>Lights the Sup Forums beacons
They are coming
Other urls found in this thread:
Welp, better get ready to move to Lainchan. At least it might get more than 1 post/hour then.
Does Sup Forums even use cloudfare?
Please just go, underage, you have no part in this fight anyways.
They used to at least.
Sup Forums isn't an Internet hate machine, it's an anime fan web forum.
Take this site down please, I want to get off the ride and be free
Yes, although the only time you notice it is when it doesn't work.
lainchans lambda is good
prove me wrong
Or when Hiroshima Nagasaki tried to scale down the payment plan and thumbnail loading took literal minutes in large threads.
Yes, and it relies on it heavily since Moot left. Mind you, it is used mostly as a shield for DDOS, but the point is that if they turn tail, we are fucked, because they are the only place that would take us when we were looking for a DDOS shielding service. Without it, all it takes is one little server outage and Sup Forums is gone.
Kiwi Farms is dealing with the same shit right now, as pretty much any site that has a touch of Sup Forums related to it is now getting the boot due to "hate speech". Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, and Redditt will all be fine, but Sup Forums is most definitely on the cutting board.
Have you ever written a compiler? How about a boot loader? Do YOU have a doctorate? The adults are talking, kiddo. :)
>prove me wrong
it's a underage orgy
Nothing to prove wrong.
Finally, I'll live a fruitful life
Goodbye guys. I will not miss you.
confirmed gpu thread poster
>Have you ever written a compiler?
>How about a boot loader?
>Do YOU have a doctorate?
I'm trying to get one now.
Yup, that's a lainchan poster alright.
(you) have a doctorate and hang out on an anime website for tweens?
not gonna lie, that's incredibly sad my man.
Good. Fuck Sup Forums and totalitarian mods.
8ch is better. They have Sup Forums and other right-wing boards, but because anyone can create a board they also have /leftypol/ and /marx/.
Friendly reminder that you are here forever.
You retard, do you really think 8Ch is safe if Sup Forums gets the boot? That site has already had to be mirrored twice in the last year, so I guarantee you, without a proper DDOS shield, the next time it gets hit, it is gone for good.
8ch is dead and all politics is infested with moralfags, a few better websites broke off from 8ch
It's a delusional lainshitter, they _think_ they are top gun doctorate and haxor, actually just a 16 year old kid on summer break writing python scripts with the help of youtube.
Don't they realize the shitstorm we would raise if Sup Forums were taken down? Isn't it better for everyone if we were left alone in this little pit of anarchy to fester apart from the rest of the internet?
>The beacons of Sup Forums are lit!
Sup Forums calls for aid
My website is still alive, you can move to here
Don't fucking worry, nobody has the power to take it down anymore.
disgusting commie gtfo
Ugh, they fucked up their Swastika on their logo
Not when the plug gets pulled
I hope you have a bugout bag and know what to do when you wake up and your phone doesnt work.
What do you mean swastika? It's clearly the number 45
>promoting 2^3 chan
>fucked up
It's intentional, user. It says 45, as in the 45th president and at the same time bearing a resemblance to a swastika.
Sup Forums is probably too big, but you never know.
Have you seen those useful idiots draw swastikas before?
Honestly I'd probably just sit around jerking off while I wait for them to come take me away
That's pretty much a lainchan post, except nobody has ever done any of those things but they talk like they have.
It gets cringe really quick, at least on Sup Forums you can laugh at idiots, there you get laughed at for not being one.
Most boards went down on 4+Sup Forums a long time ago, and the boards I used to visit 404'd completely.
I guess loading pages is still slow as fuck as well.
Pic related.
>Sup Forums
Its not like there are 32 backup chans.
And what if noone shows up?
How ironic. To Reddit with you, bud!
Then I'd be masturbating for a very long time
>Chris got the last laugh
A Sup Forums exclusive imageboard dedicated exclusively to GNU/Linux, ricing, and desktops will be made if Sup Forums gets shut down, it'll be better than lainchan.
Hiro has experience with DDOS, though.
When he ran 2channel, China, South Korea, and Russia were known for massive DDOSes on 2channel and CloudFlare didn't exist back then, yet Hiro handled the DDOS just fine.
