I want to use a VPN to browse Sup Forums because this site is a fucking huge botnet
What's the best that will not send my real IP to NSA?
I considered airvpn, blackvpn and mullvad
I want to use a VPN to browse Sup Forums because this site is a fucking huge botnet
None, they all sell your data.
Also, VPNs are mostly banned here so you will have to buy a pass and sponsor botnet.
Communist garbage
>VPNs are mostly banned here
This gives me the shits.
>Start VPN
>Browsing from muh ISP protected link
>Open Sup Forums
>Close VPN so I can post
Maybe you should also consider suicide.
>Communist garbage
>10% of every VPN Privacy Package is donated directly to the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Shit, you're right.
CyberGhost is pretty good and is fairly decent at stopping itself from being detected.
I don't want to post here I just want to browse here
Nice try FBI
Just use TOR then, do not sponsor Jews marking up bandwidth.
99% of airvpn IPS are banned on Sup Forums, mullvad 100%, dunno about blackvpn
basically if its a popular VPN, all of its IP will be banned, even the obscure VPN im using now only has a couple servers still operable for Sup Forums
>What's the best that will not send my real IP to NSA?
"Trust me dude, I won't share your data with the NSA. I promise."
>Use Pedo nodes monitored by US 24/7
no thanks
search around for a service that uses openvpn raw.
If they have a client or anything like that, they are selling your data or are a honey pot.
What stops them from selling data with a raw OpenVPN distribution?
99% of providers offer openvpn raw
what about ipredator?
>implying i would trust anything to blacks
fuck niggers am i right fellow the_do-- i mean Sup Forumslack?
HideMyAss doesn't, TorGuard, Private Internet Access, and a few others that a supposedly privacy centric i.e. allow you to pay in btc or gift cards, or at least they didn't last time I looked.
I honestly am not up to date in recent ones, but a few years ago when I started looking into building a VPN network with some VPS's, there were only 2-3 reputable providers who offered a raw OpenVPN connection.
While obviously there is an element of trust, i.e. they could sniff the virtual network device that you are connected to.
The likely hood that they are sniffing all your traffic is fairly unlikely.
Having worked in some larger data centers and even hosting companies that are more liable for you doing stuff like posting illegal stuff on their servers, phishing sites, scams etc... I can tell you logging all of someone traffic really is not in their interest, and Governments rather write threats, claim to have subpoenas they don't have, or just kick in your door.
However, if they have you downloading some closed source garbage app onto your desktop to connect to their service, 99% of the time you just joined a bot net chain, however they are still most likely not selling your data.
they can sniff any traffic no matter if you use raw vpn or not
I would like to add the data that they could sell would be relatively worthless.
There are a lot better sources of data for advertisers, or even Government if they actually bought data instead of demanding it.
Most data sales are valuable because it includes stuff like region, age, sex, along with data you post on their service.
Most data a VPN is going to have is probably already going to be a lot of HTTPS garbage data.
While other data venders can provide shit like your frequently posted / used terms, to better target marketing, or even people for phishing scams or other black hat shit you'd need social engineering info for. A VPN might have your real name and region ( depending on how you paid ) and thats about it.
Did you read anything I wrote?
This is a literal quote from me
>While obviously there is an element of trust, i.e. they could sniff the virtual network device that you are connected to.
It is extremely easy to sniff traffic over a router. The skill level needed for it is like, very very basic.
The point of the post was to illustrate that its easier to trust a service giving you raw VPN files because at least they are not trying to instal blob/closed source botnet apps on your system.
they don't even have to sniff virtual network device, why are you overcomplicating things?
And buy a pass
Fuck off, shill.
which one are you using now? might as well keep using it, because if it doesn't work then it's too late anyway.
How would they get your data if they don't sniff the connection?
You sound like a retard.
server-side, duh
>You sound like a retard.
now you do