If macs are so good, why does Sagiri use a Wacom® Contiq© tablet running Microsoft℠ Windows™?
Checkmate applel autists.
If macs are so good, why does Sagiri use a Wacom® Contiq© tablet running Microsoft℠ Windows™?
Checkmate applel autists.
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Pretty simple; the apple products have better colors, and the Japanese don't like coloreds.
Damage control.
because she's japanese and the only thing Apple sells well over there are iPhones.
Macs are only featured in good anime.
ps: ever noticed that every phone in anime is an iphone? explain that sorcery.
that's not a mac, user
Damage control.
that looks like one of those microsoft surface laptops
looks like some shitty chromebook
>She uses inferior Sai instead of Mangastudio
Sagiri should kill herself. I bet she bought it too instead of pirating that worthless garbage.
Windows i the only operating system that you can run on a self contained drawing tablet. Drawing tabs on mac have to be tethered to that mac.
>that's not a mac, user
>that looks like one of those microsoft surface laptops
>looks like some shitty chromebook
maximum butthurt and damage control!
bad user
Kirino >>>> grey-haired autistic retard
best imouto is pic related.
>ever noticed that every phone in anime is an iphone? explain that sorcery.
it's not sorcery it's plain because japanese know iphones as the standard
to be exact the Iphone makes up over 50% of the marketshare in japan at least a couple years ago
>Japs being tech-illiterate
Not even surprising
>macfag using tech illiterate as an insult
the guy on that magazine looks like some character from death note
literally who?
She could just switch to Clip Studio Paint and run Mac OS just fine
It's just a lot of artists are somehow tech illiterate and she's too stupid to figure out how to switch from her pirated copy of SAI to anything else
Because Cintiq Companions run Windows dumb anime poster, she has no other choice
Don't all Jap illustrators use iPad Pro now?
Why does this author always have main girls as worst girls? At least Kirino was hot but Sagiri's got nothing and she's NBR.
>Don't all Jap illustrators use iPad Pro now?
Animators from Little Witch Academia tta attended various fests used iPad Pros to draw everythiugn. They also had Macs that connected to their NAS and they displayed art.
iPad Pro and Macs rule anime.
It's also funny that there's an isekai anime this season that is all about a kid with an iphone in a magical land. kek.
iPad pro has faster refresh rates than anything that WACOM makes.
it's also hilarious how anime shows prefer putting japanese tech into their shows (SONY, WACOM, Fujitsu, VAIO etc) yet apple has completely dominated tech shown in anime in the past 2-3 seasons. it's all apple now.
PS: Guess what Raphi uses. kek. Stay mad poor pajeet!
>this is what iToddlers actually believe
that phone looks like some cheap chinkshit knockoff, look how off center the button and speaker is.
>LWA ruling anything.
Trigger hasn't had a hit since generic harem that doesn't end #78.
>that phone looks like some cheap chinkshit knockoff, look how off center the button and speaker is.
Oh no, it's iPhone. Stay mad!
kek... one more pic. stay mad poor pajeet!
notice how a little girl is using it? That means it's made for little girls.
this makes pajeets mad.
>iShit is a cheap chinkshit knockoff
Well at least you finally admit it.
Mobiletechreview says to just get the new surface pro over the wacom tablet
Apple invented a modern smartphone. Everything others have done after the original iPhone has been a knockoff.
PS: Another top anime fo the season, Re:Creators, is all about iPhones and Macs.
PPS: Stay mad! kek
>why does this character from a shit cartoon use a shitty tablet?
gee I wonder OP
everyone uses iphones in that show.
>this is what iToddlers actually believe
>bragging about shounenshit
>t. assblasted iToddler mad his lagPad cant even detect tilt properly
I don't own a tablet, and I use linux on all my machines. The fact that you wrote that reply shows that you are the one who is assblasted.
>t. assblasted iToddler
>refers to shit anime whose characters use shit products
Wacom is good at drawing tablets... not the best, not the worst.
I guess she carries that tablet because the creator had/has one of those.
As for which is better.
Well... If you just wanna draw and use internet. Apple has you covered.
Simple. Get's shit done. Nothing more.
You may still need to buy a drawing tablet tough... and if you wanna be legit you must buy a license for PS or whatever.
If you are a poor bastard like me.
A windows corei5 with a wacom tablet and Pirated PS is good enough.
>shounen trash
>applel gayboi products
Maki doesn't have this problem.
Maki a shit.
Guess the anime.
Guess the anime #2
your right nigga, lol
Guess the anime #3
ps: this one should be easy if you know some kanji.
It's a mac but actually it's running Microsoft Windows™
Guess the anime #4
Little Witch Academia
demi-chan OwO
Inou Battle didn't sell. Little Witch Academia did.
Guess the anime #5
Anyway, I could go on and on but it should be clear to everyone that iphone and apple rule the anime world.
>worst yuru
dagashi kashi
correct! owo
Ironic weebs must be gassed.
>this is what iToddlers actually believe
Stay assblasted lmao.
funny enough, K-ON also had Macs in them (pic related). An iPhone too.
Stay mad and poo in the loo!
>iToddlers UNIRONICALLY collect screenshots of solely apple products on their fruity toy computer
Mugi also uses Macs.
>one out of 20 keions
>not even best
lmao stay assblasted
>mactoddler fanart
>photoshopping your fruit religion into anime
>that level of delusion
He isn't assblasted. You aren't assblasted. You are both just ironic weebs going through the motions with no actual interest in what you're pretending to argue about.
How will iToddlers EVER recover?
It was drawn by the same artist.
Guess the anime
Fake news.
No one in nipland actually uses macshit that doesn't even have eroge.
ITT things that macfags can never have.
He's actually from Death Note. His name is Mikami Teru, he's the guy who literally fucked up everything.
ever heard of bootcamp? kek. stay mad.
The Cult of Mac has a chapter dedicated to the Mac scene in Japan.
>my OS is so shit I have to install another OS to make it useful
that's what hurts me the most about using loonix ;__;
guess the anime?
Evangelion. Not sure of the model tho
>literally watches anime to collect apple product screenshots
Seek mental help.
Even Lain was a macfag.
>apple products are designed to throw away devices when warranty runs out
Guess this anime... it's from this season and it's isekai.
>literally watches anime to collect apple product screenshots
like nigga lmao @ ur lyfe choices
>tfw your anime doesnt fall for the applel meme
>no loop for keychain straps
Into the trash it goes.
>flip phones
that's from early 2000s. kek. iPhone didn't even exist then.
Guess the anime. :^)