Automation Technology taking jobs

Should we as a society take precautions for technological unemployment or is it all fake news?

Any of you Sup Forumsentooman automating away dem jobs?

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Automation is very good at repetitive tasks with clear success/fail states, and which can be "taught" via large amounts of existing data on the subject.

Even if your field can't be 100% automated away, there's a good chance 90% of the jobs can be automated away and have a handful of humans left to supervise/double check the results.

Professional driving/trucking will not exist in the future. That will be entirely automated and anyone working in that industry will be out of a job. Additionally, businesses which rely on that industry will suffer because all of their human patrons will now be robots that don't need to eat at a road-side restaurant or buy snacks with their gas.

Other specialized fields which require years of training for humans may not be automated entirely, but the amount of workers required to perform them will be significantly reduced. Law firms can eliminate 80% of their staff and use OCR and an analytical NN in their place.

All the tasks your personal desktop does today used to be done by human workers in an office. Even decades ago, the digitial revolution displaced jobs and the trend is merely continuing today. Unfortunately, automation tends to replace low skill / low intelligence jobs. These redundancies affect the most vulnerable people in society, and create a destablizing effect overall. Unemployed people are far more likely to radicalize and become self-destructive political agents. The next secot on the automation chopping block is interstate trucking, which is a huge source of human employment across the USA. When this industry gets disrupted, get ready for the issue to come to the forefront for many.

If you're looking for advice, only jobs which require real human intelligence and intuition will be buffered from autmoation disruption.

I believe our current governments are not agile enough to mitigate the worst effects of automation across the market. I imagine income inequality and social unrest will continue to degenerate at an accelerating rate. It's possible that city-states will reemerge in the west as all areas outside major cities are left behind to rot.

South Korea is ahead on the automation curve and they are already considering policies to limit automation:

Fun fact: 1 robot employee for every 19 human employees in South Korea.

>limit automation
Are we living in the middle ages now?

>I believe our current governments are not agile enough to mitigate the worst effects of automation across the market. I imagine income inequality and social unrest will continue to degenerate at an accelerating rate. It's possible that city-states will reemerge in the west as all areas outside major cities are left behind to rot.
Good point. The article I posted points, a.o. to china instead of automation as explanation of job losses. But today imho that's just automation by proxy. The east is betting heavily on automation even more so than the west. See e.g. Foxconn and South Korea.

I also expect increased social unrest. Most people don't realise what is already possible. Maybe that's typical of the people being especially vulnerable to the automation of their jobs.

I' wouldn't be for such a thing either. But the social consequences must be acknowledged. This just shows how bad it is in South Korea already.

This is also something that annoys me in the article in the OP. It's like climate deniers in the early days really. The best option is to acknowledge the problem early.

Embrace it, if your job will be automated in next 50years then you aren't doing anything important in the first place and automation itself is huge legal mess than won't be solved for another few decades anyway.

>Are we living in the middle ages now?
End times, friendo. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em.

What are we going to do when automation reach white collar jobs?

It's cutting back on the current tax incentive for robots it's not a robot tax really.

I'm guessing robotics/automation tech is just very economically viable there so similar to solar power you can cut the incentives back.

>tfw I'm actually replacing my coworker (network admin) with scripts
don't know how i feel about this

>don't know how i feel about this
that's because YOU are the script. Twist ending!

Until it's very clear that general AI is going to be cracked within a decade or so, I don't think we need to worry. I think the bigger problem is that when some tin basher or paper pusher gets their job automated away, they just waste away at the local walmart or whatever instead of learning some new un-automated skill or trade that allows them to make a good living. Thus far, there has always been something for humans to do despite the pace of automation, in fact right now the US and other western countries seem to be suffering from a "labour mismatch" where the skills employers need and the skills the workforce has is a wide gap.

What society really needs to do at the moment is focus on retraining and reeducating people with jobs that are being automated away. Maybe such a program can be funded by taxing robots or advanced software.

Blame whites as usual

If he's a netadmin, he should be aable to find other tasks at yoyr company to do, in my experience there's never a shortage of work that could be done.

Something to consider is that increasing automation will decrease the price of goods & services that have been automated significantly. 50 years from now a basic income system may cost the government less to implement than existing welfare programs cost now. Consider how existing automation in food production has made good so cheap that the biggest health issue for the poor in the US is obesity.

