Why the fuck do phones these days have 1440p and 4k resolution screens? Who needs these things for a phone? How can people justify the huge battery drain?
Why the fuck do phones these days have 1440p and 4k resolution screens? Who needs these things for a phone...
>dumb phone mastah race
Kinda have to agree with you op. 4k on a 6" screen is retarded.
marketing? screenshot resolution? not sure. i have pretty good eyesight but when i try to make out individual pixels on a 1080p 5 inch screen i just end up giving myself a headache.
Why is Samsung so bad at making software?
Technological dick waving for the enthralled peasantry. It's all a numbers game, just like why console makers are pushing 4k despite not being able to guarantee even 30 fps at that resolution, but 4k is the hot sales buzzword right now, so that's what everyone is pushing.
>tfw got the iphone se with 640p screen
>monitors at 4k cost asmuch as an entire phone
2560x1440 is perfect for 5.7" phones for me as I can't see any pixels anymore.
>when you lack innovation, bigger numbers make it look as if it's worth upgrading
>muh vr on muh mobile phone
>sheeple saying they can see the pixels and shiet when they put their phone close to their face
Because of VR.
You wouldn't "see" the pixels on a 1080p screen either.
>t. eyelet
Because VR. That's why.
The difference between 1080 and 4K is invisible until you start looking at your phone through magnifying glasses. Then it becomes night and day.
MY question is; why the 2:1 aspect ratio and rounded corners meme? What did bezels ever do to you?
Partially because consumers like numbers and higher numbers = objectively better to the normies.
Partially because of VR.
It's mostly a pissing contest at this point.
.t handlet
My xiaomi mi 5 s plus has 5.7 inch with 1280x1080
It's just perfect
Bigger numbers seem better
Only faggot handlets use anything smaller than an 8" phone.
I almost bought this when it came out. Went for a 3.1" phone instead. Still using it.
le anything but stock andiriouhd is baaddd xddddddddddddd
yeah, and it's true (especially for samsung)
besides memeing, what other arguments do you have?
to leddit you go
this is a chink shit board
Samsung's Korean.
>I almost bought this when it came out.
what stopped you?
I needed a phone and wanted to upgrade my tablet, two birds with one stone sort of thing.
>what stopped you?
Found the Goophone S5, loved the brand name and it was neat having a clone of a popular phone.
>memeing == Sup Forums
>facts == reddit
reddit seems like a nice place, if you put it this way
I don't care for the VR meme so 5" at FHD resolution is perfect....
Yeah, but if you think that is true then you are just preparing yourself for misinformation.
Marketing. More numbers is better.
Why would you want over 1080p on such a small screen is completely beyond me.
Most of my normie friends couldn't tell the difference between Moto G3 (720p) and Nexus 5 (1080p), let alone 1080p and 1440p.
because ur mum wouldn't stop sucking dick on the daily to support your house and brothers
she's a good woman user, respect her.
>Why would you want over 1080p on such a small screen is completely beyond me.
Especially on a device that depends on a battery.
Especially when the content >1080p it's scarce to put it mildly.
I haven't needed a laptop in years. I throw more money into a phone I can get a keyboard for on the go that looks great and can do the shit I need. While I'm not watching movies typically it's nice to have that screen for images/forums/notes(i use the note 5 atm)/online classes/the few mobile games i play. Everything else is done on my desktop rig.
Smartphones are just a MOBILE replacement for your desktop pc, tablet, hdtv, gaming console, audio system and so on.
If your phone is your main and only device, then I'm sorry for your situation, but this problem doesn't apply to poorfags or kids that have to cry to their mums to buy them shit.
so they can look at pictures of their boner at 1440p on the car to work
Apple did the Retina (300ppi) display first and it was amazing, so Android manufacturers tried to copy it.
They didn't manage to reach 300ppi for about 18 months after the iPhone 4, but then they thought it was some sort of metric that needed to be constantly improved because it could fit in marketing material for tech illiterates to gobble up.
Remember, there was a time when Sup Forums was vehemently against the 2880x1800 display on the MBP. But Sup Forums has always been tech illiterate.
>Battery drain
For internet browsing, texting, email, ECT the higher resolution has a minimal impact on battery life.
I keep my S8 on Max resolution because it makes text about more crisp and is nice for images. I never play mobile games so I haven't noticed much difference at all in battery life at all.
>has an impact on battery life
>it makes text about more crisp
>adjusts 3cm thick glasses and bumps in a wall while changing the icon text to bitmap/monospace font