>chrome is a botnet
>firefox is becoming a slower chrome
>opera is a chinese botnet
>vivaldi is a meme
>brave is a botnet placebo
>waterfox eats too much ram
>pale meme is unstable
is edge the true lightweight browser of Sup Forums?
>chrome is a botnet
>firefox is becoming a slower chrome
>opera is a chinese botnet
>vivaldi is a meme
>brave is a botnet placebo
>waterfox eats too much ram
>pale meme is unstable
is edge the true lightweight browser of Sup Forums?
>windows 10
ew (。>﹏
Two things I miss in Edge:
>HTTPS Everywhere
>VP8 WebM support
Otherwise I think it's great.
post the orginal pic pls
Firefox Nightly
my gf ruri is so cute
Use Ungoogled Chromium it's very nice
>slower chrome
Nightly was faster than chrome the other day. There's literally nothing wrong with firefox and a 1-5% worse speed is unnoticeable on stable.
>brave is a botnet
It's actually open source isn't it? It's currently the best android browser. I don't see why it wouldn't get that status on PC too.
You can always use Iridium
w-what are the tissues for
>the other browsers are bad because datamining
>so the best choice would be the browser that requires the pinnacle of datamining operating systems
This. How can OP be so stupid? He's most likely shilling windows 10 and edge.
>Only works on botnet10
Fuck off, lazy asshole
>vivaldi is a meme
People keep saying this but they don't explain why.
it's literally just chrome with a different css skin
but it's not by Google. That's the whole point. How does that make it a meme?
it's chrome so it's by Google, using a different skin doesn't change that
Chromium is not by Google user.
But it is.
No, Chrome is.
it literally is though
>chrome is a botnet
>uses botnet 2.0 a.k.a Edge instead
nice logic wintard btw
try running that on a 5 year old atom/celeron + 2GB of RAM
It may be open source but Google still wrote it and does 99% of the contributions to it. It's also such a massive and complicated codebase that nobody's actually audited it or anything - who knows what's even in there.
w3m my guy
she really is
i want to fug ruri
but she's user gf
I use firefox but it's kind of slow and I don't like how obnoxious they are about their political leanings.
I don't know what else to use, though. I like firefox's interface and extensions, I used to be a chrome user and switching from one to the other was annoying enough.
>it's slow
Are you using the 32bit version? Mozilla is retarded and defaults to a 32bit download on their homepage.
use nightly
No, 64bit.
It's the same, isn't it? Nightly is just more bleeding edge.
Nightly has shown to be faster than chrome.
Yup and most of firefox's speed improvement's (e.g. the Servo stuff) isn't even in Nightly yet. Plus they have more speed improvements that are scheduled to arrive by 59.
Firefox Nightly is awesome right now.
Is it really worth it uninstalling firefox to install nightly instead?
You install Nightly alongside it. No need to uninstall anything
Just install nightly and keep firefox.
If you're on linux you don't even have to install anything, just unpack the nightly's archive into a folder and you're ready to go.
Firefox 55. SIGNIFICANT speed boost, 57 will be a full GUI rework too. The fox is back, baby.
Lynx, it lets you browse the web without all the faggotry. I would have used it all the time if it weren't for the fact that chink moot forces us to use a botnet (javascript) to shit poast
Is the nightly really that much different?
QupZilla. Too bad it has no extensions.
Using icecate right now its by 960k and started at 300k after 20 hours of usage.
I always had to restart firefox after 4hours because it eat my whole ram.
Yes 4gb ramlet.
palememe has been rock solid for me on windows. and on linux, I prefer chromium
none of my firefox addons are compatible with nightly. ublock origin, gresemonkey, https everywhere, they're all "legacy" apparently
What the fuck are you doing? Firefox uses 500mb of RAM on my computer with 12 tabs open.
Edge is very fast and lightweight, but it's not worth installing Windows 10 for. Also it needs VP8 support, most sites might have moved on from it but it's very irritating when you find one that hasn't (hiromoot pls)
Arachne is the true lightweight browser of Sup Forums
edge is a amazing, it's faster than the amount of time it takes for a refugee to rape someone
going through a rough transition but has never stopped being the best modern browser in the sense of the bloated mess everyone is used to now, stuffed full of addons like a dirty slut.
non-free, irrelevant
>pale moon
derivatives are garbage, same as with GNU/Linux distros
I honestly don't know much about it. It's probably fine.
vi bindings are great, super fast and lightweight, built-in adblocker. main downside is no real addon support like firefox.
