave out there
kill yourself literally
Maybe I'm dumb but I think it's funny.
Have the memes gone to far?
Shilling for dogecoin
What's wrong with crossbrowser testing
Yes you're dumb.
>corporations use stale memes
Why do they do this every time without fail?
Iridium nigger
>devs aren't allowed to have fun!
I always defended firefox but this was too much even for me. They went full reddit.
I moved to qupzilla, it seems pretty good for now.
>only two genders
Wait, what have I missed?
Are there seriously people arguing against that?
That's not Sup Forums, that's common sense.
>every single of the extensions I use is labelled "legacy"
>What are they even trying?
You've missed quite allot in the real world buddy...
You're a nazi if you don't believe in a 12-dimensional gender hologram now.
> Not using Brave
have you been living under a rock for the past 3 years
it's a dead browser. no one even cares what kind of memes they do now.
>only includes Windows and macOS
>the website itself renders badly on firefox
Fuck off Sup Forumstard
You have to go back.
They're doing this for free exposure dumbass
Well this is pretty much the extent of what SJW "coders" are capable of.
What's going on in this picture? Changed stylesheet of some website? What website?
Turn back now. Bury your head in the sand. Enjoy life. Don't wake up to this madness.
>Install Firefox Nightly
>See this...
>Be OP
>be offended
>make thread on Sup Forums
It's the MDN redesign they pushed out a few weeks ago.
I think the only times I have been to Sup Forums were on the nights when there were elections where I live.
The threads were surprisingly good considering Sup Forums's reputation.