Following recent events, tech companies have started purging anything they consider "nazi"

Following recent events, tech companies have started purging anything they consider "nazi".

There's a business opportunity for you, /gee/. Put up a hosting or crowdfunding service that doesn't care about politics and allows all content (as long as it doesn't break the law).

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm assuming you're from Sup Forums

Stay there.

It'd be worth it, if nazis actually had any fucking money. Totally not worth the trouble

Oh man yet another startup! Amazing idea user!

And then you get your payment processors freezing your accounts, your domain name registrar locking your URL, ad revenue sources pulling out, etc.
Even if you made it open source and turn-key deployable, it would get taken down from any git repo site.
You couldn't post about it on social media or share videos on youtube either, they won't show up in search results or comment on them.
So I guess you could just pass around scraps of paper with your static IP address, that'd work so well.
That is, until they convince your ISP or your VPS host or your VPS host's ISP to cut you off.

They won.

Liberals are frighteningly evil.

who could have ever thought that the home country going nazi might be bad for business

Just stay away from Anglo service provides. Use services from Russia or China or some 3rd world country where money talks.

thank you vladmir 6 rubles have been deposited into your account

Haven't you heard of hatreon? It's like patreon, but for hate.

Wow, this toxic comment has me literally shaking. Just filed a complaint at the Department of Feefees, your ISP will terminate business w/ you immediately.

wow this idea thats been posted a trillion times that everybody throws out because
>nazis have no money
>nobody likes them but other nazis
>they don't actually care about who hosts them and will turn on you in a second

A lot of people who are not leftists do have money.

I think you're missing the point. These days you can be in Europe and say "I don't think bringing in millions of refugees and giving them welfare is a good idea" and people will claim you're a nazi and try to have you censored.

The funniest part is that Nazi is short for National Socialist yet leftist socialists - basically the same thing - love to call everyone who disagrees "nazi".

We really do need things like and there's also the option of just hosting your own website.

yup pretty much this

people with actual value dont need to turn to something as primitive as their skin pigments to reflect on their accomplishments

Wow that sounds a lot like fascism, how ironic

>saying "people who are not leftists" to avoid having to call himself a nazi
>exaggeration of social climate in europe despite probably never even having been there
>getting hung up on splitting hairs over word definitions to try to absolve himself
>"everyone who disagweeeeees with me"

yup definitely a textbook /r/the_donald post. i thought you people finally gave up on the scripts once hillary went down but i guess not

and let me guess, your solution is being the ones in power instead?

Too late. /r/The_Donald already exists.

Nice black and white world view, if you're not championing the American left no matter how retarded it is you must be a nazi! How is someone so stupid on a tech board?

Host your own shit Sup Forums

No, my solution is let people say what they want even if you disagree, mind blowing I know! Why is the America left so obsessed with controlling everything?

You don't belong here. I suggest you go back to >>Sup Forums

You some kind of fascist?


Nice. Kinda loaded name, though. Not all controversial stuff is about hate.

You mean things like free speech don't apply to private organizations? Who would have thunk it?!

Fuck off kid

>Against the law to refuse to bake a cake
>Not against the law to silence people with wrong opinions

American """legal""" system

Why are you vilifying the greatest nazi killers of all time? The US's so called greatest generation did jack shit in comparison

Na. Na guy's just onto something. He's attuned to the cultural shift in this country in a way that you are having a hard time wrapping your head around. Sittin pretty in the shrinking perimeter of your comfort zone while the world passes you by, while viable opportunities whiz over your sedentary head. Muckfooted in the barracks of ignorance & lovin every minute of it. Clueless dolt, keep ya mouth shut next time thxxxxxxx 'ppreci8 it~

So if you're not left, you're a nazi?


Reposting this from another thread.

reminder that Sup Forums actually thinks godaddy has to put up with them hosting white supremacy propaganda through their service, but they don't have to bake a fucking cake because the guy who wants it likes dick

You people all miss the fucking point. Just because a person believes Nazis have the right to a platform does not mean they agree with it.

"Progressive" ideals were not always the dominant political opinion.

Would you have anti-integrationists in the past be able to silence out their opposition by way of denying them the platform to speak? No? Then you cannot deny it to even Nazis.

I am thinking about making a company who "exposes" nazis in the tech industry and "white supremacists" in the social media and also take "donation money" from all these tech companies.

Nazis are poor lol

user, get away.

