What's the best program for writing code?

What's the best program for writing code?

Currently using notepad.exe on Windows

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i write on my diary.

Are you retarded?



notepad is perfectly fine you tool


I just think it and it just happens

I unironically scored 100% in two years of CS classes just writing the code in notepad ten minutes before it was due and sending it in.


nvi, no pesky syntax highlighting or anything to get in the way.

write your own

ex is a line-oriented text editor; vi is a screen-oriented text editor.
ex and vi are different interfaces to the same program, and it is
possible to switch back and forth during an edit session. view is the
equivalent of using the -R (read-only) option of vi.

To start editing a file, enter the following command:
$ vi file

The commands to move around the file are:
h Move the cursor left one character.
j Move the cursor down one line.
k Move the cursor up one line.
l Move the cursor right one character.

The cursor arrow keys should work, too.

/text Search for the string "text" in the file, and move the cursor to
its first character.

The commands to enter new text are:
a Append new text, after the cursor.
i Insert new text, before the cursor.
O Open a new line above the line the cursor is on, and start
entering text.
o Open a new line below the line the cursor is on, and start
entering text.

Once you've entered input mode using one of the a, i, O or o
commands, use to quit entering text and return to
command mode.

The commands to copy text are:
p Append the copied line after the line the cursor is on.
yy Copy the line the cursor is on.

The commands to delete text are:
dd Delete the line the cursor is on.
x Delete the character the cursor is on.

The commands to write the file are:
:w Write the file back to the file with the name that you originally
used as an argument on the vi command line.
:w file_name
Write the file back to the file with the name file_name.

The commands to quit editing and exit the editor are:
:q Quit editing and leave vi (if you've modified the file, but not
saved your changes, vi will refuse to quit).
:q! Quit, discarding any modifications that you may have made.

What even are ya?

Punch cards

> not using Atom

Obviously notepad++



I use a shelled server.

>using Atom

Github is a SJW company you monkey

Wrote a c++ game mod in winscp's built-in editor, if you don't need Syntax hilighting etc. notepad.exe is fine

Ed or Acme. If you are using anything else - there must be something wrong with you.


Notepad is shit when you slip and do shit.
No ctrlz history. Other than that it's fine, don't have line count and other shit, but for basic shit is ok

this beauty

Just write your code in the Sup Forums reply box. Then post it and use a script to get the code from the post number and pipe it to gcc. It's the only way to program.


for writing c code i use pluma

>it's the only way to program

What if your program is more than 2000 characters?

notepad2 for its minimalism (only a config file is created). But I never coded in my life.

Try at least Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code

Then your program is bloated and needs to be restructured.

Vim, Emacs, nano
If you use anything else you need to end it.


>SJW bloatfest

What if it's a compiler?


its all about vim

>hey kiddo, want a bunch of addons that wouldn't be needed if you had a proper shell?
And that's why I use ST3

You're the first person I've ever met that actually uses QT Creator. Or at least pretends to.


vim(works on windows too)


Masturbates with gun
>Did it

trips confirm wordpad is best

>vanilla notepad

Might as well go all out then op:

sed -i '' '1s/.*/#include /' file.txt
cp file.txt file.cpp

Yeah but don't forget to manually syntax highlight your code


Sublime is comfy and just werks. And you can let the aspies fight over vim and emacs from an entertainingly-safe distance.

>they can't make fun of your favorite text editor if it's actually a web browser

>not using write on dos



M$ office
Just use excel or word (if you need to make it pretty)
It's a breeze

In all honestly why would you like to make your life more difficult by using notepad

It's fast.
It loads instantly.
It doesn't have bullshit to slow you down.
It's especially good for quick edits.

>It's fast.
>It loads instantly.
>It doesn't have bullshit to slow you down.
Get an SSD?

pen and paper.

step up nigga
Notepad++ ftw

Are you a finn by any chance?

vim on riced up arch linux with i3

I like brackets, what does this say about me?

Drawing letters with mouse in paint, then using OCR software to covert it to code.

>It's fast.
>It loads instantly.
>It doesn't have bullshit to slow you down.
>It's especially good for quick edits.
all of these points are valid for Notepad++ as well
it's far superior to Notepad for writing code


i know you're just memeing, but at least notepad can be exited just by pressing the close button