The only real tricky thing is real estate; even then automated building method might make building super high rises cheap, or allow anyone without regular employment to be able to plop down a trailer (that is better made than current houses) out in the sticks.

You're right, it's the same with us, but he's not willing to improve himself and instead became a careless frustrated slacker complaining about everything.
The job market here is so thin here that we can't hope to get a replacement, therefore I have been tasked with creating a set of powerful tools to reduce our troubleshooting and provisioning time so we can handle the workload without him.

He knows what I do, I showed him to give him a chance to turn around, but I don't believe he realizes why.

I've got nothing to feel bad about really, but it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

I think that would be worse. All these people with nothing to do, unemployed with all the time in the world. Smells like trouble and being entirely dependent on the government while also being a voter in the democracy creates for a really unhealthy relationship.

That peak in the image is literally most people about climate change. They think they're so smart denying it, with so many "gotchas" that are actually really simple things that the field has already contemplated and figured out.

Also automation will take 90% of jobs. The job market literally is not keeping up with population growth and it's a massive issue that will come to bite us in the ass in 10 years.

- ban automation (we'd turn into a 3rd world country pretty quickly if that happened, and many industries would be ruined)
- Universal Basic Income (people get enough money to live and have some minimal spending power due to the high level of automation, but buy-in will be hard for those whose jobs are already secure. It'd feel like an attack on the american dream to a lot of people)
- ???

Automation is fine, the problem is how we respond economically to it. Our current economic models aren't ready to deal with a post-scarcity world.

Keep believing. The price of goods & services will never decrease thanks to greedy business.
You think the price of goods & services decreased when horses got replaced by vehicules?

We produce thousand times more than the last century and the price of everything keep rising.
When automation will take most of the jobs you'll live in the slums hoping for the rich robots owners to give you something to eat in exchange of degrading work.

>That peak in the image is literally most people about climate change. They think they're so smart denying it, with so many "gotchas" that are actually really simple things that the field has already contemplated and figured out.
Also the place where the author of the OP article resides.

Very shortsighted arguments with tons of holes in them.

Prices for most things have fallen, user. Food is cheaper than ever, for instance.

The chemical food out of McDonalds isn't real food nor healthy. GMO got involved to increase the production.
It's not cheaper because they decreased the price of food, you just got shit food for cheap price which they produce for an even cheapier price.

We ain't ever gonna see true post-scarcity. Just a drastic drop in the demand for labor, especially low- and mid-skilled labor.

>You think the price of goods & services decreased when horses got replaced by vehicules?
It did, actually. Drastically. Sending a letter by Pony Express cost, in todays money, about $100. Nowadays you can have stuff shipped to your doorstep for a few dollars.

I remember an article estimating the total amount of labor required to make a shirt in the middle ages. Farmer grows the cotton, spinner makes the thread, weaver makes the cloth, seamstress makes the shirt. If every hour of that was to be paid at seven bucks an hour the cost of the shirt came to something like $4,000. As recently as the '60s a lot of middle-class people didn't own many clothes (and mended them carefully to extend their lives) because they were so expensive. Now I can buy a t-shirt for under ten bucks.

In other words, automation made our lives easier.

>Should we as a society take precautions for technological unemployment or is it all fake news?
Yes, humanity should in general. That being said, even in the face of game changing technology on the horizon, there will be many more jobs created such as it has for all of history and technological advance.

Society is in a rut and has become stagnant. Nothing like a swift kick in the but from technology to sort themselves out.

> Any of you Sup Forumsentooman automating away dem jobs?
Yes. A highly advanced AI.

>What are we going to do when automation reach white collar jobs?
>when automation reach white collar jobs?
What do you mean "when" it's already happening. Off the top of my head:

-Ai designing websites.
-IBM watson diagnosing melanoma better than an army of medical experts.
-AI doing discovery for big law firms.
-Deepmind AI designing neural network architectures for specific tasks.
-Google Vizier hyper-parmeter tuning for a big part of their AIs.
-AIs writing basic articles for the summer olympics (and more).

More to be found on the interwebs and here:

Any PLC automation programmers here?