>elinks, w3m
pretty good but you're obviously missing out on some modern web features, which mostly matters if you browse major websites.
That's going full autistic neckbeard manchild, if you only want to be half of that just go with qutebrowser.
Yes. It's more or less Chrome with an FF logo.
Brave pretty bad right now. I use it as my backup browser since well, FF with privacy extensions break things. For me Brave fucks up constantly, like tabs will get stuck to the point where I have to restart the entire thing, and the UI just feels slow and clunky, and it has no extensions right now which makes it pretty pointless. Let's just say they have a lot of work to do to get it into a state where you can use it as your main browser.
>it's literally just chrome with a different css skin
Well then, by all means, please show me how to do this in chrome?
do what? make it look like shit? i don't think you can do that, sorry
>muh botnet
Sup Forums pls.
>non-free, irrelevant
Freetards are unironically this deluded.
how could i possibly make it look worse than it already does?
>chromelets will never know the ease and simplicity of tab-stacking
Firefox was the only major free browser and it won the browser wars. Other ones taking over is extremely disturbing and shows a more major issue in the minds of the population. People are too susceptible to advertising and misinformation. They didn't even realize what freedoms they were giving up.
Why would you even need to? Why do you have millions of tabs open? Learn to use bookmarks.
>won the browser wars
When was this? Firefox has never been on top.
You think? It seemed to be the most popular by far before Chrome showed up.
Icecat is all you need.
ummm.... no, sweetie
IE was probably more popular.
>before chrome
>posts graph that has chrome on it from the start
is this a joke?
>waterfox eats too much ram
No it doesn't retard
I was like you at first, but then i used it. here's some useful examples:
>learning a new programming language
>have the API open, but don't feel like having to reload between concepts
>instead of sucking it up, i can use Alt-Left and Alt-Right to cycle between the stack
>watching a stream, but also want to look at comments
>again, Alt-Right/Left to cycle between tabs
>pinning tabs? Don't want clutter?
>dont worry, stack those tabs!
It really is a neet feature :^)
Fair enough. Though I have two monitors so most of that doesn't affect me, well and I don't program or watch streams. But mostly it just seems so inefficient space wise.
Chrome had fuck all users at the start and the trend was the same throughout the 2000s, with IE on top.
You could probably guess that if you had any bit of brain
>Squints eyes
so.... is that the average vivaldi user?
There's no point in assuming things when the data is actually out there.
maybe if you were using tabs horizontally, but vertically, they do quite the opposite, and help clean up a cluttered screen.
Vivaldi isn't perfect, desu, it still eats up shittons of ram like any other browser, but i've gotten so used to the way it works, i can't imagine using another browser.
you still haven't disproved the point that firefox was never on top
Welcome to your first day on Sup Forums, may I take your coat?
I wasn't trying to disprove it. I was saying it felt that way back in the day, someone else started posting [far too recent] graphs.
I don't know if it was.
Can it be built on Windows yet? The only Windows build is months old.
Microsoft botnet > google botnet everytime
Use Iridium
Back to
>not using Iridium
>derivatives are garbage, same as with GNU/Linux distros
Waterfox isn't nuking addons so I'd say it beats firefox
Iridium takes an absurd amount of time to compile, to the point where my computer "ran out of" memory. It's also a behemoth to download, at 5GB+.
Spilt drink
FF peaked at like 35-40% market share, Chrome was the first browser to topple IE
Ungoogled chromium
>free as in freedom
Fuck off, jew
I want her feet on my ____
Post more feet
>firefox is becoming a slower chrome
That doesn't even make sense.
>brave is a botnet placebo
>open source
>ad blockers built in
>literally built with privacy in mind
You have no idea what you're talking about.
it's slow and is a chrome skin
literally just use anything and quit whining
the Korean boys you download wont change
Because the devs are retarded and the only thing they really do is make a inconvient chrome
I like it though
whenever i use firefox and try to get it to remember Sup Forums's cookies to remember my style, it still deletes them.
chrome doesn't
How exactly is it inconvenient?
Or maybe people value performance and ease of use more than ideology. Chrome just werks, and that's enough for most people. They aren't retards because they don't masturbate to FOSS like you.
Yeah this. I use it without any problems.
Specially since they actually made tabs draggable and droppable
I would snuggle snuggle her tbqh familia