Any discord alternatives?
I don't want jews to shut down my server because it just promotes free speech and people take it as hate speech
Any discord alternatives?
there's gonna be a bunch of fag losers posting "JUST DONT POST HATE SPEECH!!!!1!1!1" but in all seriousness, irc
most irc networks will never shut you down unless you literally violate law, and even then you can just host your own for $5/mo
The thing is I don't want to host anything and pay for it
>they shut down some shit that nobody cares about
>servers that share cp are still up
Then bend over and take it in the ass from these jews and sjws. Christ do you Sup Forums shitters even have a backbone
It's already been posted.
Wire - instant messenger, encrypted, but still doesn't support group calls
Ring - messenger/Skype replacement, decentralized and encrypted - same as ring apparently, decentralized and encrypted
Mumble - voice chat, self hosting available
Diaspora - social media, decentralized
>I don't want to host
A central server will always dominate it's users so no matter which dictator you run to they'll always cuck you in the end. Your best option is either to host shit with your friends or use decentralized services, which is also going to tax your bandwidth a bit but not as much as hosting would.
It's the best group voice chat client available. The only thing discord has over it are emojis and bots, neither of which are essential. You can achieve the same shit you would on FB messenger, in fact both discord and FB messenger are 99% similar and based on the chrome browser/electron. So you can just use Mumble + Facebook.
Lmao these Sup Forumstards are literally the next gen sjw snowflakes
>muh free speech
>muh safe spaces where I can express my autism without being annoyed by reasonable people
reasonable people don't silence others for disagreements
This. I'm not even a Sup Forumstard.
Yes they do if that means protecting innocent lives
Or use the irc networks which literally host warez
BUMP for this. Also post original link.
>i wanna shitpost about da joos
>but i don't wanna have to put effort in
If you're so high and mighty and smart and strong, why can't you host your own fuckin' server? I'm a fucking yardero and I can do that.
What innocent lives?
just use irc
lots of networks to choose from, create a channel of your own
for your health
I require evidence. No, seriously, I've never heard of CP servers on discord.
Use IRC or Skype, idiot.
Of course they sell it. People are OK with it anyway.
Why do leftists always have to ruin good companies with their ideology, I knew they were shit when they did shut down the loli servers.
Use a matrix server, everyone can use a different app and it will be the futur of irc (more features and privacy than irc).
> still doesn't support group calls
they have support group calls for a long time
Oh nooo, discord will sell all my dank memes!
>Then call any sane person a jewbag
The Sup Forums experience
look @ dis mane
dis mane, dey don't even spy on you's phone and shieet u install on pc, tablet, phone 'n' shieet, no ip, imei, gps, phone book 'n' shieet mane is ok to b spy'd on mane aight?
nice try fbi
>use propriety software
>get shut down for whatever reason
>cry about it on the internet
>Free speech in a private service
I urge you to look up what free speech actually is
I've never got this phase of logic. If you're being kicked out, and the people running the place you were in have expressed their disdain for you, how does looking for somewhere else to go constitute as a "safe space"? Who just stays where they aren't wanted?
It's not like they are sheltering themselves because they are being ideologically tested, you can see the OP quite clearly, they are not wanted, and are being force-ably removed if caught.
I think people are missing the greater point that has nothing to do with Sup Forums or whatever. They're specifically only condemning violence or one side and not both as was said by the president at first in general. If you ignore one side's transgressions over the other you're just weakening the center and the reasonable people that populate that center. Pretty soon all the companies will start censoring more than just the fringe or right/alt media and what you like is next. There is plenty of historical precedent. FFS.
u sound like a nazi fascista
first u get the bike lock, nazi
then u get the gulag, fascista
What "one side's transgressions" are they ignoring exactly?
Genuine question
The rioting and violence usually by the fringe leftists. Communist groups including BLM. Hate crimes that go ignored. Condemn it all and treat it all equally. It's all bad.
tfw a nazi with no degenerate commie gf. Feels bad, man.
pretty easy to get a commie gf these days tho
>Condemn it all and treat it all equally. It's all bad.
The problem with violence is that it's super effective. If I kick your ass long enough, you will do what I say. Countries wouldn't go to wars if violence didn't solve problems. It'd be nice if we could always solve our differences by talking to each other, but some differences are too great to solve that way. When a communist and a capitalist meet, how can the reconcile their differences? Their very values are different on a fundamental level. They could, of course, live on different countries, but what happens when multiculturalism puts as all in the same country? Violence is then the only solution, like it or not.