You can get fresh fruit year round because of the drastic drop in the cost of transportation - including horses being replaced with trucks.

Anyway McDs isn't all that cheap on a per-calorie basis, you're paying for convenience. Not paying all that much, granted. But go ask /fit/ and they'll tell you all about how rice and beans and so on will get you nutritious meals for a few bucks a day.

You're suffering from false nostalgia, hedonic adaption, and a form of misguided contrarianism. We've never had it so good. If you had a time machine and went back to ask previous generations, they'd wish they had our problems.

There's nothing wrong w/ automation of job displacement. The issue more closely centers on how society and economies are structured.
The technology will come. Societies and economies will be restructured.
Why? because the technology will advance the human race.. If they are mature enough to let it.

>Society is in a rut and has become stagnant. Nothing like a swift kick in the but from technology to sort themselves out.
I'm expecting more social unrest for sure. But it will still take years for the automation implications to seep in to a lot of society.

>Yes. A highly advanced AI.
Care to elaborate or are you just automating away your NEET life :^)?

>Professional driving/trucking will not exist in the future.
Hahahahaha No it wont


>basic income

Pls go pick up an economics book. Even the most basic one will show how retarded you are.

There won't be any job available, something you don't seem to understand. When you'll get killed by a hobo because you still have a job and he can't get any money for food you'll wake-up.

Automation only produces more jobs, not destroys them. Stop listening to your democrat overlords.

It's not like it's an all-or-nothing thing. There'll be waitstaff 100 years from now. Not at fast-food places though, McDonald's will be an automated place where you tap on the screen and a machine spits out a burger for you. If you want a human to take your order you'll be going to a fancy steakhouse, but it'll still be there for the people who'll pay for it. Welcome to supply and demand.

And your alternative solution for UBI is?

basic income is not a solution. Never was never will be.

I'm 20 and I would feel fortunate if i would be able to see a proper AI in my lifetime. Seriously it's like being concerned that the rich people may move to Mars from where they can safely play out nuclear wars without the risk of getting irradiated/killed.

I agree it could be quite troublesome; it could end up similar to how many Indian reservations are today; there are even parallels with how tribes use casino money to provide a basic income to their members. Though this would still be better than people starving & homeless, and the mass uprisings that would cause.

Maybe something like a job guarantee program would work better. Hell, even making people grind away in a MMO to get their basic income would be better. After all, idle hands are the devil's playthings. I have heard that as an explanation for why crime didn't rise during the great recession; unemployed young men were too busy on their Xboxen to go out & get into trouble.

>let's subvert people to video games

That's why no one takes Sup Forums seriously

>Automation only produces more jobs, not destroys them. Stop listening to your democrat overlords.
see The article in OP is deeply flawed and dangerously short term looking.

AI/robots can and will replace a huge part of the workforce that will become unemployable. They will not have either the skills/intelligence/time/opportunities to just 'get another job'.
Already is estimated that somewhere between 40%-70% (depending on the country you're in) of the jobs TODAY can be automated.

Sure new jobs will come into existence like they always had but with the crucial difference that these jobs must be strictly harder to automate than the old jobs. Ergo jobs for high-skill/-intelligence workers and even there ... see

Hahaha Wolff is a jew plant and is precisely what is wrong with the EU. Also, he says tech should be our overlords when he should really be telling people to make use of the coming tide of tech to inform themselves and adapt to new practices like any surviving person can. Fuck him.

>I'm 20 and I would feel fortunate if i would be able to see a proper AI in my lifetime. Seriously it's like being concerned that the rich people may move to Mars from where they can safely play out nuclear wars without the risk of getting irradiated/killed.
Automation and the job displacement because of it is not the same as General Artificial Intelligence.

Narrow AIs and robots taking jobs is happening already.
GAI is many years away but I wouldn't be surprised if you did live to see it.

Stopped reading right there, enjoy being ignored.

But that's even worse. You're going to have poor people numbing their mind away and life on some box instead of being productive and advancing society in some away. There is no use for that individual to exist.

Also brings up the issue where the large and unworking social class can just vote someone in to give themselves more money instead of spending money on other things of more importance like space. Also what purpose would kids have to learn at all if they won't work? Not saying alot of kids aren't dipshits now but it's going to drop off because there is no use for knowledge when everything is already guaranteed.

