Why do japanese software developers include free anime with their apps?

why do japanese software developers include free anime with their apps?

i dont get it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Learn what anime is dumb animeposter

the japs understand that cute anime girls make everything better

Because anime is absolutely shit

>Japanese software is shit
>Japanese anime is shit
>Japanese developers are shit

crystalDiskInfo is good tho
im not sure if its japanese software but i think it is, correct me if im wrong

Sup Forums is full of feminine faggots now

Kurai Kei is cute but she does lack Shizukas timeless elegance

shizuku edition 4 lyfe

Because they're a proto-fascist cucked nation gimped by the US so they never dare rise up again.

They're all expected to 'work' over 10 hours a day and disregard their social lives in favour of work.

The US wrote their constitution and they're not allowed to have a military.

They can't even watch regular porn because of censorship laws so they have to draw cartoons with girls getting fucked by tentacles. They also watch/create anime and play cartoon video games which results in a population without males, only man-children who are unable to lead healthy lives and form relationships with other people.

I don't get this worship of Japanese culture. Look what it has done to people in the West. Males buy pillows with anime girls they jug and hump and girls paint their hair blue and dress like cartoon characters and talk in high pitched voices.

Anime and everything related to it is a fucking civilisation destroyer. Make anime illegal, treat it like child pornography. Any time it pops up, cut it out, root and stem.


>They're all expected to 'work' over 10 hours a day and disregard their social lives in favour of work.
All is not true. The worst affected areas are the big cities, like Tokyo and Osaka.
Outside of those the hours are fairly normal.

>The US wrote their constitution and they're not allowed to have a military.
That's true. That's what you get for losing a war.

>They can't even watch regular porn because of censorship laws so they have to draw cartoons with girls getting fucked by tentacles.
See above.

>They also watch/create anime and play cartoon video games which results in a population without males, only man-children who are unable to lead healthy lives and form relationships with other people.
Eh, not all of Japanese men are like that. A lot of western men are like that too.
I'm speaking as someone currently living in Japan.

Basically the situation isn't as bad as the media makes out. And if you are believing in the media to that level then you've got as many problems.

>I don't like thing, you can't like it either
oh fuck off. That "because of anime people become degenerates and don't have children" narrative is fucking dumb, anyone with some common sense and barely any social skills can be successful in life despite enjoying something considered as weird.

So their birth levels aren't low?



Why are Japanese men unable to meet women, form relationships and have children?

Maybe it's simpler for Nakamoto when hr gets home from work to eat a bowl of ramen, jack off to his cartoons and go to sleep so he can be ready for work again in the morning.

And women, faced with the prospect of marrying a loser who watches anime rather focus on their careers and in that way find fulfillment.

Have you ever met a married guy who watches anime? Neither have I.

Let me just remind you:

because degenerates inherently like to spread their own shit

Kys yourself until you die to death, discordfag.

I don't know if it's worse you link that to discord, or the fact you're a retard

You're the one using it.

Their birth levels are low, but not really crisis level.

Again it's mostly Tokyo and Osaka sucking the country down. Country towns are disappearing because young people are going to the big cities and not returning, but in the smaller cities there doesn't appear to be any problem with birth levels. You see young children and young mothers everywhere.

>Have you ever met a married guy who watches anime?
Depends how you define that.
One Piece? Yeah, I know a few married Japanese men who watch One Piece, or at least follow it.
Late night anime? Maybe a few. I know one who had his first child earlier this year who knew details about K-ON and Haruhi. I never asked him if he actually watched the series.

>Why are Japanese men unable to meet women, form relationships and have children?
I dunno. I attended a wedding last year, so clearly Japanese men are able to meet women, form relationships and have children.

>Japanese anime is shit
as opposed to other countries anime

>Their birth levels are low, but not really crisis level.
So if their birth levels are not "critical", what country does have such critical levels?

>Kurei Kei Edition
Not official

join the club fuck boy

Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong are all below Japan. A bunch of other countries as well.

You have to realize that basically Japan's population grew way too fast in the 50s to 80s, really an unsustainable rate. The country has a third of the population of the United States.

A reduction is probably better for the country in the long run.

