This is the absolute current state of Intel
This is the absolute current state of Intel
the absolute state of the west
Who in the fuck is Bob?
fuck the west I want to move
>europe is cucked too
well what the shit now
Friendly reminder Asians don't fly for this shit, and they will win ww3
become jew and move to israel
tempted. goyim.
China is the most politically incorrect country by far. They very much stick with their ethnic identity and shit talk everyone else.
He doesn't wants to be in the gulag, I understand his position, not manly but respectable.
I just want to live in a place either fiercely nationalistic or racist, but still accepting of outsiders if you can learn the language and don't contribute to crime or degeneracy.
Mongl- I mean Finland seems comfy but their government got cucked in the last ~10 years and it's all falling apart
Seems like I left on time
Poland and Check is cool
this to be honest, look at how JUSTed Bob's face looks. I mean the guy has got to put food on the table and the economy isn't looking good nowadays.
I looked into Poland and I really like the culture and people, but everyone says it's shit.
>I just want to live in a place either fiercely nationalistic or racist, but still accepting of outsiders
You just want to live somewhere you can be racist in
Try Japan?
If you're tech man, you'll get easy job and money, food and services are cheap af so it's an easy life in Poland
I want to live where people are already racist so I don't have to put up with fucking leftists and all this forced diversity shit
I also like Japan but the work ethic is "grind face into wall every day" so I would need a stable at-home job where location doesn't matter first, no way I'm getting a Japanese job
I am big tech man, I read Poland is between country life and big city, with only some places having more modern technologies and amenities---but this is partially a plus for me, I hate city life
>processors hitting diminishing returns
>no new computing paradigm in sight
my dick will be diamonds in 5 years when "new" processor generations see less than percentile increases in computational output
and then I can just buy whatever the fuck is cheap
I'm from Lithuania myself, I know shit's really similiar, I never complained about life here ever since I turned 18 and quit reddit, it's all a matter of perspective, poland made witcher 3
how are tech costs in the smaller parts of Europe? I again read that Poland isn't very advanced or anything so tech items and internet can get pretty expensive, especially if you live outside of the cities, so I'd be interested in how your country is
also, oh shid, it's a sign
Tech can get expensive, but I live in the capital and am not needy so I don't feel it, since a lot of money gets leftover from pirating everything posiible, it's a thing people openly do and encourage eachother to do here
Go be an anti-Semite in >>Sup Forums
>Quantum computer teleports behond you
nothing personell kiddo
Goy, bye
you're not funny
Finland was great but it isn't anymore. Just look what happened yesterday.
he literally didnt mention jews at all
fucking kys
does this mean rapefugees are welcome in israel?
the Jews believe in acceptance, not having those stinky blacks in their backyard. they pawned that off on a few countries that owe them
only if the rapefugees swear allegiance to ISIS ;)
>Quantum computing improving normal computational tasks
get the fuck outta here, you literal meme
Why don't they exclude both sides of the argument and focus on BUSINESS AND TECH?
>implying anyone will ever acknowledge there is an "argument"
nope, not happening
diversity meme is here to stay
>implying websites won't become ever more bloated because of said quantum computing
>implying that devs will put any effort into optimizing their code because quantum computing is fast enough to run unoptimized shit.
>I just want to live in a place either fiercely nationalistic or racist, but still accepting of outsiders
what? that's not how it works
japan and china I guess, you'll get told to police a lot in china for walking wrong though
watch this guy about china, it's not bad at all
>quantum computing is fast enough to run unoptimized shit.
t. someone who doesn't actually understand what the fuck quantum computing is
I doubt the fucking pajeets could write a program that would actually run on a quantum computer, I don't think the demons in charge of Javascript will make quantum computing libraries for them to use.
>In order to save more money Intel will begin using Jew fag semen as thermal compound
>In some ironic twist, it actually turns out to be a better conductor of heat
>I just want to live in a place either fiercely nationalistic or racist, but still accepting of outsiders if you can learn the language and don't contribute to crime or degeneracy.
Denmark. Plus, they don't do any violence against the people they don't like. Just live and let live. On a personal level and in their minds they won't like them, they may choose not to hang out with them, but they will never do anything to show hate or somehow make the person's life worse.
