How the fuck is Google allowed to censor anyone who isn't a hardcore leftist? I'm tired of that shit. Fuck google

How the fuck is Google allowed to censor anyone who isn't a hardcore leftist? I'm tired of that shit. Fuck google.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck of memeist

They're a private company thus can't be held to same free speech standards

True, but selective enforcement of the rules is complete bullshit.

Well I'd agree,
but they have a monopoly, so the "free market" argument goes right out the window

>I'm using a service for free why do I have to agree to their terms of service????!!! Fuck the jews

I agree completely. However, there's little anyone can do about it until the tide shifts. Anything not hard left is seen as Nazi

What the fuck are you on about? A single company having a monopoly *is* the result of an unregulated free market, you disgusting communist.

>not being a white supremacist makes you a hardcore leftist

Why are Sup Forumscucks so clinically retarded?

t. antifa

They literally are a global monopoly, hence they should be held to the same standards as democratic countries.


literally not true

it's their service, they can do whatever they want with it
don't like it? don't use it.

Exhibit A

They booted Clover off of the app store too, because even though it defaulted to the main page without images, this site still hosts porn.
Google's guidelines are so inane that if anything even remotely linked to you offends them they'll boot you.

There are several countries that agree and have taken legal action, unfortunately the US isn't one of them..yet

Tech companies are slowly setting themselves up to get their ass stretched by govt...
It's going to happen just as it did in the past :

Don't worry, they're literally tying rope around their necks for an upcoming series of court cases... because they are that dumb.

A lot of them are simply uneducated. And I don't even mean that in a strict institutional sense, by all means be homeschooled, but they're easily emotionally manipulated.

>not being concerned with free speech on the internet

What are you doing on Sup Forums.

everything offends somebody

Welcome to the free market, you fascist piece of shit. They have the right to impose whatever the fuck TOS they want. Don't like it? Go somewhere else.

this isn't a free speech issue

>Banks start terminating the accounts of people with "bad opinions" because muh freedom.
>People with "bad opinions" suddenly lack one of the essential services for surviving in todays society.

>People in the United States would defend the rights of the banks in such an event because muh freedom.

The less phoneposters the better. You can only argue against this if you think low quality posts are better than high quality posts.

Why would a bank terminate the account of an individual bringing in money?
Oh wait, you fascists are typically poor and stupid no wonder banks don't give a fuck about you.

You forgot part of your sentence. What issue is it then?

You say "literally" too much, I bet it bothers others around you

>Immediately jumps to namecalling.
>Why would paypal terminate an individual bringing in money.
>Why would a cloudfare terminate an individual bringing in money.

shouldn't firefox/chrome/etc be removed because they can be used to watch porn?

>some guy expressed his non-mainstream view in an organization
>gets booted immediately
how is this not about free speech?

the issue is that the app violated google's policies, and as it's their service, they have complete control over what those policies are
google has no legal obligation to host any app

>how to not be censored

1. don't be an asshole
2. if an asshole, get ready to be censored

99.99999999% of the World didn't know shit about this. Me included.
Now thanks to Google and the Streisand effect the whole world is aware of them.
Well played Google-tards.

Because they can.

Should have supported the movement to end net-neutrality so that you could start your own ISP that provides services to libertarian hosting services. Probably should have supported to movement to offload ICANN to a private entity, so that they couldn't pick and choose who the feel like granting access too.

Too late now.

Anyway, Gab is fucking stupid. Make your app available through a website.

It's not rocket science.

how is it about free speech?

well thats good news, now normies have to do 3 steps installs and we all know that they dont have the brain power for that

Tell that to homophobic bakers.

you think you have a legal right to have your shit hosted by google? seriously?
think about what you're saying

Define asshole

>Sup Forums was all about freedom
>then it wasn't because the same retard shows up in every single thread arguing for 100 posts with every single random poster about how censorship is excellent when it aligns with my brand of partisans
>Then proceeds to insult everyone, moving goalposts and pop random equivalences left and right

>Supporting Free Speech Makes You A White Supremacist

Interesting. Could you expand upon that?