I think we should be following Japan, decreasing birthrates so AI will replace the jobs that are needed due to the older population and a lack of a large youth to fill them. Will ease the journey into the new economy and focus on quality of citizens (probably restricting reproductive rights).

Automation doesn't make jobs harder. It makes them easier. It will just make more easy jobs for people. This is why the basic income argument is a scam. You have democrats pushing for basic income cause they say automation is coming, but then they're the ones also pushing tech automation.

>hey, we're going to destroy your jobs cause we like you guys more as welfare slaves than free thinking people, so go out and keep saying you want everything from the government pls

Basic income is an ideal that cannot exists because it runs on the fact that we no longer have scarce resources, which will never happen.

It's just satire, you dummy.

Cocksucking is still cocksucking, even if you're doing it ironically.

Fuck off, retard. Everyone is racist, including you for acknowledging jews is a thing.

What do you think the guy should have done?

I've done some work in the past. Why?

There is going to be a big change in the nature of jobs and work. I believe since we have seen this before the same will happen. More jobs will be created.

Its probably a good idea to reduce immigration down from fuck it maximum however as we absorb the shock.

Automation will be the best 1984 that'll ever be.
Imagine the gov' telling you to comply or they'll cut off your "basic needs". You'll be a literal slave and incapable of any independance.

They won't be more jobs to be created retard. Because they won't be any jobs left.

The wrong jobs are being automated first. Automated jobs and basic income are flawed ideas because they assume automation of stupid shit like services will somehow increase resources. The way automation is headed were going to mildly improve resource extraction but significantly increase consumption. The first things that should have been automated are resource renewal, discovery, and extraction but those are the things that have been stagnant since the 70s even in modern countries. Have fun being poor shortly before the death squads come to slaughter you for being wastes of life

>I'm expecting more social unrest for sure.
The social unrest is already occurring and its due to immaturity and stagnant social progress. Social regression in a number of cases. That being said, a technological 'sort yourself out' moment could go either way. Which is why I said, it will be up to humanity to decide its course when the full brunt of the technology hits. It could result in amazing timeline. The choice is up to humanity but time is up w.r.t stagnating.

> Care to elaborate or are you just automating away your NEET life :^)?
AGI. The real kind. Not fake marketing. Not weak AI optimization algos marketed as AI. The real deal. How soon? The timeline is right around the corner.

Fact: violent crime in the US has been on a steady decline since the release of Doom.

video games have done more for this country than 4 generations of elected presidents.

Carmack/Romero 2032

Okay, so when that happens when robots run the government, your home, go to school, make food, eat the food, and kill humans, then you'll be correct in that alternate universe.

>Automation doesn't make jobs harder. It makes them easier.
Automation REPLACES employees. Sure you could say it's as easy as not going to work.

Sure there are also cases where there will still be humans in the loop but ask yourself why. Why will there be a humans in the loop:
-Either the humans job is not easily automatable and thus also hard for a human to do (so high-skill/-intelligence).
-Or it is easily automatable. Then why wouldn't it be?

Even in the first case, technology advances rapidly so what might be hard to do today will be easy in a year or two. So how exactly does automation make jobs easier?

The problem is most of our presidents thus far have been lawyers. We need more leaders with STEM backgrounds.

That's up to humanity. You have tychons who have tens of billions if not hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth. I don't see a social catastrophe on the horizon.. I see a re-balancing and reshuffling coming. Your food money is at the top.

>The first things that should have been automated are resource renewal, discovery, and extraction
Thats because no one in Silicon Valley makes productive technology. They only care about making entertainment and subversion software. Remove google. Remove anyone from the tech circle on the west coast. Focus all energies on national production. Reminder that no one in SV has improved farming gear or infrastructure builders. That has all been midwest driven industries.

You'll get one and then some more and the message will be to lead yourself.
Keep your eye on the horizon.

>advances rapidly

Tech doesn't advance as fast as you think. There's construction vehicles that are still using the same shit from over thirty years ago because they have little innovators. Again, if there was advanced tech, we would have a much more advanced lifestyle in cities across the US, high speed rails will replace the old railroad system, and there will be many more conveniences in place. We haven't even begun to reach the age of advanced tech. Most of the US and the world are still living in 1950.