Just look at his face. So punchable.
Bob is a fucking faggot
I haven't done any research on Denmark. Thanks.
It's not Western Europe standard of living, but it's no Africa either. More or less western Europe with higher prices (thanks EU), since everything basic is cheaper, but other things are sometimes relatively and other times literally more expensive.
PS. Don't be black
Pirating is mainly a things because we don't earn more in PLNs than the West in euros, so unless a game has a Polish distributor it'll cost 4 times as much. I mean, you'd pay 60 or 80€ for a game, but 240€ is way too much.
>western Europe
Outside of Warsaw it's an Eastern European shithole. Same with the Czech Republic, you have Prague that can be considered a western European city, and then you have rest of the country which is villages stuck in the 50s.
>and then you have rest of the country which is villages stuck in the 50s.
sounds comfy desu
On a side note: I always appreciated how badass the name of that city sounds in English. I mean, it is something like "Warstchava" for slavs, meanwhile WAR fucking SAW would serve well as a thrash metal band name.
>villages stuck in the 50s.
Yes, yes, and we have square moon, bears walk on the streets, electricity comes in buckets and there are no Muslim Diversity Enforcement Teams.
Don't move to my country you western fucks.
>we can't have cultural change of any kind or brown people will rape us
Poland is good because it's 98%+ Poles.
You moving there is just more 'diversity' bullshit.
what kind of sick evil does this creepy looking fuck get up to, if he's going to signal this hard? 2 to 1 odds he fucks thai children
Australia sort of. ignoring dome things our pm says basically everyone is racist, even the Asians
but if I move to a place it will be with the intention to successfully integrate into the existing society, not force my own cultural bullshit down other people's throats
also I don't even have any cultural bullshit to shove, I hate where I live
It doesn't matter whether you want to "integrate" or not. There are plenty of shitskins who want to "integrate" into Western society by fucking white women and having them pop out little shitskin babies. That doesn't make it okay, just as it's not okay for you to fuck a pure Polish girl and shit up their gene pool with your bottom of the barrel Anglo genes.
>shit up the pole gene pool
>implying the gene pool isn't already fucked beyond hope
>muh purity
>implying have anglo genes
there's your first problem, but I am also gay so I won't probably have children and have no interest in Polish women
fuck off lad, I just want to live in a place that is comfy
>shit up their gene pool
Have you even seen UK crime rates?
Poles are the niggers of Europe. Get over it.
>a faggot wants to move to poland
I hope you get beaten up by an extremist right wing gang
I am not a very social person so it's not like that would even happen
also I am 2 meters tall and well built, let's go
OZ is pretty bad. They're gonna be mostly chinks or some muzzies and whatever is left of the ABO's soon. Fucking idiots.
Polack confirms, it's shit. People are also shit, because everyone with half a brain left and never looked back. Czech Rep. is pretty comfy though: laid back people, extremely good looking and promiscous girls, legal weed, and the most atheistic society in the world (unlike Poland where everyone is obligated by law to fap to the image of Mary, Joseph and Jesus at least 3 times a day).
What else can you expect from a mentality that is more at home in 19th century Tsarist Russia?
Then that makes you a degenerate, so you have some nerve complaining about Western countries pandering to your kind. Poland doesn't want your kind. Your very existence is damaging to society. Stay in whatever cesspool spawned you.
what makes you think other countries want your pathetic ass
>b-but its different cause im white!
>Poles are the niggers of Europe
No, that's Italians. Literally and figuratively.
I haven't seen any of "them" mostly because i don't live in a big city
>Czech Rep
I believe in traditional values outside of my sexual orientation, so compared to the cesspool I exist in I am much more fit to lead a healthy life.
already confirmed shitness of Poland, you don't need to continue to post
I have a lot of Finn friends and they all say it's comfy to live in the residential areas, and the cities and rural areas are not worth it
Finland is good for tech though, they have made a lot of great things over the years and basically created memes as we know it.
