Mr. Nobot

So I've recently started watching Mr. Robot and while it's kind of good because of its attention to detail, a lot of it is either a ripoff from previous movies/series or extremely unlikely to happen .

Also, I know it's fiction but it kind of bothers me that the .dat file in the first episode that was changed by Elliot wasn't checked with a md5 checksum or something a bit more secure. Maybe I missed that part as I was fapping to tranny porn simultaneously.

Also again, what the fuck is Christian Slater doing in there? Ever since he voiced Moses in "The Ten Commandments", I'm very weary of his authenticity as a person.

It kind of seemed like the disturbingly unrealistic ideas of the average faggot here on Sup Forums. Which would include me as I definitely like getting raped by black men.

Anyway, CIA niggers probably financed it.

Fuck off.

Don't give him any (You)s.

>that spacing

you have to go back

To where?


The only unrealistic thing about Mr. Robot is how a 5'7" brown dude with bulging eye sockets could hook up with two different white qts.


write a big wall of text:
>not reading that shit lol tl;dr :DDD
writea well-formatted text:

It's a lose-lose situation

I think you meant to shitpost this on Sup Forums
also go back to where you came from.


He's 5'9"


It is a rip-off of f**** cl**

Rami is 1.75 m, which is ~5'7.5"

thats why you write a big wall then do a tl;dr at the bottom of your post. have you not learned this yet?

while he's definitely not white, he is Caucasian. he's pretty much what cleopatra was. vastly superior to typical mud.
-Sup Forums

Mr. Robot is literally just an identical clone that isn't even as good.

Where's that from

mr faggot

>asking for spoilers
why you do this to yourself

>that spacing
>literally the spacing in any plaintext markup ever

What is reddit spacing?

one sentence

another one

>a lot of it is either a ripoff from previous movies/series
Such as? Other than Fight Club that is

Your spacing is abhorrent and you are not funny.

reddit uses markdown, markdown requires empty line to separate paragraphs, lists, codeblocks and other figures. But because it usually gets compiled to html, it's printed as space between nodes and not as giant empty line.

Fight Club is the obvious one. But also the scene where Elliot decides to "change his ways" and basically become a normie again, is a shitty rehash from Trainspotting.

>supposedly elite hacker
>crashed thousands of computers when he was a kid
>pecks the god damn keyboard like a fucking autist.

No tv show or film should cast people that have no clue how to type.

But that's an actual reddit thing

I'm sorry user

Is this any better?

Is this what you wanted you edgy faggot

How about you go back to /r/eddit instead pretending you fit in?

Still an udesirable hight for any woman he's not a braindead goblin

>Mr. Nobot title
>Starting your post with So
Not your personal blog
> I I I I I I I I I I
no-one cares about you stupid faggot
>It kind of bothers me... kind of seemed like...
You write like a girl
It's wary.

Good rape reference. 2/10

Another shitpost meme.

A look at the archives for any board shows anons have been doing this for years, fucks sake, just look at moot's posts since forever.

Whoever the fuck that's been bandwagoning this shit does so because they're fucking retards, or hahaha lelel xddd

Don't fucking propagate it.

The trick is when you get someone to change their spacing by calling them out on it. Feeling guilty, anons?


that's better than I expected.

Teachers don't mark in red anymore, as it hurts the childrens' feelings.

> Reddit spacing
Dead giveaway
> Checksums ...
Clearly doesn't work in private sector tech
> either a ripoff from previous movies/series
Clearly it isn't and clearly you don't watch related movies/series.
> or extremely unlikely to happen
Clearly doesn't work in tech

I can see how new you are, friend :D

Who's moot?

having seen all 3 tech meme shows from the last ~5 years, Halt and Catch Fire > Mr. Robot > Silicon Valley
prove me wrong

Ok, kiddo. Whatever you say.

um... he hadn't touched a computer for years? fuck you expect him to be a pro at typing, fuckhead? when i come back from a 2 week vacation with 0 computer shit, i type like a grandmother

this is proof you never get off your pc

return to reddit and take your autism with you

...and the bluetooth hack.

Is what it is. Can spot an outsider from a mile away.

He's a disgusting junkie, tripping half the time he's sitting at a computer. It's nothing more than "it was real in my mind" bullshit.