ITT: I want to talk about the possibility of access to MARIANAs web/Archon Interface.
Depending on your view, there are levels to the web, between 5 and 8 different levels, but each speculating similar properties of each.
Example quote (pulled from NS):
8th level of the internet
K guys so here is the deal.
This is NOT another Deep Web thread because it is far past that.
There are 8 levels of the internet. 0 through 2 are common webpages, 3 is abit darker and you need a proxy, 4 you need TOR browser, and 5 you have to figure out Polymeric Facigoral Derivation (wtf is that).
Level 6 is an inbetween level.
Level 7 is a warzone of hackers, all trying to reach the 8th level and fighting each other with viruses, etc trying to hinder each other in getting to the 8th level.
Level 8 is where it gets interesting. It is known as "The Archon Interface". It is supposedly the controllers for the whole internet, IE the Holy Grail for hackers. Whoever controls the 8th level controls the internet and thus, the entire digital world."
From my understanding of internet architecture, it is possible for a protocol to exist in which this "bottom level" could be accessed. If something like "polymeric falcighol derivation" did exist as a potential algorithm that could be interpreted by computers to gain access to these levels. The complexity of such a thing would need the power of a high capacity quantum computer to actually run, due to the high memory needed. I believe that this service would have to exist on all of IPv6, and only on I2, which is physically separate from I1. So if MARIANA ever existed, it would had to have been built in tandem with a specifically designed DNS.
So, the possibility of it being able to exist isn't a question to me. It's totally plausible. My biggest question would be, what is the timeframe that this could have happened, and by who? The only computer publicly known in modern times that could handle such processes would be the D-Wave.