It wasn't always like that in the valley. The $$$ began pouring in some time ago and it attracted the wrong types of people with the wrong intentions who empowered the wrong type of ideas and gave strength to non-productive and socially regressive technologies.

> Focus all energies on national production. Reminder that no one in SV has improved farming gear or infrastructure builders. That has all been midwest driven industries.
Correct. All too often brainlets, people who've never worked in tech or the valley, and sometimes even kool-aid drinkers in the valley believe it to be the bastion of innovation and technological progress. It isn't really. Fueled by high taxation and insane costs of living, people come up w/ innovative ways (((to make money)))... Not innovate.. Not make the world better. (((to make money))). In such a way and with huge backing, many of the technologies that have come out of the valley as of light have resulted in social regression, destruction of true intellect, and the rise of lies and obfuscation. They have had their day and it is a day that shall be no more. We are headed towards a new age. One that will not come from the valley. They non-innovative socially regressive climate there shut them out from it.

I do find it funny it was the midwest that funded them and then they got so rich, they just kept feeding off people who are addicted to that ease of tech. But I have to tell a lot of people that we're not even in a high tech age. A high tech implies we have advanced tech everywhere, that life has become easier to the point that we're able to not worry so much about life. An automated society wouldnt even need basic income cause it'll have so many jobs to do that people are more happy than ever. I don't know what world SV folk are living in, but I don't want it. You shouldn't have homeless people hovering around your supposed high tech life. They should be employed and working for you. It's a damn hypocrisy.

Technology IS going to change where and how people work. So what?

It really depends on what new jobs are created and what other skills those who become unemployed have and how willing they are to adapt.

I know this seems like a strange example but my brother used to own a record and video store, one of those places with just rows and rows of CDs and DVDs. I sold it before it went bankrupt in the nick of time, that location is now a kebab restaurant. As for my brother, he went back to school and now he's an accountant.

Lab and learn and adapt to the new situation. Work hard and try new stuff instead of hiding at the coffee machine.

This is a great company. We're getting paid training, lenient working hours, great pay (boss already got burned some years ago when everyone left at once and now he's doing everything to attract and keep people, which increased productivity tenfold and the company started to grow like mad), we've got a big lab and we're allowed time to test new technologies in it.

We especially need another firewall guy and aren't finding anyone, this could be his ticket to $$$ - if he would sit down and learn. Instead, I had to explain Cisco ACLs last week to him and ultimately migrate them myself.

He's one of the people from before the big bang where everyone left. He got into this position because the networking team was completely gone and he was available. Then the new wave of hires came in, a lot of very competent people, and he's been left behind ever since. Now the company is growing, we're implementing processes and structure, and he misses the days where he could lounge around all day and moans about the stress and the expectations he's being hold against.

I'm quite fed up with him by now, if you haven't noticed.

If you're not a land owning elite you'll be slaughtered

Do you have any suggestion for a guy who's 28 years old with entry level certs, no experience, no degree and stucked in a shitty job? I really can't find anything, not even an internship.

how the fuck cant you find anything? I get job offers everyday from downtown dallas asking to do web work or c++ work.

>Keep believing. The price of goods & services will never decrease thanks to greedy business.

It's crazy to think how wrong this is, yet so many people believe it

I don't live in the US sadly. I live in Italy and the exact place where i live is a shithole. There are no offers for entry level jobs in IT, not even fucking helpdesk. I'd love to move out to somewhere like Milan but i have some problems that won't let me do that.

What certs do you have? What direction do you want to go?

The latter is quite important. I got into this industry by my hunger for networking knowledge, I macGyvered a lab and played a lot with virtual router images I nicked from some pajeet ccna cheating forum (

There's so many run-of-the-mill smb admins. Pick a field you want to specialize in and dive into it. Do related projects so you have something to talk about in interviews and your cover letter, maybe present them on github (it's not only for devs!) or a blog.

If you get offers, people already know you know something. This isn't the case for many people. There's a mass of newbies without formal qualification on the market that don't stand out from each other, these are the people that can't get internships.
At least this is the impression I get from the US market, in my country the can't-get-experience-without-experience-gotcha doesn't really exist because we're doing apprenticeships, which gives the company a cheap worker for three years and the apprentice three years of paid experience and a chance to continue at the company.
Therefore I might not be the best person to give advice to

Most low IQ plebs will go into welfare and hopefully kill themselves with some cheap alcohol or drugs if they have any sense of pride left.

