Neighbours Joined My WiFi Network

So I have two sets of neighbours on my superfast broadband connection.

They're fairly dull people, really. No actual PC's, but I see a Samsung device, an embedded linux device (kodi, firestick?), and an apple device.

It's been a few years since I've done any good network stuff. Since these people are on my property, so to speak, I see this as a good opportunity to brush up on my networking skills.

Can you think of any fun stuff I can do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why did you allow them on in the first place

Do you have no password?

Keyloggers everywhere? Keylogger in the router? Is that even possible?

I was thinking about this the other day. What if someone leaves his wifi network without password but said network has malicious DDNS configured so if you use that network the owner ca see you through the webcam and pretty much everything he wants wit your device.

I have plenty of bandwidth, and they're not the type to even know how to install a browwser, so no real security risk. I was just being friendly. My PC's run on a ifferent network, anyway.

>Keylogger in the router?
You really dont have a fucking clue, do you

They probably only browse facebook, youtube and shit. You can do nothing since the connection is encrypted. Also HTST.

>since the connection is encrypted

Do Google and Facebook enforce TLS?

curl -I
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

You do realize that that's an actual hacking technique, right? Have you never heard of a pineapple? That's like script kiddie level shit.

Darren is adorable. Is Hak5 still going?

Tbh I've never really watched it. I'm not that pesky for Chan hacker, I'm into webdev.

>Setup a squid server
>start replacing ads with hardcore BSDM

Set up a DNS server. Point your router to it. Have it serve Google's homepage when entering and vice versa.
Set up a web server and point your DNS towards a fake "this site has been seized by the FBI" page when they try to enter or something harmless.

In short, screw with DNS.

Collect browsing history. Blackmail dad with his use of midget porn. Make bank.

No, never heard about that. Will google now.

that ciunt is so fucking annoying and so damn stupid. it';s obvious she has no clue.

retarded nigger monkey

sniff the shit out of them

This is nice.


Redirect all Apple devices trying to view webpages to gayporn sites.

You don't really understand technology, do you, kid?

>redirect all gayporn site visitors to gayporn sites

learn some grammar for fucks sake

Record their MAC's and put them in a separate VLAN you can throttle if they start downloading/uploading too much.

>doesn't even know the difference between grammar and spelling
>spells it wrong anyway

what? are you attempting to argue? it took you 4 minutes to attempt to write something and you couldn't even spit out a coherent sentence?
are you autistic?

th-that's pretty good.
Bonus points if you make some shekels that way