>violated google's policies

Which ones specifically? Letting some racist have an account to post does not constitute the service to be racist or what you think violates something.

The difference is I guess Clover is used specifically for Sup Forums and nothing else. A web browser could still be used for purely family friendly things.

That seems to be Google's reasoning.

But that's an outright lie.

They have the tumblr app on there.

They have the reddit app on there (I guess that's borderline because reddit links to third parties)

They have snapchat on there.

So they don't really care about pornography or offensiveness.

No it's not. Google and most major companies are protected by towers of patents that act as gates for any new comers. Ever wonder why there are only 2 x86 manufacturers? It's because the government wanted two sources so Intel had to fairly license it to at least one company. Or try making a successful android app that uses list data structures, if you're lucky you won't get sure by patent trolls who making profit just from lawsuits and go after small guys knowing it costs millions upon millions to hire patent lawyers for years on end of appeals.

The US absolutely does not have a free market in the slightest. The patent system itself is the most heavy handed and encompassing regulation that lets larger companies to artificially raise barriers to entry, something that is normally covered by anti-trust regulation


Don't like the company? Don't use their services. People like OP are pants-on-head retarded

Homosexuality is a protected class under the law. Being a racist isn't

Are there hate speech apps made by leftists?
You're saying selective so I assume you have examples of this.

Raids by /leftypol/ and normies.

It's a free speech issue.

>Corporations that are bigger than countries shouldn't have to conform to certain standards.

Why the fuck do people think like this?
Are you unironically retarded?

that's just what they said, and specifics are beside the point, what the operator of the service says they do and do not want, goes. they do not need a reason

I hope this happens, but these companies are very powerful and I have my doubts.

leftypol is like 12 NEETs overdosing on HRT.
They'll probably all commit suicide sooner or later.

Meanwhile a mod just deleted our daughteru thread in this very board. Spend your energy in worthy causes instead of a fucking Android app nobody gives a shit about.

>It's a free speech issue.
No, it's not. Google is NOT stopping you from saying what you want. They're just stopping you from using THEIR service to do it.

This has actually happened, almost.

Multiple banks refused to service accounts for poeple inolved in pornogrpahy or prostitution.

Anyway, we have the Civil Rights Act and Faggot Wedding Cakes, so it's clear that people are comfortable extending the notion of free speech beyond the boundaries of government institutions.

We've seen a large debate about whether private businesses can refuse to furnish rest rooms for sexual deviants.

It's not unreasonable to ask if businesses who have monopolies based on government intervention, benefiting from a public utility, should have a more neutral political position on the services they provide.

Nobody wants to be associated with Sup Forums, by hosting a Sup Forums browser app Google is basically going against their far-left views.

Anyone I don't agree with.

Except DS wasn't bringing in good money at all, in fact, they were costing money due to all the DDOsing going on.
But alas, this is too much for you to understand when you get triggered by 'namecalling' on Sup Forums of all places.

Because anyone without a swastika on their forehead is a hard-core leftist, and all news is fake news until Trump tweets otherwise.
Eat shit and die.

>Google allowed to censor anyone who isn't a hardcore leftist?
Wrong. Google just wants hate speech gone from their app store, it's their choice.

Case on point


So we need to make being a racist a protected class.

Google is a company that resides on a public utility and profits from said public utility. If it wishes to engage in political persuasion, it should be removed from the public utility and create it's own private networks (which it is).

The small hitch here is that google ultimately decided to support the continued government control of the public utility it resides on.

So really, it's not THEIR service, it's OUR service.

They are finding this out the hard way in Europe right now, which is ironic, because Europeans are so very touchy about Naughty Speech.

Got it.

Anything not conforming to the position deemed "good" is hate speech

Because they are ignoring net nuetrallity as they continue to privately lobby against it.

