Kaspersky ""antivirus""

> Kaspersky Lab Has Been Working With Russian Intelligence

> Emails show the security-software maker developed products for the FSB and accompanied agents on raids.


Other urls found in this thread:


> Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab boasts 400 million users worldwide. As many as 200 million may not know it. The huge reach of Kaspersky’s technology is partly the result of licensing agreements that allow customers to quietly embed the software in everything from firewalls to sensitive telecommunications equipment—none of which carry the Kaspersky name.

> none of which carry the Kaspersky name.

>this is a "big" news somehow
Makes you wonder how all hardware backdoors read Intel™ dont pull this much press,makes you think huh.

> developed products for the FSB and accompanied agents on raids
What's wrong with it? Govt agencies use their own certified products. Getting their hands on an untouched hacker's hardware is a wet dream of any security researcher.

That agency is indistinguishable from a criminal org except they have their own state.

hello Demokkkrap. How's that Trump scandal going?

>russian company works with russian intelligence

yep and all the american companies either work with or are run by american intelligence

google is for all intensive purposes the NSA

what the fuck is your point user ? its how the world works

> A Russian security company is working with the Russian government
No shit. This has been common knowledge for ages. Now fuck off back to Sup Forums with your shitty "hurr-durr evil Russia" FUD crap.

I trust American intelligence infinitely more.

like you have a choice

like you have ever had a choice user

I'm not an American, but American intelligence is fine for me because USA is great superpower which can afford things like that, but I don't need botnet made by some MONGOLOID terrorists, russia is such a fucking joke.

>Kaspersky installed and supported their anti-virus for government's machines
>Works with intelligence

Shitskins are not welcome here, it isn't a SJW hugbox. Now fuck off to reddit or fagbook.

So it's like the CIA and NSA then?

this is public knowledge since forever. only Sup Forums hipsters though otherwise

Did you just stroke out?

>I have no idea how a third world mafia state works

There's no cure for your naivite and ignorance.

>Third World
Are you an actual moron...

I really don't see the difference between kebabs and this eastern subhumans. Both are brainwashed, dreaming to burn the west, aggressive, stupid as fuck, don't understand the technology and absolutely zero in world politics.

Your butthurt is so cute!
Russia is absolutely a neofeudal third world police state with the biggest inequality in the world. It's an African country in Eurasia.


>implying it's not
Yeah. This is definitely a FIRST WORLD COUNTRY.

Go away.

You are failing your motherland, comrade!! Very poor damage control in this thread!!

lol good one. damn their women age like milk. you're a retard though, they're first world and life is pretty nice in the bigger cities. hell I visited murmansk and they had a fuckin mall on the arctic circle

Ho oн пpaв, Poccия cтaлa cтpaнoй тpeтьeгo миpa.

Sup Forums sucks Russia's dick now though

>I visited
Nikolai, your damage control sucks!

Poccия былa ocнoвaнa в кaчecтвe cтpaны тpeтьeгo миpa. Feel the difference comrade.

зaчeм :(

Russia isn't gay, the gay propaganda is forbidden in Russia at the level of a legislation. No male sucks Russia's dick only females are allowed.

I went there cause tourists don't usually go there and I wanted to get away from the touring chinks but nice observation faggot also my name's Ivan you racist

>all intensive purposes
how fucking retarded are you?

Yes, but since being part of American botnets is inevitable and being part of Russian ones is not, I'd rather be spied on by just one country instead of two.


>implying нa пидopaшкe ecть тypиcты
>implying oни тaм eздят в caмый oтдaлeнный cвинapник, нaимeнee пpигoдный для жизни кoтopoгo дaжe нeт нa кapтe.
Дa ты eбaнyтый в кpaй блядь, Oля иди нaхyй oтcюдa.

My boss at Best Buy would force us to bundle that shit software(Kadpersky) or Norton. They are both Freemium trials ao I said fuck that and never gave them to anyone unless someone asked.

>OP is a normtard who cares about antiviruses
>OP has to be taught common sense that he's been spied on 24/8
>OP brings a 1 month old article
>Waaaah, Russians
Fucking retard, go back to


Officer Eugene Kapersky, ready to serve tavarish!

>implying нa пидopaшкe ecть тypиcты
B дc2 дoхyя, ocoбeннo в этoм гoдy. Чeмпиoнaт кaкoй-тo был, хyй знaeт.

>one month old article
>that image
please go back to Sup Forums


I find it ironic that liberals have started to fall out of public favor not because of political correctness, but because they are as naively jingoistic as everyone else.

not your safe space derailer, fuck off

fuck off, pajeet

>Russian company has been hired by local Intelligence agencies
you know how many american companies has been working with american agencies? how that is any different?

Russian intelligence doesn't hold power over you. American intelligence does.

Do gay commie bastards know no other form of logic other than "tu quoque"?




is just happy mud time, decadent American pig

>implying western antiviruses are not working with the NSA
>implying the creators of the most popular non-free software do not work with the NSA
>using antiviruses in the first place