GPD Pocket General

More Sup Forums related OP this time.

Other urls found in this thread:


This makes my pee pee tingle

Ew, Arch

Reminder this has a touchscreen so vertical browsing like so might be sometimes more comfortable than "normal" mode with the keyboard, depending on the site.

so this is the power of the intel atom processor

A new age of comfy

Does that even run?

Overpriced crapware. Has absolutely no reason to exist when you can get a much more powerful laptop with a non-shit keyboard for the same price.

...and same size?

What are you, poor that you can't afford nice toys?

The GPD Win runs it, so probably

It doesn't "need" to exist, but depending on how comfortable it is to type on, I'd much prefer to bring this outside to lunch to do some light typing / browsing over my laptop.

Actually regret not buying this when it was being crowd funded, having a pocket sized laptop for bed makes my dick hard

It has a garbage Cherry Trail atom, if they release one with Goldmont/Goldmont+ I'd buy it immediately

This seems ok for an Atom

Wow user, you really like bloat.


Good one. Please name your terminal of choice so I can insult it in return with a different Sup Forums buzzword.

hmm will I choose bother, or something different...

why is this so cute!!

That's exactly the problem. The keyboard is too tiny unless you're a kid.

Although it's really cute.. judging from the amount of people on le leddit who are selling their GPD Pocket or their GPD Win, I think it's a desirable item of which the 'desire' immediately wears off once you have it in your possession and realize you don't actually need it

aka buyer's regret

i think its ideal pentesting device
or for working with terminals

what device?

The ultimate SSH/remote managment machine.

>late night
>want to sit in a cafe and type up a report and relax

This would be nice. Thinkpad 2big

lxterminal is a nice replacement to terminator which is MUCH lighter on resources, and if you REALLY want a good terminal emulator, use st.

Too bad I can't buy it anywhere. What's the point of these threads for something no one can get?

.. maybe this is a difference in culture.. but cafes here at night are not suitable for taking a laptop to

You think this is a small keyboard? You never used small keyboards, friendo

no one is talking about your shitty local bum bar here

then what sort of cafe are you on about, that is open at night?

>different people
>same deviance
Is that a device designed by and for pedohpile or what

cant run VR , into the trash it goes

Subway, McDonald's.

Not him, but he just built a rc version of the kernel.

Can you make phonecalls with this?

I'm fucking tired of my phone not having a keyboard, touch screen keyboards suck!
Can't even type without looking.

Bad imouto

I have to assume you're a fellow european or just not American in general. In the US there are chain coffee shops, think of a mcdonalds that sells coffee only, that size store with that size tables if you're lucky to live in a urban area you also have non chain stores that will welcome your presence as long as you buy some motherfucking coffee. Unlike in Europe coffee shops are places for individuals to go and hang out by themselves, which is why taking their laptops is socially acceptable and physically possible, they make these spaces thinking of that.

>no Ryzen
>no Vega
>no Apple
>no botnet
>no Arch Linux
>no C
>no Haskell
>no SJW
>no CIA nigger
>no poorfag
I has only "meme" of Sup Forums features.

it sounded so much fancier when you said 'cafe'

I see. latest RC should work fine with that new hardware.

Try a portable huawei wifi modem with web CPE

I'd really like to get one but that cost just puts me off, $600+ canadian pesos is a bit much
if it were 400-500 then sure I would


128GB ROM? I can't write to it? Shit.

cheapest place to get one right now?

Here's your (you)

>autistic screeching intensifies

Make it 8"
Keep everything else.
Get some decent M2 2242 SSD in there.
Put a decent 4 core Atom or dual core M3/RavenRidge next year.

There, I'll buy it for $700

>M2 2242

Correction M2 2230

The Win2 is confirmed to use M2 and a core m3-7y30 (possibly locked to have a similar TPD to the Win1, while still being 25% faster).

I'd really prefer a AMD iGPU simply because the Intel iGPUs are suck for emulators.

Go kill yourself worthless nigger

Poorfag pls go

lets see your bank balance

AMD does not currently have an platform with comparable TPD that would work without active cooling.

$500 is literally nothing for the utility I get from the device.

It's called Raven Ridge and it's 4W to 35W coming out in a few weeks.

But I get what you're getting at.

how ffxiv works?
12 fps?

I know but since you were bragging about your wealth on a portugese cross stitching bulliten board I was curious about just how wealthy you were

Don't buy into the meme user, buy smart.