Thats because in america, you have so many opportunities to get said experience. The problem is that no one ever takes them. I got to where I am simply by teaching myself. I have no certs. I did everything from bottom up, first as a freelancer, gathered contacts, and eventually became a marketable asset. I have friends who work the jobs I would be if I didn't have my own software business. The one reason I dont take these jobs is because I dont want to be a work slave to anyone else but myself.

Yes. Automating away engineer's jobs so that they can be done by CAD monkeys.

Population would already take care of itself by decreasing if it werent for certain organisations pushing migration.

100% spot on. SV is a depressing. It's an artificial rat race that compels people to find innovative ways to exploit others. Tech is a powerful tool thus they use it to exploit others. To maintain margins, the companies in the valley export manufacturing to low cost centers that have low pay labor, a lack of regulation, and zero concern for the environment. Meanwhile, they market themselves as guardians of the future of humanity. They aren't guardians or stewards of the environment or humanity and it shows in their actions beyond the cover of their cleverly engineered words.

The true history of the valley is that the government created it : as it does most advanced technology. Myopic profit seeking systems integrators hardly ever invest in hard sciences for the good of the public or create and push products for the good of the public. They do so only towards profits.

Silicon valley socially is a hive minded cluster fuck that ran the adults out of town as well as any serious science minded humanitarian. What has been left in that husk of past technological innovation are a bunch of brogrammers and wallstreet types leveraging off of the open source community and previous technological roadmaps of true visionaries.

>The first things that should have been automated are resource renewal, discovery, and extraction but those are the things that have been stagnant since the 70s even in modern countries. Have fun being poor shortly before the death squads come to slaughter you for being wastes of life
I think you'r just misinformed:

Mining is already immensely automated.

I'll look into resource discovery and renewal next. But i'm quite sure that there are automation efforts well underway.

These are just the companies you don't hear about cause no fancy apps...

This is good. It will keep all the evil nazis out of tech.

just think of the possibilities
genocide-as-a-service (GAAS)

Nice, please elaborate if you wish.

That's good to hear for your bro except on the scale that will likely be happening it won't be: just retrain and get a more skillful job. By the time you finish your reschooling an improved AI/robot is already chipping away at yet more jobs which will create a huge mismatch between required labor and available labor.

Sure it falls but consider this:

1) Bipedal robots carrying stuff is a problem that's much harder than what is needed to take jobs. Amazon automated warehouses with enormous "NO HUMANS ALLOWED" zones. (The robots working there have wheels not feet.)

2) When it fall's it just learned something valuable from the situation. Not only that but this robot and all it's brothers, cousins and maybe even more can learn from that situation.

Less actual jobs but more micro-jobs:

This is the thing that boggles my mind.

We're entering an age of automation where an increasing population is not a good thing for a nation. It's fantastic for business owners and investors who benefit from cheaper labour and more potential local customers as well as government essentially subsidising millions of more people to be able to consume your product.

There's going to be so many social problems in the future due to an utter displacement of workers. Not only that but people are going to despise having to give away massive percentages of their income to people they have no attachment to. Socialist policies are increasing along with desire for open borders. That is insane.

But I don't care any more. I've realised this is an inevitability. I'm going to do as good mother nature wants and become a sociopathic business owner that tries to gain money any way possible. I'll sell baseball caps and thug culture to Africans and promises of charity to women.

I wonder if the matrix concept isn't too far off. As in, a bunch of people hooked up to cables in a "training centre" and their thoughts and menial actions are used to train AI.

It's not robots harvesting them, it's companies.

Ya. My title is automated systems engineer. I've gotten rid of many jobs but all under 15 an hour

You should aim to get rid of journalists jobs.

If you look at most low or medium levels of reporting, these people just take stories from other news networks and paraphrase a little and throw a unique spin that satisfies their target audience. BuzzFeed is immensely popular regardless of practices just like this. They of course have other content like "12 things only 90's kids will get" or "8 movie references only single mothers will get".

I think this could definitely be automated.

> robots
> companies