Windows Vista User, About to Smash Computer

I am in a bit of trouble here.

I am trying to transfer important data (up to 170 GB) from my 10 year old Windows Vista PC to a removable hard drive, which I will then use to transfer them to my new laptop.

However I overlooked one problem, the file names are too long. After waiting several hours for it to copy, it comes back with a message stating that over 203 different files in a whole library of data, have filenames that are too long for the destination folder. I cannot copy them as a result.

There are a couple of ways a could solve this problem:

1) I could edit the registry file 'LongPathsEnabled' using regedit, which will enable longer filenames past the 260 character limit. Unfortunately I cannot find 'LongPathsEnabled'. My research tells me that was only introduced in Windows 10 and Windows Vista doesn't have it.

2) I could use special software that auto-detects every file in a path having filenames which are over the 260 character limit, and then provides a convenient format for me to edit each filename one by one. Remember I am dealing with 203 files here, so I don't want this to take hours.

3) I could skip everything and just instead upload my files to a secure cloud storage service that will accept 200 GB+ of space to temporarily hold it while I get them back onto my laptop. I just don't want anything too expensive if that is the case. Let me know if you know of any good cloud services that allow expanded filenames.

What is the best solution for this problem? Thank you.

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what the fuck have you been doing that needs more than 260 character long filenames? your problem is almost weirder than the fact that you are still on Windows Vista

i've never seen a male do this, even the effeminate outspoken ones

limewire/kazaa filenames

>What is the best solution to this problem?
use whatever scripting is available on windows to rename the files automagically, then installing a non-autistic operating system

have you tried booting in a linux live usb session and doing the transferring on there?

I'm very organized.
I'm trying to change me OS this is just one last hurdle.

Is there any good software that meets my description above that you know of? I can't just change 203 files scattered randomly around my library around manually, I need something convenient.

No, but I think I could format a USB. What type of Linux do you recommend/link?I'll make that a plan B for now.

Prefix your paths with \\?\, it enables extended paths (32,767 characters).
copy \\?\C:\source \\?\D:\destination
For example.

>writing to NTFS partitions from anything other than Windows
Don't do this.

I'd recommend Bunsen:

Sick trick

I do this, is it really that bad?

He's not booting from the partition, he'd be mounting an additional USB and running cp.
What's the problem?

not sure about the long file name thing, but why use an external drive? if both puters are working why not just transfer over the local network? also, have a look at bittorrentsync


fucking end it all

Microsoft does everything they can to make using non-Microsoft products a challenge. This includes NTFS. If it is modified by non-windows, something will be changed that it doesn't like, and will accumulate problems over time until the point where Windows wants to run checkdisk repair before every boot.

unprovable horseshit

NTFS-3G is very good these days but it has still been known to cause data corruption on occasion. As a general rule of thumb you should always treat NTFS partitions as read-only unless you're in Windows, especially if they contain important data. In OP's case nothing too bad would happen if something went wrong but it's a good idea to not get into the habit of using Linux to write to NTFS partitions.

I've got Windows 10, and I'm about to uninstall and just roll straight Debian or Elementary.

These auto updates and pop ups make me want to kill my computer and myself in a pointless murder suicide.

There is literally zero reason why someone running a consumer version of Windows cannot install updates once a month.

I use elementary it's pretty comfy

there is literally no reaso I should have to restart to update, let alone restart multiple times. linux/mac/bsd can all implement updates in place

well NT isnt UNIX

then maybe it's about time ms switched colonels

they tried


or just make a private torrent

That's not necessarily true, I've had cases where Yum has fucked something and I've needed to reboot for everything to initialize correctly. Rare, but possible.

Install a Linux of your choice (Mint) to a USB stick, live boot, copy data.