Majority of my time is either work or school but I watch anime for an hour or so each day when I come home and eat dinner. I hide that in the closet and dont tell anyone. Am I going to make it or am I going to be stuck with my average japanese gf forever?

>Have you ever met a married guy who watches anime?
My Dad watches anime, play video games and buy figures.
I also happen to know other people who have gf/wife and who are total weebs.
French are turbo weebs anyway.
[spoiler]I'm one of them too[/spoiler]

>They can't even watch regular porn because of censorship laws so they have to draw cartoons with girls getting fucked by tentacles.
>See above.
What? You're attributing their censorship laws to the US and not their own conservatism?

I want to marry your sister

Literally nothing wrong with this. Everybody is entitled to at least one childish and nonsensical hobby.

Which one ?

All of them!

because anime is life

Are you retarded? Several western nations like germany, and certain demographics in thr US like white liberals have birth rates just as low.

Not a problem since they're going balls-deep on robutts.

Sorry user, I can't allow polygamy yet.

>meanwhile he posts this on a degenerate Kenyan Ice Sculpture Carving Forum

Damn bro how do you handle all the 'redpills' you swallowed today am i rite?

Because japanese software developers are genuinely worse than American weeaboos.

Then allow me one!

I could honestly make better anime if I had the connections and the money. I always have stories in my head that Ive been forming over the last 3 years

>idunnolol is discord
That shit pre-dates your birth, you fucking child.

>I always have stories in my head that Ive been forming over the last 3 years
Then write or draw you fucking autist

literally this; my brother would never shut up about how great his ideas were. hooked him up with a cheap graphics tablet, he watched a fuck ton of videos and read some guides, over time he got into the rhythm of it, and eventually got breddy gud desu

>le anime is only Japanese
Fuck off, Anime is literally Animation.
It's 100% the same as Cartoons in English speaking countries.
Yes, it is. Fuck your "muh style" argument.

Anime, just like cartoons today, are equally as shit as each other in terms of style.
It is all vibrant colors, simple perfect fill coloring and no grainy dirty gritty styles any more.
Both of them occasionally have an outlier that has its own unique style and character to it. but rarely.
And both of them are also generally created for children.
I mean, fucking hell, there is a Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon on "Disney XD", and it is awful.

Just like make anime.
Anything that isn't generic moe-shit over-emphasized emotional responses. PLEASE HELP.


Yes. Do you not know the history of the law?

>their own conservatism?
>this store is just outside one of the biggest stations in tokyo
Conservative is something the Japanese are not.

Wiki says the law was part of the criminal code enacted in 1907.

>a society that encourages conformity isn't conservative

The Sup Forums is strong in this one

Tomboys are best girls tho we can all agree right


Guess all liberals are actually conservatives, whoa my mind is blown!


name 21 animes that don't suck

the adult ones

I worked at an authentic (no Mexicans rolling the sushi) Japanese run sushi restaurant and the chef/manager forced me to stay after work every night and have a beer with him. He also works almost every day of his life. I can vouch for the work thing.

Don't want to start Sup Forumsluting but anybody could see that the "left" has some very fascist tendencies.

You mean the regressive loud minority who infiltrated? I have no idea how but this shit will be forced to end soon by both the right and the left.

Monogatari Series (counts as 10)
Serial Experiment Lain
Haibane Renmei
Full Metal Alchemist
Initial D
Cowboy Bebop
Shinsekai Yori
Perfect Blue
The Girl who leapt through time

Yeah that one

It's not even a horse shoe effect, if you have an extremist of any spectrum with considerable influence and your lifestyle will differ with what they think is "correct" you will have a bad, bad time.

>they're not allowed to have a military
u wot?

>India above France
I feel dirty.

They're not allowed to have a military. Educate yourself idiot.

They can't. They have something called self-defense force. It cannot do anything else other than defending when they're attacked.

This. They just happen to have a self defense force that is more powerful than most countries militaries.


>'falling birthrates' in title
>'lul actually it's rising' in article
>bitch about absolute numbers
>literal scaremongering
>you need immigrants nips :^)
You people are disgusting.

>Conservative is something the Japanese are not.

Have you looked up the definition of "conservative" recently?

>stop believing the lamestream media and phony facts, look at these anecdotes instead
wow you are retarded

I thought we were talking about conservative in relation to sexuality. Pornography was the topic after all.