>anonymoustalk is gone
>mustardchan is down
>all pedo boards on the 8 ball are gone
>Sup Forums thinks this post is spam
They won't.
That's bad for the Globalists causing the ruckus.
Imagine if all the turbonerds got off their fat asses...
But were're a liberal site.
Why are you giving him a (You) with your cringy little reply.
Please get off our boat. Your fat, stinking carcass is sinking it.
Browseable solely from the terminal.
>tfw Hiro is about to make Zuckerberg, Pewdiepie and Redshit look like ants
Based emperor Hiro
>unironically believing that people think replies are like Facebook likes
I'm not sure if I'm the cringy one, user.
This, we all voted for Clinton.
Zeronet is uncensorable (unlike Tor)
Make a Sup Forums mirror there
Sup Forums is already. Even with pictures.
I thought that just a few years ago we were a far left site providing CP to pedophiles?
Moralfags from Sup Forums and /leftypol/ got /pedo/ shut down due to controversy, among other controversial boards.
Half of us are even on her payroll
>He undervalues the rare (You)'s
Almost all Lainchan posters use reddit and talk about it, so no thanks.
Funny thing about this is that Godaddy and CloudFlare just lost their main arguments against Hollywood lawyers in that it wasn't their responsibility to regulate content on the websites that used their services.
With their actions these past several days, future lawsuits from Hollywood lawyers will now target CloudFlare or Godaddy because their main excuse of not being responsible for regulating content is gone.
We just need to wait for Hollywood to test this exposed weakness of CloudFlare and Godaddy now.
Good, my life would be better if I stopped browsing this shithole
how do we stop them
god bless the china moot... he is 100x better than the sjw moot
Downloading 1382 GB of data @ 250 KB/s... [0.01% of 100%]
>Yfw Sup Forums is now a right wing site that hunts down pedophiles
What a timeline
Censoring or shutting down Sup Forums will release a Zerg Rush on the rest of the Internet.
The consequences will paint them as idiots and have minimal influence on us as we have Sup Forums alternatives.
The imageboard format will live forever.
i would be so fucking happy if this place shut down
We're more anti authoritarian reactionaries or something. The more some group tries to force us to not do x, the more we do x. X being acting like nazis or whatever right now.
Just cum on your eyes the first time and then lower the resolution
Youre welcome.
Cloudflare isn't going to fuck with a site as big as this. At worst Sup Forums might end up getting deleted. Again.
So, what are alternatives to Sup Forums?
Start off by not caving into their demands, taking down /pedo/ was the beginning of the end. Nobody was even using it for CP other than SJWs uploading it themselves to post on twitter to try to get the site taken down
none, unless you are a Sup Forumscuck then there are plenty of cesspits like /r/the_donald and voat to go to
>There are people out their who think I'm a nazi because I make fun of nazis on Sup Forums
Alright enough of the games, lets gas some kikes
*going to wash my mouth with soap for saying that*
None, nobody is going to take Sup Forums down.
There are alternatives, but with no users. Last time I went to 420 they had a /his/ board. Granted, there are lots of boards here that are central to their topics fanbase and have zero alternatives, like /cgl/.
Censoring and shutting down sites won't in any way give a message to the targeted group,
nor will it change the fact that people are different and every day people with different opinions and ideologies are born;
only retards thing they can change or influence human nature, the human condition to think creatively and differently from others.
>Anybody right to Marx is Literally Hitler
Is there a Polish imageboard? We could occupy it
those who know won't tell you outright.
It only violates the terms if you don't pay the Enterprise Plan :^)
Absolutely this, just end it
Just delet r/pol/. It's become a shadow of its former self.
>Reminder that Frodo was a white supremacist who killed darkskins
That one board that is only open a few hours a day
>Sup Forums thinks this post is spam
That's an issue, but Sup Forums has been flagging mentions of 23chan for years, so that's nothing new.
You have to be creative with naming of it to avoid filters.
As for other chans, I should look into them. Especially ones that aren't simply available on the Internet, since these won't go down as easily.
Well, seems like superscript numbers are replaced with normal ones on this board. I didn't know that.
Just say 8gag. Everyone knows what you mean.