>and when we find out you're wrong we're going to deplatform you

let's be real, a nazi registrar would not let an antifa website stay up. so expecting your enemy to be the bigger man so you can shit on them anyway is stupid. private companies don't have to put up with shit they don't want from you unless it's under discrimination laws.

godaddy is not required to put resources towards hosting nazi shit if they choose not to. you are free to start your own service. do so.

I doubt that alt-righters are really starved for any sort of service that requires them to use a computer.

Then clearly it's time we lobby to make it illegal to discriminate over political opinions.

What really bothers me is that niggers have been killing and raping tens of thousands of people each year for decades, but nobody bans black power/anti-white rhetoric, on the contrary, the MSM is encouraging it, Muslims are decapitating and burning people alive in the ME and raping and killing in Europe, but nobody bans Islam, on the contrary, it's illegal to criticize it and the MSM defends it, leftists hold antifa marches where they brutalize people and destroy property but nobody bans left-wing discourse, on the contrary, the MSM is protecting it and encouraging it, Jews are killing and have been killing Arab families to make room for Greater Israel and not only is pro Israel speech not banned, they want to make criticizing Israel ILLEGAL, BUT IF ONE GUY, runs over some leftists and all of the sudden the entire political, MSM and part of the corporate scene immediately bans anything rightwing.
You could swear, it's almost as if the Jews, via their masonic lodges, have control over critical sections of our society or something.

So you use the actions of the "bad guys" as justification for yours?

Two wrongs don't make a right, and if you don't think it's worth bothering to take the high ground, why the fuck should I listen to you?

it's a nice idea that i instinctively wanna agree with but logically it could not work. not to feed in to the oppression olympics some people are playing but if i have a choice between two companies that are roughly the same but one has a bunch of people working for it that genuinely want me dead, i'm gonna try to put my money towards the other guys.

the best solution is just that everybody shuts the fuck up about their political beliefs and make it bad to talk about them regardless of whether they're socially acceptable or not. if you wanna post about politics make another identity on the internet.

i said that because it's you, the guy against me, wanting me to take "the high ground" so you can kick me down. like honor only matters when you decide it does. if there really was a high ground, you'd take it and shut the fuck up about the evil leftists

Nice projecting, but I'm no Sup Forums faggot, I just actually believe in the freedom of speech, and unlike other people who are willing to stray from it when they decide the "wrong" people are speaking, I am actually willing to stand for what I believe in and fight for the liberty of even people who would see me hang.

That's what it means to actually stand by your fucking principles.

Should death threats be allowed under freedom of speech?

>Being this mad

>Jews are killing and have been killing Arab families to make room for Greater Israel and not only is pro Israel speech not banned, they want to make criticizing Israel

Plenty of leftists are complaining about this. Israel probably gets far more love from the Right than it does the Left.

>You could swear, it's almost as if the Jews, via their masonic lodges, have control over critical sections of our society or something.

These so called "Jews" you are referring to are Jewish neo-Liberals. While they have a disproportionate stake in the neo-Liberal system, there are an overwhelming number of Goyim who also make the rules.

Leftist Jews are more than willing to cuck themselves and oppose Israel, especially an Imperialist, Greater Israel.

It amazes me how the Altistic Right thinks we have some sort of shared goals as Jews.

You say that like we aren't unemployable NEETS (like yourself, except that we don't demand e-welfare for writing screeds about people with tans).

Why don't the superior nazis create their own services? If Indians can do it surely they can do it.

under *true* freedom of speech, there should be no exceptions

>he doesn't believe the meme pictures that get spread around
You're being too rational buddy, that's a kike trait. Why do you want to kill white children?

>I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
These words accompanied by Voltaire's drawing should actually be attributed to Evelyn Beatrice Hall.

Otherwise, I really like this edit of the comic.

Actually Asians have higher IQ than whites thus making this kinda services just by pure white workers is impossible

Seeing how left leaning google is, would people be OK with google removing sites that believe transgender people have a mental illness ?

I don't agree with their ideals, but chasing them off the net isn't going to solve anything other than to make yourself feel good.
These people will just feel even more persecuted and blames whatever group they want to blame, it will only help to entrench their beliefs even further.
>jews control the internet, look how they made us shut down our site !

i dunno, this is a fine line to walk here.

Compared to other countries it's a fairly short list

Browsers and search engines are hard to me. I'm sure with enough autism it can be done, but I don't think anyone wants to do it for free. Just support existing projects that aim to de-centralize.

We COULD make a troll userscript that blocks normie media from the internet. Put pictures of dogshit instead of a website or youtube video or something.

Not that that would acutually help anything.

i assume you're a super unique one of a kind MtF neet from /lgbt/

stay there

Freedom of speech is a principle