>child porn
>illegal hard drugs
>slave trade
>contract killing
hold on
Child porn
Wait, aren't they basically saying "I don't like you but I'll defend your freedoms"?
To is compromised anyways
>waaaaaahhh why cant i be raaaaaciiiissst
Hilarious as your point is, this is still has a silver lining.
>But we can't build free and open source tools that protect journalists, human rights activists, and ordinary people around the world if we also control who uses those tools.
Every other company in the ring has shown these people the door. Tor Project are just doing exactly what these people are doing via Tor: speaking their mind. Good on them for holding to the actual philosophy of free speech in this case.
Now let's get back to those drugs.
Did you read their statement further than the tweet?
What a bunch of cocks tied together these TOR fags.
Did you even fucking read the tweet????????
well everyone hates jihadists, pedos, etc. already so there's no need to criticize them.
This can't be real
>if you want to butcher civilians and sell children into sexual slavery that's your business, we won't judge
>but we draw the line at pointing out that there may be differences between races
You know what they say about almonds.
back to Sup Forums, inbred retard
The whole silk road debacle
Why are they all so fucking smug.
>ut we can't build free and open source tools that protect journalists, human rights activists, and ordinary people around the world if we also control who uses those tools. Tor is designed to defend human rights and privacy by preventing anyone from censoring things, even us.
OP (Sup Forums) is a faggot once again.
nothing to see here folks, let him suck his own dicks by himself in insufferable sorrow.
Why are you saying this to OP? All he did was frame their reaction as "hold on." Not "stop," not "we disallowed this," just "hold on." And as far as my memory serves, he's on point about that. I don't remember them putting out one of these little op-eds every time an onion site is implicated in the other acts listed.
Ross had shitty opsec.
Because they just btfo a racist and are on their way to get some froyo.
I hope you faggots are ready to die in the street, because when this shit starts a war all you fat pink haired snowflakes are fucked.
Why are they all so fucking smug?
I don't read anything that's longer than 140 characters.
Pedos act smug.
My cashews are fully energized now, thanks friend
wasn't that because the autist that founded it had tried to viral it on some forums pretending he just discovered it despite it being the earliest mention of it before he got big and they just traced information from that old account?
>What is freedom of speech?
>Look out Nazis!
OP is rightfully calling them hypocrites for having much worse shit on the Tor network yet they don't write these PR fluff pieces about them.
You mean the retard that posted his name and occupation from a public unsafe network on a surface website? Sure that must be Tor's fault.
They are literally defending the Daily Stormer you retard. Kill yourself.
> Draw Stereotypes of coloured people
> asian with crazy coloured hair like he came out of an anime
> Stwong female looking down on you
> white guy with mohawk
> Black guy with "i ama rape yo ass" face
> They did not even bother with the asian girl
what is your problem? not our fault you can't read
Why are you nazis so violent?
Is it the autism and the inability to afford autism meds due to GOP policy?
>wah wah any opinion I don't like is Nazism
The comments on this tweet are pretty funny.
>Punch the right in the face repeatedly over the last 9 years
>Surprised when they retaliate
Come riot in Florida, I'd love to "stand my ground".
it's more like
> but you can still host on it anyway
>But we can't build free and open source tools that protect journalists, human rights activists, and ordinary people around the world if we also control who uses those tools.
>tfw it's another "Sup Forums can't read" episode
fucking sage
Tor is an evil service designed to protect degenerates, naturally the cucks on Sup Forums will protect pedos but if a racist uses it, they'll throw them under the bus
God I love justice.
Fuck off cuck
> be user
> also be redpilled
> feminists try to hunt you down
> they lose you almost instantly because even though you only exercise your fingers it's much more than they will ever do in their lifetimes.
>enslave people for decades
>berate others for what they do in the bedroom for decades
>get mad people tell you to stop being mean
kek nazis
Nice try, Satan.
You will not divide us.
>There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28
As Christians we should vehemently oppose racism. It is against the values of Sup Forums (a Christian board by now)
>inb4 hurr durr what about us atheistttttss
Yeah this is not 2009. 2017 is different. Things are different. Sup Forums is now mostly right-wing, conservative.
Why didn't they write a recent statement about all of the other objectively worse things on the tor network?
because they are virtue signaling leftist cucks.
Don't worry, trump is going to BTFO the leftist cucks on tor. Pedos and druggies can't hide forever
It's literally
>tor is designed to keep people from being censored so we can't even do it
To fag or not to fag
who gives a shit? it doesn't affect you.
This can't possibly be real. Holy shit.
The fucking gall of these idiots.
Tech industry is the embodiment of cuck.
>Water is not wet and fire is cold
Sure, you can voice your opinion, but...
