So you guys think we're living in the golden age of piracy that will eventually end or is this here to stay?

So you guys think we're living in the golden age of piracy that will eventually end or is this here to stay?
Right now you can pirate pretty much any movie or series ever just by installing Kodi and one (1) addon. This shit is like magic

I havent touched Kodi in years because it's a bloated laggy piece of shit with abysmal controls.

This shit makes even macos look fluid by comparison.

it's literally googling "watch this tv show online free" without having to take through the right links
Nothing has changed, it's just more accessible to people who were previously too apathetic to give a shit


what is that one magic addon?

I think the "golden age" of piracy peaked a few years ago. With the demise and decline of various mainstream tracking sites(tpb, kat, etc...), the front-face of piracy has gone downhill. Tpb has had a lot of their more quality and/or obscure torrents removed or completely without seeders. Now its mostly game of thrones and whatever other bullshit shows are trending. For many of us, the quality of the state of piracy can be guaged by the status of more obscure torrents. In another way, however, the decline of these trackers can be interpreted as a positive due to the increase in private trackers, which I, for one, wholeheartedly support.

Anyways back to the point at hand, a few years ago it was a lot more common you'd be able to find pretty much whatever you need with at least a few seeders if you searched around the various public trackers. All of which were in a much better state. Admittedly there was a lot of shit going down at the time with the people behind tpb, however.
ISPs didn't really care about piracy for a while either which is the other main thing. Recently they've started actually caring again, with an increase in enforcement against piracy. Copyright notices from your ISP sadly, are once again a thing to be mindful of.

tl;dr: its going to shit, you're too late op. Also:
>Downloading TV shows/movies is the most degenerate form of piracy.

I really like Kodi and I never once used it for piracy. But I'm thinking its golden age might be over. Once a month another (non-piracy) add-on breaks and is never fixed by the maintainer. The most recent example is Fanart Downloader - the fix is known but since the author is MIA oh well nothing anyone can do.

eh, I'm still using torrents but quite honestly the download sites are back up and running, almost to the level back when rapidshare was a thing. I may switch back to them once my VPN license expires

Kodi is trash, why do people even use this piece of shit?

It's buggy as fuck and a horrible interface, even with modified themes its still garbage.

Piracy is pretty good right now. Kodi addons aren't a reflection of that as all they do is streamline the process of watching a shitty bit-starved version of a scene release that is hosted on a site like openload.

Interesting! I've been too sketched since the Limewire days to use downloading sites on a computer I actually care about. Too many damn viruses and fake downloads, it became too much to sift through after a while, hence switching to torrents, especially private trackers, btw. My above post didn't emphasize them enough imo. Glad to hear that download sites are growing again though!

The one downside is that the dl sites learned from the fall of rapidshare and mega so now it's a pain in the ass if you want to actually pay them for decent speeds

stop associating kodi with piracy.

you guys are killing the kodi project.

Kodi is killing the kodi project

fuck off faggot

A default addon is still broken has been for weeks. No ETA on a fix.

you sound like a retard
i use kodi on a odroid 24/7 for almost 2 years now

i never turn it off and i stream and have local content

its a content aggregator meaning i can watch dvds/paid streaming/local content/ and live tv all in a single interface

i can remap buttons and use any existing IR remote and with a theme like transparency you can completely customize the interface

i have no idea what you are talking about when you say its buggy.

nice talking shit though


XBMC ran amazingly on my original Xbox. I still have it installed even.

3 second boot time, perfect integration with controller, even if the defaults were fucking shit and needed heavy customization to fix.

But now it's just a total clusterfuck.

Lags like shit even on a 2nd gen i5 I have in the living room.

Are there any legal uses for Kodi?

HTPC software

To stream illegal content?

maybe you should uninstall windows10 because it works stable on linux and android on embedded arm devices which arent even 1/10th the power of a i5

To play content that you have locally (which you likely pirated)

i use mythtv plugin for HDTV antenna input
i also have all of my dvds/blurays backed locally with a youtube addon and shortcuts to netflix ect

More like Kodi is trash now. It ran great on an old sandy bridge Celeron when it used to be XBMC.

with something like the homerun box you can even import cable coax input next to live tv via HDTV

ie you can remove your cable box
pretty neat honestly
(alternative is a cablecard)

Go fucking kys faggot.

I had it on my PC and it fucked everything up and would mess with my soundcard.

Shove it up your ass

>he doesnt understand how encoders work

Piracy didn't really fade out. It just became less accessible to casuals again. Much like it was in the 90s where only computer nerds had internet and thus access to all sorts of content.

What HAS died off though, is derivative and parody works due to stringent copyright enforcement and fraudulent DMCA claims on youtube, which has taken over most video sharing websites.

You won't really find someone making a mashup video of Star Trek TNG these days or any HBO shows because cable companies are on that copyright pussy like crack in the hood

Sure it did bud.

Maybe learn how to set a sound output interface in a GUI correctly?

Not everyone can hold your hand.