The word "conservative" has a number of definitions you know.

If anime is shit then logically EVERYTHING is shit.

>Because they're a proto-fascist cucked nation gimped by the US so they never dare rise up again.
I'm sure it was real in your mind, Sup Forums.

>The US wrote their constitution and they're not allowed to have a military.
They have a military and they can remove its remaining limitations by overturning article 9, for which they don't need US permission for. Nor am I aware of the US government opposing the dissolution of article 9.

>They can't even watch regular porn because of censorship laws so they have to draw cartoons with girls getting fucked by tentacles.
They have a huge live action porn industry, and anime porn is a separate industry servicing a separate market. Tentacle porn is also more meme than reality because it isn't nearly as common as hysterical Westerners think it is.

>They also watch/create anime and play cartoon video games which results in a population without males, only man-children who are unable to lead healthy lives and form relationships with other people.
Japan's low birth rates have virtually nothing to do with anime and video games, and it's not just men who are into them. Several countries have lower birth rates than Japan, and Western countries have their birth rates artificially propped up by immigration.

>Males buy pillows with anime girls
A tiny number of people do. Hug pillows make up a very small portion of character merchandising even in Japan.

>girls paint their hair blue and dress like cartoon characters and talk in high pitched voices.
Yeah, maybe there were a few girls like that over a decade ago.

>Anime and everything related to it is a fucking civilisation destroyer.
Go take your pills, Sup Forums.

The only people who are disgusting are weeaboos. Stop watching anime you pathetic brony-like fucks.

>how many married anime watching men have you met? none i bet
>actually i have met a few
Yeah, fuck off.

>If anime is shit then logically EVERYTHING is shit.
Anime has a much larger ratio of shit than any other media. There's literally like 5 good movies and 2 good series and everything else is fucking abject shit. The kind of garbage the majority of anime watchers consider quality is reprehensible, irredeemable trash.

>And women, faced with the prospect of marrying a loser who watches anime
Women watch anime too (one of the highest selling TV anime of recent times is aimed at them), and six of the top twenty movies of all time in Japan are anime. The industry is worth about $20 billion.

Anime is a specific style of animation particular to Japan and completely different from anything else in the world.

>It is all vibrant colors, simple perfect fill coloring and no grainy dirty gritty styles any more.
It's amazing how much people romanticize artefacts caused by the cel and film animation process, like they were the most important thing ever.

>Both of them occasionally have an outlier that has its own unique style and character to it. but rarely.
Also amazing is how Westerners keep worshipping uniqueness as something that is valuable for its own sake and automatically good. No wonder modern art took over.

>And both of them are also generally created for children.
Most anime is not made for children, while in America most animation is made for children and the adult animation is almost never anything other than sitcoms.

>generic moe-shit
Doesn't exist.

>Anime has a much larger ratio of shit than any other media.
It does not.

>There's literally like 5 good movies and 2 good series and everything else is fucking abject shit.
Meme nonsense with no basis in reality.

I see you are an anime connoisseur who has watched over 400 animes.

>huge live action porn industry
>blurred dicks and vaginas
>literal rape
Yes, a well-adjusted and healthy society, for sure.

There is rape porn in the West too (not to mention an incessant rape in TV shows and movies), and America has the world's biggest porn industry. Most JAV is vanilla, and nearly all if not all of the rape porn I've come across is obviously not even trying to be taken seriously.

>babbies first anime the list
user please. You didn't even include Monster.

>censorship laws
Why do they even exist, it just makes no sense?

Except the rape porn in the West is acting. Bakky in Japan is girls getting drugged up and gang raped.


Did you get cucked by a Japanese Chad or is there some other reason why you're making all this shit up?

Here's a free anime for you all!

You realize there is uncensored JAVs right?

Meanwhile "men" in the west let 3rd world people to breed and replace them.

Go back

Nothing wrong with rape porn desu, and it exists all around the world
But the blurred genitals are fucking retarded

And complain about Japan not taking in "immigrants" and "refugees" to "help" with the birth rates.

wouldn't be surprised if japanese people are pissed off about anime because it's everywhere there.

Why would they be pissed off when they're the ones making and buying it? Where do you think anime comes from?

Can you beat this overpowered level?