Because all those things bring money
nazis are dirt poor & useless
literally below organ sellers
Yeah dude destroying history, pepperspraying people, throwing shit, piss and bricks at them for peacefully demonstrating. This is totally just "telling us to stop being mean".
I also don't recall the Nazis ever enslaving anyone, POWs don't count, they're POWs. If you're so against slavery why don't you go fight the good fight in Africa, where niggers still trade slaves to other niggers?
See you in the civil war, on the other side of my ACOG.
Seriously how low does your IQ have to be if you completely miss OP's point?
I'm talking about the tweet you subhuman
talk shit get hit
it's not our fault you get triggered by everything you fucking child.
But when you stop others from doing the same, even if legally and practically justified, you're undermining a philosophy that has done some pretty positive stuff across history.
It affects all of us who strive to defend the white race.
Got the same feel man.
no note really. you are allowed to shit up the Tor network all you want. they're allowing you to.
>Tor is meant to prevent censorship
>Complain when its used for its intended purpose
Imagine being a leftist
>Yeah dude destroying history
You mean like nazis have done for decades now? Oh no, they're the good guys because their skin was white? Book burning and whitewashing cultures to fit in an aryan mold is perfectly fine to you?
Jesus christ you retards are on another level of delusion. Constantly berating the 'enemy' for doing the same exact shit you guys do, but at a much smaller scale since they don't have the violent audacity.
>the white race
kek'd hard. you're time is up, get over it.
Deal with it, fucking nazis. The truth is you are hated more than pedos, drug dealers, slavers, jihadists, and assassins. How does it feel being the scummiest of the scum on earth?
You must be 18 to use this board.
Trump is going to shut down tor, they need to be stopped now that they're against free speech
okay buddy.
>the nazis have been destroying history for decades now
What timeline are we living again? Do you also think they have set up a secret base on the other side of the Moon?
I thought pedos were hated more than anything, but holy shit, apparently Sup Forumstards are even worse.
>this makes inbred user so mad
>now he'll be getting rejected by pussy of all colors
>Sure, you can voice your opinion, but...
There is no but in this statement.
Private consequences for voicing public opinions is within the right of anyone (e.g. losing your job)
Consequences by law for voicing your opinion is nothing but dictatorial.
>user makes a reasonable argument
>Y-y-your underage, stop disagreeing with me
Pottery, sounds like you need a safe space
Um...that had nothing to do with TOR. The dude used the same javascript on the website that he posted on Stack Overflow with his personal email address.
"""Nazis""" punch back.
>Nazis burning books for decades
>reasonable argument
>white supremacist
>has mentality of edgy 14 year olds
>surprised nobody takes them seriously
>this xkcd-tellectual argument again
>Nazis magically disappeared when they lost the war
ommgg i love it when white people defend culture and history like tr-- en.wikipedia.org
Go on, get mad at antifa for burning some flags or toppling a statue when your idols tried to wipe history from memory.
Don't worry, when this inevitably leads to Civil War 2.0 someone on my side will be sure to put your fat, ugly, worthless, self-hating ass out of your misery. It's not your fault that you're defective, but we can't allow you to continue.
How could you argue this blog post is anything but virtue signaling ? I don't see any blog posts about any else bad thats on onion sites.
>can't tell the difference between left-right, an economic system, and conservative/liberal, a sociopolitical system
Dumb Sup Forumstard
Pedos aren't relevant because all pedo sites are hosted by FBI
>Nazis burned books for less than a decade, over half a century ago
>"as nazis have done for decades now"
You played yourself
of course it's virtue signalling. the point is that it doesn't matter
>your idols
I'm not a Nazi, dumbass. Learn some nuance. And again, you must be 18 to use this board.
the thought of another civil war just gets your dick hard doesn't it?
Get laid you pathetic virgin
Fucking Sup Forums ruins everything, always. Why can't they just stay in their echo chamber
>tweet has like 20 retweets
>no one but a bunch of nerds will ever see it
meanwhile on Sup Forums almost 90 replies lol imagine having so much free time
>its okay because nazis do it
literal children
>it's right if we do it because the nazis did it too
you people are morally bankrupt
>complaining about people using messy english terminology in a way you don't like when it isn't even consistent across the english speaking world
An America "liberal" is not the same as a European "liberal". And if you want to name the axis of the chart in a way that isn't ambigous, it's authoritarian/libertarian socially and left/right economically.
it's actually about ethics in gaming journalism
all white people ≠ nazis you retard
you probably use edge
We're not the ones instigating, it's your side, funded by Soros, Inc. White men built the entire modern/Western world and you're fucking delusional if you think we're just gonna hand it over to a bunch of liberal faggots to ruin. There's a reason white people are superior, keep pushing and find out.
>all that shitposting calling out the hypocrisy
Is the article's author spewing her own views or is she speaking on behalf of everyone at the Tor project? That's my question.