Same. I want to know.

people in this thread are the same people who will cry about DRM but they dont understand they are the reason for it in modern browsers

you can get netflix for under $10 for a month

a movie rental used to be $7 for a week and now because you faggots we have to load proprietary binary bits in our browsers to watch HTML5 content

> Using a browser to watch video content
> Paying for media
lmao what a cuck

>not using ed2k for long-lived files

To play your DVDs and Blu-ray discs, your legally obtained intangible movies, and to use your TV tuner.


9anime addon for animus

Why get Exodus when you can get Covenant?

Because I clearly didn't know about it.

It's just an updated version of Exodus by the same team

Looks like a new team picked up development on Exodus and forked the repo.

Wonder if it's related to the subpoenas that were going around related to tvaddons

Oh, thanks for correcting me.

It's the golden age of terrible quality. All the Kodi stuff is low bitrate, but most people seem to be blind, so there isn't a push for the opposite.

>In another way, however, the decline of these trackers can be interpreted as a positive due to the increase in private trackers, which I, for one, wholeheartedly support.

How can you support private trackers? I mean, I use one too but they are all shady shitsites with powerhungry angsty teens for moderators and questionable morals.

I suppose the same is true for public trackers, but at least you can just use those without having to jump through hoops.

works on my machine :^)

kodi's great, been using it since original xbmc came out

Blind and impatient.

Yes it has to do with tvaddons going down and they were hosting the Exodus repo. Exodus is on it's way out, Covenant and Elysium are good replacements.

It's getting worse and worse. Maybe a couple years ago were good, but the jews are starting to catch on.

For example, I cant use most of the things inside Kodi unless I have a running VPN. Didn't need anything last year.

Since many of you don't like Kodi. Do you have any non torrent alternative that has good quality?

Abuse free usenet trials

Any PC friendly UI? I'm sick and tired of using the arrow keys to navigate the slow, laggy UI.

how is this shit laggy for you?

I'm using an Android TV box with 1gb RAM for kodi and while it lags the hardware itself is equal to like a 1ghz pentium III so I expect it to lag.

what exactly are you using?

Golden age was before Denuvo and when YIFY uploaded.
For streaming, sure, but I like to download the thing and not being dependent on internet connection


golden age was aXXo and TPB, isoHunt, etc

before every 12 year old had an ipad and would cry about obviously fake torrents

Yeah, aXXo was also great, I liked YIFY because I wasn't qualityfag and had slow connection.
I was also stupid and used uTorrent

Now that exodus is gone what do I use for movies?
Preferably something that also has asian movies.

>Now that exodus is gone what do
It's not. Either update the add-on or update your version of Kodi.

I think it will eventually end. I say that because people are still getting harassed if they don't use VPNs, and many don't. I expect something will give under that pressure. Either services will adapt to fly firmly under the radar and it will actually get better, or legal pressure will cause the scene to shrink and reform under yet a new service or technology. We're in a good time but not quite the golden age.

Dude kodi runs like shit even on a shield.

And I'm not sure wtf it has to do with piracy. It's a link aggregator with a shitty player.

That's all kodi is good for.


bruh what type of kodi are you people using that is actually functional? i have never come across an addon that actually works as well as popcorntime, solarmovie or traditional torrenting. Kodi to me is simply a nice library to view your local movies and porn.

Are you trying to use it with mouse and keyboard? It's meant to be used with a tv remote and it works great that way.

>golden age of anything

You're not doing it right, pirate high quality shit and use Kodi to view it

You can use the mouse to navigate Kodi, there's just a setting you need to enable

I agree that downloading and torrenting is just dumb nowadays. I stream all the shows I want to watch off sites and my ISP doesn't give a shit.

>still no netflix addon

kodi a shit

It works for me. Using it on all of my devices.

>wanting to use Kodi for Netflix instead of using it to make your own superior Netflix

No shit, been googling "*Whatever I want to watch* streaming" and it works for years now.

How does these Kodi plugins obtain content? Is it and encrypted download directly through a server or basically a torrent? I'm thinking of setting up a Kodi/Steam box for a TV, and I need to know if I should get a VPN to keep my ISP from harassing me.

It does seem shitty for basically a video file browser. At least plex lets me stream all that shit to whatever I want.

Without a totalitarian state you won't be able to beat piracy. Once you have something digitalized, you can't protect it from pirates.

But maybe we will see a rise in consumer friendliness to make piracy less appealing

It literally streams it from shit like putlocker

It's basically the same thing as googling "watch ____ free online" and clicking on those shitty lithuanian sites and picking one of those LQ garbage streams except it only shows you the stream itself. Expect buffering, YIFY quality or worse, and dead streams everywhere. It's not fucking worth it. It's for the most destitute poo in loos

if you do go that route, I doubt your ISP will give a shit so you don't really need a VPN but it's still not worth the trouble

Kodi runs perfectly fine on a C2D P7350, 2.13Ghz laptop dual-core from 2008. The interface always runs at 60FPS and it plays 1080p perfectly fine, even 10b H264.

I've only ever seen Kodi lag on a Raspberry Pi 1 with 256MB RAM and a CPU equivalent to a 300MHz Pentium 2. Even then it could still play 1080p with hardware decode, despite the slow interface.