I'm no the guy you original responded to but $500 US is about 1/6th of my monthly net-income.


same here, its not even an amazing wage so i dont get him. i mean if you are paying a mortgage even then youll have a fair amount free after all expenses accounted for. i make huge repayments though so i dont have a very disposable income

>22nm Atom junk

Hahaha user oh wow

that thing looks really impractical. it's too small to be typing on like a regular laptop but too big to hold like a phone with a slide out keyboard.

That's why if it was 8 or 9" it would be perfect.


>shit build quality
>horrible processor
>2gb non upgradable RAM

no user

Cool. A tablet with a keyboard.

Can you roll back the keyboard behind the screen and use it as a tablet?

I've been following this since it was announced but I could only really get one if it cost half as much

this thing is immensely useful compared to a pocket chip (which I actually bough)

i bought one too, no real reason, new job, money to burn. Here's what OP won't tell you:

Older games, which is really what you'd want to run on this since the CPU can't run newer games, get cut off when fullscreen like the GPD win, since its a portrait tablet screen that's being rotated by software.

Fan is always on, and bottom right is always warm. Newest bios forces CPU throttling, but you can downgrade and set the throttling threshold.

Keyboard layout is not well thought out, You're not going to be touch typing with it anyway, but small changes could've been made that would've made it a lot better.

Regular USB-C will charge it slowly, it might even discharge while plugged in unless you have the right adapter.

Even after all of that, it is surprisingly good enough for daily browsing.

this is only in australia but we have a 24 hour premium pancake restaurant/cafe called the pancake parlour

Why would you need anything more for basic web browsing and word processing? If I wanted to play FFXIV, I'd boot up my desktop.

2GB ram would choke with basic web browsing.

>2gb RAM
>basic web browsing

not sure if troll

The Sony Vaio P had a configuration with 2GB of RAM.
The thing was completely unusable for basic computing tasks.

Should be fine for linux though. I went and put 16gb in my new computer and the thing never goes above like 1.7gb usage. Was a mistake. I'm sure I'll find a use for the rest of it eventually.

the point was I don't really see how you can call people out for being poor if you yourself aren't even that wealthy. Almost seems like iSheep logic

>works on my machine

what's that thing on the left, looks comfy desu

This, a lot of people just buy it because it gets a lot of hype, you should see reddit threads about them, most people who own one are literar dumbasses and tech illiterates.

I haven't regret buying my Win though, I knew what it does and what I will do with it before I bought it.

NEC Mobilepro I think

what a fucking piece of shit lol

I'm waiting for version 2 or 3...

-Hopefully cheaper price with less fancy build(fuck unibody aluminum. Just make it like a thinkpad with magnesium and plastic)
-Fixed keyboard
-MicroSD slot and Webcamera(id never use the webcam, but not including it was stupid. they can add a physical shutter to it so paranoid people can block it wihout using tape)
-Possibly GPS(again, doubt id use it, but most 8" tablets have it built in so it shouldnt cost much)

>i want the GPD not with better hardware, but with useless junk

t. You

Let be honest here... other than the keyboard and build quality, the things about on par with a $350 tablet.... SD650 outpaces that atom, so the only big hardware edge it has is ram. So for that extra $150 you would expect a bit more with the i/o... not less.

I dont think you can put a more powerful processor in it anyway, the TDP is probably maxed out at the CoreM... So yeah, with the next version the i/o is more likely to get sorted out than a bump up in specs. Shit, just look at the GPD WIN. Each revision is more focused on layout and i/o than specs. The next one is finally adding clickable thumb sticks, which is probably the biggest issue it has no for the UI.

This thing has an anemic airmont atom(which are just shitty shrunk silvermont) the new atoms are way faster at the same power envelope, the m3/m5 Intels are also way faster than the new denvertons.

There's plenty of more powerful hardware to put in, and for me that's the most important thing.

>2GB isn't enough!

Manage your shit better.

open another tab

Okay guys I have to say you make me a bit jelly.
What can I buy for ~200 bucks?
Preferably with a clit mice iykwim.

thinkpad x220

Something like this with an e-ink screen would be GOAT

thinkpad x201

>not using it to run your train otaku led signs



Not sure what else you were expecting though, it's a fucking web browser.

Lookz very aesthetically pleasing.
But the winbar on the side really ruined the whole picture.

Is this /ourmachine/ ?

no it's not a thinkpad

Nice botnet.

No, this is.

Well the entire board was mind controlled by peer pressure into buying thinkpads, this just needs some more time.