If it actually comes down to it since I'm a lolbertarian I suppose I'll be siding with the right since they actually have people who stand for liberty and the core values of the usa. hate to be put in that situation but it is what it is.
I literally have no problem that nazis abandon discord.
In fact, there should be an alternative coded by one of those autists that completely contains Sup Forums and the other nazis in their own isolated bubble far far off in the internet. I might even help them code it.
The problem with this is that whoever loses usually begins plotting their revenge right away. Ideally we'd all have tasteful debates about the relative merits of each system, but if you do that you might (gasp!) have to admit that you're not the second coming of Jesus fucking Christ, so instead we shoot at each other and whoever loses gets to wait a few years and try again.
>He thinks freedom of speech is the same thing as freedom from consequences
I disagree. Companies based in the USA should represent the core values of the USA and it's culture.
>Ideally we'd all have tasteful debates about the relative merits of each system
You're not listening. I said some differences are too great to reconcile. If I believe in A and you believe in its polar opposite, B, how do we reconcile it? It's even worse if both systems would work. What if I believe you're unfit to live? What if I believe your existence is a threat to mine? What if I believe in collectivism and you in individualism? What if I believe in property and you don't? What if I believe murder is justified, but you don't? What if I believe in trancendental human value, but you don't? What if I believe life is sacred, but you support abortion? What if I'm a Muslim and you're a Christian?
Sure is weird that the biggest crusaders of freedom of speech are the ones who have the least understanding of how it works. Freedom of speech means the government can't throw you in jail for your opinions, not that you can go around and call people niggers without repercussions
Again, ideally we'd all have debates about the merits of each system. The fact that you believe in something that is the polar opposite of my belief does not imply that we both believe in evangelizing about it.
>private company can do what they want
>christian baker has to bake that fag cake tho
O i C
What if the repercussions are not any better than being thrown in jail?
Wellll, compared to a black church getting shot up in Charleston, a group of nazi's holding tiki torches in Charlottesville, and May's stabbing in Portland's commuter trains....
But how would you reconcile it? How can we meet at the middle if neither is willing to budge? If I consider it the greatest of crimes to abort your foetus, what will you do if you don't want to keep the baby?
It's not weird at all that people don't understand freedom of speech, since we don't have it. I am NOT allowed to call people niggers without government throwing me into a jail. I'm not allowed to deny holocaust, I'm not allowed to be a racist, I'm not allowed to be a sexist, an "islamophobe", and I'm not allowed to be so many things without government interference.
You can't really force people to accept your views. In a free society, you should be allowed to act however you wish as long as you're not breaking the law. If you want to refuse service to everyone who says they like icecream, you should be allowed to do so. Of course, there's an argument to be made here against a libertarianism and a free society.
>Christian bakers aren't allowed to break the law
Portland was a bernie/dem that did the stabbing. Lest we forget the old man that shot up the republican senator at a baseball field. How about the hillary supporting dad and son who did the orlando fag shooting? How about ferguson? Milwaukee riots? Pulling people out of cars? Chicago riots? The list goes on.
neo-nazis represent core values of the usa?
The law should serve the people, not the other way around. Just because something is a law doesn't mean it's good.
It's more slack-like. Or make an IRC server.
Neither neonazis nor BLM nor the KKK nor authoritarian transexuals with pink hair.
No, but it means you're not allowed to break the law even if following it hurts your feefees
So you want a society without hate speech laws? Wheee are you going to draw the line of where speech becomes violence or abuse if you can say whatever you want?
>No, but it means you're not allowed to break the law even if following it hurts your feefees
What if there's a law making law unchangeable. And then I make another law that criminalizes you and your family breathing. Remember: no breaking the law!
>Freedom of speech means the government can't throw you in jail for your opinions
No. Here's a phrase that means the government can't throw you in jail for your opinions:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or of the press, or of the people peaceably to assemble, or to petition the government for the redress of grievances."
That's not "freedom of speech" though. That's the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. It's the first in a Bill of Rights included in the highest law of the land. And that is what you're talking about in the greentext above.
Now let's talk about what freedom of speech actually means. No quotes, no laws, but a philosophy. An idea. It's the idea that a person should be able to share their ideas without getting silenced by an unplugged microphone, a screaming madman storming the lectern or a swift punch to the face. And while there's no legal obligation to leave someone's microphone plugged in if you own the microphone, it's not unfair to ask that someone to reconsider their values.
Ultimately appealing to freedom of speech as a philosophy is appealing to empathy, not law. That holds even if the "biggest crusaders" have little or no understanding of the law. Liberties and values still apply to people who are ignorant of them.
I'll concede on the baseball one.
