>be me
>need a new pc
>tired of having a huge gayming monstrosity, rarely play games
>decide to make the most of my space by buying a laptop + dock
>find a ThinkPad w530 with a 2.7ghz i7 and 16GB RAM for $360
>rejoice, then immediately get depressed because I have to wait a week to get it
Thinkpad Goodness
Other urls found in this thread:
what does the Sup Forums thinkpad community think of the w530? i feel like i got a great machine
Add a classic keyboard and coreboot, it becomes best pad
it is a great machine. I use it every day. classic keyboard is optional, I have an x220 and honestly have no preference regarding the keyboards.
Whats the difference between the default and the classic kb?
Look at them, it's visible.
so its not an issue of membrane vs mechanical?
No, just chiclet vs actually nice keys.
I have been thinking about getting one of these to replace my x201 tablet that has served me well for many years.
The chiclet keys are fine because they still curve in
The 6-row instead of 7-row layout is the biggest different
I just really dislike chiclet.
>windows 10
Neck yourself, cunt.
Even he says the keys themselves are fine
His main complaint is the touch keys for the trackpoint, which aren't a problem for the W530 keyboard because it still has physical trackpoint buttons
Thinkpads are the macbooks of laptops
>not daisy chaining everything from thunderbolt
Are you just poor and / or a massive pleb ?
The keys are a different shape, have less travel and the layout of the function keys messes with your muscle memory.
It's not a straight downgrade but a lot of people prefer the feel of the older keyboard.
What's so good about Coreboot?
No botnet, faster boot times
I want to add a new thinkpad to my collection, max 16", 8gb of ram (or upgradeable) and with a graphics card powerful enough to run Guild Wars 2 "ok". I thought about the W series, since those have the quadro cards, but won't those have a ton of problems with the game?
Can I use an anime boot image like I can with the modified BIOS?
macbooks are the macbooks of laptops you fucking inbred
As a fellow W530 owner...
I can guarantee you're going to love it!
Thinking of buying an X60 for $50 just for memeing. Is it worth it?
>paying out of the ass for meme tech that is still in early adoption
Made me reply/10
If it's just for memeing yes
>be OP
>get Thinkpad
>"maybe these nerds will accept me as their friend now because everyone else shuns me"
>get hard on at thought and wank furiously to Chinese cartoons