High quality post


Nice strawman.
Nobody got censored for supporting free spech, they got removed from a service Google owns for being an overt platform for literal white supremacists (e.g. daily stormers)

What was the app?


>Lol you got so triggered
Except name calling isn't an argument, of course you wouldn't understand this though.
>They were costing money.
Yea that service that was made to handle DDOS attacks sure were having a hard time handling DDOS attacks, and it SURE must have cost so much money.
Can you prove that DS were actually costing them money or are you just pulling that out of your arse?
Thought so.

So this is the power of /leftypol/

Let's hope Trump removes Google from the internet. It is, after all, a public utility. If they can't behave in the public interest, they really ought not get to benefit from public infrastructure.


>hate speech
>memes are hate speech
>disagreeing with me is hate speech

Read here plus many other institutions that have been forced by the law or by some fine hurting someones feelings or denying them. This sort of shit only applies to the left stop being a blind libertarian kike.

>Let's hope Trump removes Google from the internet.
Trump does not like anti semitism.
See: "his" daughter

>and specifics are beside the point

How are they? The specifics are important because the attack is coordinated across different entities at a specific target and it's presence on the internet. CANN, GoDaddy, Google, TOR. Everything you can cover.

>they do not need a reason

Well they certainly have one. And it's certainly in the name of silencing free speech.

> hate speech policy

>No one got censored for free speech
>They got removed for being a platform without speech restrictions


Interesting and enlightened perspective you have, young man.

What is white supremacist care to explain to me what you mean by this?

If you're going to ban an app because racists use it then by that logic no social media app should exist.

And you're calling Gab a hate speech app, which is complete bullshit. I suppose you have examples of Gab being developed for hate speech purposes, right?

>Free Speech is Anti-Semitism

Hmmm. Interesting. I didn't realize censorship was an innately Jewish trait.

Did you read what I wrote?

The left when the right was in power:
>A Columbia University dean, John Coatsworth, has defended his university's invitation to Iran's anti-American ruler, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, by saying that it would have been equally appropriate to invite Adolf Hitler to speak back when he was alive.

ISIS uses twitter and facebook to recruit and spread hate, but I suppose that doesn't matter.

Meanwhile, the reddit app remains.

The google app remains.

The twitter app remains.

The instagram app remains.

The youtube app remains.

The facebook app remains.

Now are you seriously going to tell me I can't find hate speech on these apps?

le ebic jew maymay is free-speech and anti-semite. Anti semite speech is not allowed in Google's terms of service. You didn't comply with it and got banned, and so you are whining here in Sup Forums

Plain and simple

Yes. I summarized it quite succinctly, didn't I?

The left loves shitskins, this is no news.

The main reason Google is so dominant is due to network effect, which isn't caused by government intervention. The idea that government regulations are the only source of market power or barriers to entry is beyond absurd.

That's facebook's problem, they don't allow such activities either in ther ToS. If you see any valid complains, report to them instead of crying.


It's like saying

Take your medication and read it again, maybe this time your brain will work.

No, it's different. Not all Muslims are terrorists but all right-wings are racists.

>Let's outsource critical functions in today's society to private corporations!
>Yes, that way we can get around all those pesky limitations and duties placed on the government
What a time to be alive. Next up: Answering a political questionnaire before qualifying for help from 911.

>le ebic jew maymay

I'm sorry, but I don't have an opinion on the Jewish people. You are the one who just told me that being Jewish automatically made a person censorious.

This was something I wasn't aware of.

>You didn't comply with


>got banned?


>Anti semite speech is not allowed in Google's terms of service

I just googled an anti-semitic slogan using Googles own app.

Isnt' that interesting. It appears Google themselve are anti-semitic. Can we get them to remove themselves from themselves?

>calls others cucks
>hate his own race
why are leftist subhumans so stupid?

There are many right winger that actually are ill-informed, their hearts are at the right place. Same applies to the arabs