>implying anyone from the West wants to move to Poland and isn't just meme-ing about muh homogenous nation-states
There's a reason Polish people come to Western Europe in droves. Once, while I was waking in Oslo some Eastern European (probably Polish, or Slovakian or Czech), dressed in construction crew clothes, approached me and asked me if I know where he can find work. Polish people are for cheap, manual labour. You literally beg in the streets because that's better than living in your 'pure homeland' which you're trying to 'protect' right now. So don't go on pretending like Poland is this promised land when judged by European standards it's the third world and no one sane would want to leave a real 1st world Western country to live in Poland.
Get real.
Polish people today move abroad to accumulate wealth from the embers of your dying societies. Then they'll return home and bring that wealth with them. The remaining whites will be begging at Poland's borders in a couple of decades once the rest of Europe is so heaving with shitskins that it officially becomes a caliphate.
Кypвoшизик, пpими тaблeтки.
>homogenous nation-states
I just want to live in a place that isn't so far shoved up it's own ass about stupid political bullshit that I can live a peaceful, mostly alone life without worrying about the country burning around me
but with the influx of allah is there anywhere in europe even worth moving to?
that's why I was wondering about nationalistic and/or racist countries, because they will probably be very resistant to all the cancer the rest of the world is getting forced into
>Got suspended twice
>In school suspension 5 times
What the actual fuck?
So you admit you're like the uneducated peasants who come to build successful countries. Chinese in the US, Africans and Indians in the West Indies, Indians in Qatar, Pakistanis in England, Turks in Germany/Austria, Philippinos wherever they can find, etc.
Good to know. Now that I know you people see yourself as shit I won't feel bad looking down on you. I gotta go, need to call Mateusz to come unclog my toilet with his pure Polish hands.
>2.4 gpa in HS
Wow, she's going places. And by places i mean sucking cock in a back alley for meth.
It's funny to think that if China just shut down all the US-funded companies (or all of the Americas, for that matter) in their country, the Americas would just fucking die.
But having all that power over a selection of countries must be even more powerful.
china and korea rule the modern world honestly
>tfw you did all those things as well as got expelled and graduated valedictorian with a 4.0 and 2300+ SAT
well they do have coral sharon and batel dejaldety
seems like making chicken their primare food source really makes wonders
Why do Americans think SAT is hard? I got 2100 hungover after 3 hours of sleep and no prep. I was still a bit drunk the morning of the test cause 3 hours of sleep wasn't enough to remove alcohol from your system after a night of drinking.
12/12 on the essay, too.
Polish here, average salary is like ~500$ and electronics are more expensive than in western countries
Eastern Poland is africa tier, especially podlaskie and podkarpackie where I live
But if you are programmer you will live here at a high standard
>Who in the fuck is Bob?
Some shabbas goy cuck who bends over for (((diversity)))/white genocide, and because of this (((Intel))) is turning him into a hero.
Their next move will probably be to give discounts to anyone who proves they've killed a white person.
Yeah, return home with mixed kids. Polish women are the biggest whores and nigger and muslim lovers.
Cuck with a small dick, likes to watch his wife get BLACKED on Sundays by Tyrone.
Tune in at 11 PM for This Week's BLACKED: BBC SMASHERS Pt. 13
How can something be "fiercely" nationalistic and racist and accept outsiders of any kind exactly? Because that sounds pretty oxymoronic to me and it might as well be high fantasy.
Because it is a high fantasy, inbred user is saying that's their ideal place - a contradictory mess.
Intel = Israel
AMD = American Made Devices
Nobody wants to live in the gray shithole that is poland
I bet she will only do three semesters max at a community college before getting preggers.
Polish do, it's better than being surrounded by faggots and niggers
why are all of them cleaning toilets in the UK then?
>unskilled workers emigrate to countries where their labor is worth pennies so they can get a job
>skilled workers stay in their countries and reap the benefits of their high salaries and low cost of living
Gee, I dunno
Exactly this
explain to me then how come that poland is a shithole compared to other parts of Europe?
not usually in agreement with Sup Forums about shit but as an 'ay fuck corporations' memer it's fucking pathetic watching companies try to paint themselves as heroic or forward thinking. hiring un(der)qualified workers for their race or gender is fucking dumb and creating specific trophy positions so people can jerk themselves off is even more disgusting. often, Sup Forums types will use "virtue signalling" to mean "publically giving a shit about issues i don't want to talk about :((((" but what companies like intel are doing is genuine virtue signalling.