I want to stop using all Google products, and the next on the list is Gmail. Could you recommend a email service that supports free speech, and won't track me?
What is the best free-speech supporting Gmail alternative?
They are all just like Google, except also shit.
Protonmail, cock.li, mailfence
How do I get an invite?
Lurk moar.
This shit doesn't support free speech at all.
pls gib invites
Yes, it does. Go away.
Keep lurking.
what op asked for:
>free speech
what op actually wants
>hate speech
These are terms only faggots use.
Yandex? I asked in another thread if it's useful for day to day activities such as banking, forums, etc. but no one has replied yet. I'm shopping for email providers as well.
Yandex is russian google, e.g. botnet
Yeah but as a westerner it seems okay. An user pointed out before it's definitely going to make you stand out, which is true, but won't these other providers like protonmail do the same?
Is it safe to have my own email server and host on my own shit?
You are right, "free speech" is something only a fucking faggot uses to cover his ass when he is whinning
Guys, are there any half-decent, readily deployable home email server solutions that would not be overloaded with spam easily?
ProtonMail is Sweden, while Yandex is Russian. Up until recently, Protonmail looked to be the best alternative, outside starting up your own hosted e-mail serivce, but after a leak got out, it looks like they Yandex might surprisingly be the better of the two. Just remember, do not do illegal shit, because one way or another, even if you use Yandex, you will get sold out if there is enough stuff on you, they just will not hand it over to US for no reason, like Google does, but, still, watch your ass.
>Yes, it does
Their social contract is anything but free speech.
"Hate speech" is a strict subset of speech. Free speech is a right pertaining to speech. Try again.
Sounds good, thanks user!
Hate speech is not free speech.
>ProtonMail is Sweden
How DARE you?
How do I set up my own email server and what do I need to know to properly manage and secure it?
First you need to install gentoo
Posteo.de, check it out
>Hate speech is not free speech
Paintings aren't pointilist
Do you see why that means nothing?
tutanota is pretty good but its served in a cuck country
Hey everyone look at this faggot.
Because they're banning opinions.
What "opinions"?
Protip : email providers that are not controlled by the NSA can't send emails to gmail usa. Try sending an email from mail.ru or o2.pl to gmail and see how it never arrives.
Get a devio.us account, it comes with e-mail.
They list them in their social contract. The fact that they do is enough. I understand banning content that's against the laws of the country where they host their servers, but not just opinions. If you're not far left you're pretty much denied entry there.
that's a honeypot domain name if i ever saw one
>I don't know what a honeypot is: The Post
>Hate speech is not free speech.
It literally is, you massive retard.
>anti-free speech
Unironically looks like a terrorist den. Should I report it?
Same thing m8
Thread's over, the edgy teenaged shitposters found it.
>host on my own shit
Your ISP will likely take issue with that if they do not flat-out block the usual email ports. If you want to do it on a VPS, that will probably work well enough.
I'm sorry that you don't know how freedom of speech works.
>said the guy who really doesn't know how it works
You can repeat that ad nauseam but that won't make it true.
>uses an image as an argument
Seriously? Nobody posted
it is tho.
who defines what hate speech is tho?
is it hate speech to hate hate speech?
is hating black people hate speech? what about white people? what about nazis? what about communists?
what about ironic hate speech? is that free speech? what about when a black guy calls another black guy a hate word like nigger? is that not free speech?
Is it ok for a white person to say they hate niggers? what about when a black person says they hate niggers?
does the hate designation depend upon who is speaking?
Do we need an advisory board to dictate what is permissible speech and what is not permissible speech in unambiguous terms so that everyone can fall in line?
if you dont like what I have to say deal with it
recommend a safe and good VPS plox
i have experienced this issue with my self hosting with ISP blocking shit.
dnsexit.com has services which allow you to send and recieve emails thru non standard ports which they will route to you and will act as a 3rd party http redirect so that you can forward clients to a non standard http port
each service runs about $5-10 per year
shit domain name which can't be used professionally.
only white people can be racist. it is the current year.
Retard, use airmail/firemail.
Of course it can.
Current year you say?
"our motivations go beyond privacy and anonymity -- Autistici/Inventati is a collective that recognizes and promotes anticapitalism"
This site is literally just a bunch of autist from /leftypol/
This is a bait post right?
protonmail + nylas looks nice
>le ebin maymay comics face
a vivid reminder that 90% of Sup Forums is 15 year olds that think tumblr invented political correctness
desu you're right now that i think about it.
get email in whatever country routinely punks your country out. is there a chinese mail service?
Cucks can't respond to this with arguments, btfod
Who is this shit even aimed at? Liberals don't give a shit about economics and communists think caring about identity politics is "false consciousness".
Literally not an argument. Avoided every single point made in his post.
I'm sure the gibberish received by the Israeli came to much use.
he isn't wrong, but he isn't saying anything meaningful or new either. the idea that for profit corporate entities will act against their own monetary interests without suffering is naive at best and paranoid at worst
>Who is this shit even aimed at?
the owners ability to make money off of sheep refugees
>the idea that for profit corporate entities will act against their own monetary interests without suffering is naive at best and paranoid at worst
I'm curious what the relevance here is.
n i g g e r
I have used hushmail for a long time.
Steven Crowder basically said the same thing as you in this video but he said it better.
They are antipolitical.
>speech i don't approve of is not free
people like you are the cancer eating at our rights but it's not like you'd accept that you will just spout bullshit until someone calls that hate speech and forbids you to spew it further
Buy a server in the Netherlands and setup iRedMail.
Google has all the best products so if you stop using it you will handicap yourself.
What will you use for search? Duck Duck Go? C'mon, let's be serious.
>Literally promotes a political message and disallows those who disagree with it from utilizing their service
Basically google, but for hipsters.
lolcow.email is ran by the lunatic who also runs the kiwi farms. I use it for a lot of little stuff.
>The services we provide are not intended for (directly or indirectly) commercial activities, for use by organized religion or political parties, or, in short, by anyone who already has means and resources to spread widely its ideas
why not just use pgp
What's the point of a communication platform when you can't actually say anything?
>Autistici/Inventati is a collective that recognizes and promotes anticapitalism, antiracism, antifascism, antisexism, antimililtarism, and the refusal of authoritarianism and hierarchies.
>refusal of authoritarianism and hierarchies.
You can say anything as long as it's not about politics.
An @autism.exposed email address was used to send a bomb threat to a school near the guy that runs it and somehow he still has his email server and runs it.
Or capitalism being good, or slightly racist, or...
That story is wrong, though. He didn't get hacked. Some dude just registered a free email.
devio.us is great, it just a group of OpenBSD guys that run it as a shell service, been on it from almost its startup.
They also don't take any crap so if you use it for stuff outside it's terms and conditions then you will soon be history.
The owner of Cock.li has been arrested before, what's stopping him from being arrested again and having to shutdown everything? I don't think that domain is reliable at all, just use it if you need a temporary email for something.
Capitalism is politics. Racism is politics. Anti-racism is politics. Basicaly, don't be a poltard or an sjw.