There is nothing comfier than MacOS.
Prove me wrong.
There is nothing comfier than MacOS.
Prove me wrong.
I wish making kernel modules was more streamlined and didn't contain all that signing boilerplate shit I need to do from within Xcode.
Other than that, it's pretty comfy.
No, but you are using crapfox instead of Safari and STOLE IT with an hackintosh
Safari doesnt even have webm support
It's personal and subjective. Sage and report useless uninformative shill threads.
>Prove me wrong.
Burden of proof is always on the one making a claim.
You are wrong and gay. There.
Dude, when will you stop making this shitty thread every day? Seems like an inferior complex.
>macOS on a resolution below 2k
Literally why
being this mad lol
You should be burnt in a fire if you support Goolag’s spawn to control the world
How do I () come off as mad to you?
>the corresponding software is distributed under a BSD license.
MacOS is just a giant, festering tumor on top of a patched up mess of the freebsd kernel.
All those animations that homos and women love? It's to hide how slow the os runs. It's should be called molassesOS.
Lets not even talk about the shit graphics drivers and how Tim cuck thinks using an OpenGl version from 2010 is OK.
t.macbook air owner running fedora
>complains about macOS
>proceeds to confirm that he uses shit software instead
Are you implying linux is somehow worse than macos?
Objectively it is.Confirming you use linux on the desktop is like telling the world you eat diarrhea on a daily basis.
I would rather eat well functioning shit than gay AIDS cum
>objectively it is
uh, no sweaty it isn't.
>Linux desktop
>well functioning
It jus werkz for me
Because I'm tired to scroll Sup Forums and see this shit: Apple consumerism, Intel/AMD consumerism, Vega/Nvidia consumerism. These threads have zilch of technical information, just shopping experience and personal preferences, looks like a forum of a hardware marketplace.
It's OK when it happens sometimes, but not on a daily basis. If you have nothing interesting and technical in your head but share your customer thoughts, go somewhere else.
I don't like its feature set, but it is a very "comfy" OS. Apple is good at that. Shame they're not good at much else.
> (OP)
Got a github for the config ?
>watching games because the mac can't play games.
How easy would it be to convert my current pc to a hackintosh?
there is a native LoL client in macOS tho lmao you're just dumb
Depends, list your hardware
(motherboard, CPU, GPU)
nice wasted space you got there senpai
I agree, it's super comfy. I use a MacBook for note taking and internet browsing and stuff, unfortunately I have to use Windows for work.
MSI Z270 PC MATE, i5 7600K, Nvidia 1070
tiling wm faggot? is that you?
>I would rather eat well functioning shit
linux uses everybody
How do I get that Finder icon? its cute~
MacOS is all style with no substance
Thanks user
macOS is demonstrably the superior comfy OS
still better than linux
linux was a mistake
hahha nice try
Now do it without CSS.
>festering tumor on top of a patched up mess of the freebsd kernel.
Wat.. The kernel is not based on FreeBSD. It uses the FreeBSD user land though.
Darwin uses bits and pieces from the various BSDs
Its their default theme hahaha
Your overlord don't let you chose themes?
AWESME its so fuckin awesome that you can run league of legends in the navigator sahasuhsahusahuas jst jking
Source Mage beats your gay OS
Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?
enjoy your wannacry
this is exactly what i imagine when an apple user says linux is for autistic neckbeards
what made you switch from lewding Illya to lewding snail?
umm im not lewding anyone
Linux works, if you don't work.
You can make the ultimate comfy station as long as there is no game, I don't give a shit.