Sounds like shit. Might as well torrent all of my stuff ahead of time and store it locally. Thanks.

All these newfags talking about golden age involving torrent shit.

>It's basically the same thing as googling "watch ____ free online" and clicking on those shitty lithuanian sites and picking one of those LQ garbage streams except it only shows you the stream itself. Expect buffering, YIFY quality or worse, and dead streams everywhere. It's not fucking worth it.
Are you joking? Yeah, it's the same as googling but without googling, ads, shady sites and waiting. Rarely buffers on my connection (mostly on more obscure stuff). Quality - yeah, it's yify but for most newer things you can get hd and it's absolutely fine for tv shows. Also for tv shows you don't have to search for episodes when they're aired because it either shows up on the list or it doesn't. Super comfy.

kodi is for normalfags who just want free shit. it's status has no bearing on actual piracy and sharing.

I would argue that legal access to content as improved dramatically through streaming and other a la carte services which has reduced the demand for pirating media.

No matter what I do Kodi tells me no channels were found
Is there any addon that lets me see what it's being aired on TV as if you were watching a TV?

why are you even willing to watch "free" live tv? thats a next level of retarded than actually paying for it.

Because I stopped watching TV after they made CTR TVs useless with that "digital TV" meme and want to watch it again, I heard you can watch paid TV channels with kodi so I'm interested

cool story bro

Jodi is shit

The golden age of piracy is dying not because of silly shit like jewish copyright lawyers banning their as a pirate site but because of Hollywoods shitty movies and TV shows that only get worse and worse. I mean cRap music hasn't changed in what? over 30 yrs now and people are somehow supposed to rush out an buy the same old monkey tunes? And superhero movies?? WTF? I'm not 4 yrs old, I need content not costumes and shitty special effects, or I'd still have my side chick around. Seems to be only the younger people are so easily amused with the nonsense out today. For most of us elder pirates of the pre-black Friday days, it was about collecting. Holllywood going broke is just a pleasant, not to mention comical side effect.

There has always been popular shit content. You are falling into the same nostalgic trap as old coots who go on about how everything was so much better back in their day.

There are also torrent backed plugins. I only bother with streaming ones when something doesn't show up in quasar

Another old-schooler who agrees with this guy.

That's bs. Most of the steams work great with very little to no buffering and it's very easy to find 1080p for most of them.

the newer movies are overwhelming constitent of some sort of effects mostly computer generated. The people who do all this get paid shit. All the budgets go to pay celebrities to stand in front of green screens. Writers don't get shit. It's a big business.

I installed a RPi2 with Kodi and Quasar on my parents' TV. It works like a charm.

I don't have to download GoT or whatever show is trendy anymore.

checkout OTA subreddit
theres a wiki that talks about importing a digital guide into kodi

pretty useful and you can even set up a DVR to auto record your OTA HDTV and stream the recording to multiple clients so you arent limited to 1-2 users per antenna

I pay for Netflix, but they don't have everything and now companies are pulling their content because they think consumers are going to pay for five different streaming services. Fuck that, they'll just create Cable 2.0 and make piracy appealing to normies again.

plex is proprietary.

kodi allows you to have volume eq across all media and fully customize your interfaces with sorting and bookmarked
you can also use it to call up a seperate player like mpv

i like having all of my media in one interface like music/videos/streaming/dvdplayer/OTA

yeah but what happens when DRM is fully implemented everywhere?

you wont have a opportunity to pirate anymore

you guys are pushing us into that now
all of the consoles and android/ios and windows/mac has DRM built in (android can disable atleast)

netflix and all the others have DRM streams

what happens when they dont produce optical disk media anymore?

how will the piraters get content to release?

Kodi is great if you know what to fiddle with and what are the decent plugins. Personally I mainly use it for live TV rather than any of the streaming plugins which I'd rather just download myself through pirate trackers. I have an aerial for loval TV (almost never use it) and then SportsMania for live streaming (shared account). Works like a charm.

Then pirate groups will care enough to figure out how to circumvent the DRM.

>yeah but what happens when DRM is fully implemented everywhere?

yeah but the chinese government will find them eventually

Kodi and Android boxes have been a huge fucking deal here in Europe for the last year or two but there's about to be about a million of them put into landfill as they're sold as "stream whatever you want boxes!" but they just have shit like Navi-X or Exodus which have all stopped working or have become broken. The amount of normies who bought them and have no fucking clue how to use them or operate them is hilarious.

With torrent sites falling like dominoes now, if you don't hoard your shit and protect it ( & your other data) and grab what you want now while you can, your a fool. Keep in mind, who's to say that in a year or two that complete series you got yesterday will still be there when you need it due to your hdd or whole server kicking on you. I don't torrent nearly as much as I used to, only torrent a few choice films and I've got my eye on getting Law & Order SVU S19 when it hits the airwaves later this year.

pic related can record 2 OTA channels and have another watching a live channel via the hd homerun kodi addon

you can also put in a cable card and have your cable channels too

pretty great to have next to my offline content