There was no support, I do find it REALLY odd that he got an invitation, but yeahhhhh
And the Ferguson/Milwaukee/Chicago riots?
Well, I'll concede on that too, but when you have angry black people getting angry about having the murderer of one of their own getting off...yeahhh, you don't want angry black people..
>Wheee are you going to draw the line of where speech becomes violence or abuse if you can say whatever you want?
At slander. You're not allowed to lie about people. Incite to violence for all I care, but do so without telling lies about them. There's a gray area between telling a lie that can't be proven to be a lie, so you should avoid that. It'd be a coin toss if it's slander or not.
And what if your parents weren't siblings? Then you wouldn't be making retarded arguments like that
>to ask you to reconsider your values
Typo, got the characters mixed up
I take it I won the argument.
yikes, I thought I was on Sup Forums for a second reading this thread.
BLM and tumblr dont use discord tho
and corporations can pretty much do what the fuck they want, you retards made sure of that
In the near future, if you'll want free speech, you'll have to use steganography.
> Incite to violence for all I care, but do so without telling lies about them.
The terrorists are going to have a field day with this
Pavel doesn't care if extremists use his platform.
Also, go the fuck back to Sup Forums.
>inb4 jewfag
>Heh, he doesn't want to argue against a completely fictional and unrealistic scenario, that means I won the argument
You sure did, buddy, now run along and tell mommy and tell her how much you owned that guy on the internet and I bet she'll give you extra good boy points. But make sure to spend them soon, because what if a meteor crashes into earth tomorrow?
Maybe. Although, I doubt it, since they are already doing it without much repercussions. It take some pretty serious inciting of violence for a member of the protected faith to be considered a criminal.
But one that is not overweight?
Honestly you should have hopped off this shit platform months ago. That whole, "no lewd animes" shit was laughable
wasn't it ok for muzzies in the uk to say that white women are only good for fucking? turns out they were prepping young white girls like chattel. I wonder if britbongs made headway into that case where the white girls was killed and made into kebab meat yet? I bet they got a warning and a commemorative sweater from the local PD.
It's a common method to show how going 10 steps in the wrong direction is bad by showing how going 100 steps in the same direction is very bad. You lost the argument and brought in a barrage of insults. Very, very typical of a condescending leftist on leddit. I wish I didn't have to endure it here.
>wasn't it ok for muzzies in the uk to say that white women are only good for fucking?
Yes, it was
>turns out they were prepping young white girls like chattel.
That's immoral and hopefully illegal. Should be punishable.
>I wonder if britbongs made headway into that case where the white girls was killed and made into kebab meat yet?
Sounds awful, how is this relevant to freedom of speech? You don't mince someone into kebab with angry words.
I wish we had ID:s here. I don't know if you're the same person I was talking to.
We're all NEETs here and this is how we feed ourselves. We aren't lucky enough to use our school loans for our useless degrees to pay for things. Like the artisinal seed to table organic gluten free food and plebbit gold.
different chap sorry for going on a tangent
The Nazis are finally going to leave something alone. And I don't even have to lift a finger!
Here are a few alternatives for you:
1. Matrix + Riot, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Matrix/Riot
2. IRC, use Rizon
3. RetroShare
>using anything unencrypted
when will you stupid kids learn? if it's not encrypted it means they'll shut you down if you don't play along with their political views.
there are several free encrypted messaging services, use them.
true Sup Forums has been on this train for ages now
>shut down my server
It is not your server. It is theirs. That's what you get for using Discord. We tried to warn you, but you didn't listen.
>>>pol; irc or talk.
>Your rights end where my moral justice begins.
Freedom of speech is freedom of speech, and freedom of artistic expression is as such. I can and should be able to say whatever i want in public and draw whatever i feel like even if it offends other people. You can not have freedom for some and not for others. You have to accept it all in life.
It's what America was founded on in the first place.
first thing the founding fathers would do if they were here presently is ask where we keep the guns. they would likely say the same thing fifty or even a hundred years ago.
Exclude murica from your search
Go to hell
>hates communism
>gets assblasted when they cant do whatever they want on another entity's private property
>muh forefathers who genocided a whole contient and enslaved an entire race have relevance today
>no lewd animes
First person to own slaves in the colonies was another negro. They also didn't enslave anyone it was the british along with islam. Genocide on the native savages is hardly a negative considering they did the same thing to themselves and the actual colonists.
Whatever happened to the old saying about sticks and stones?
>b-but the others did it
seems like americans like to adopt lots of things from Islam, like driving vehicles into crowds
They obviously have to learn to use trucks instead of cars. Trucks of peace are proven winners.