/wdg/ - Web Development General

>Getting started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
MDN web docs offer a good intro (independent of your browser choice)

>Free online courses


developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
stackoverflow.com/ - Developers asking questions and helping each other
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

>Youtube channels
youtube.com/user/TechGuyWeb - Traversy Media
youtube.com/channel/UC8butISFwT-Wl7EV0hUK0BQ - freeCodeCamp
youtube.com/channel/UCO1cgjhGzsSYb1rsB4bFe4Q - funfunfunction
youtube.com/learncodeacademy - codecademy

>in-depth comparison of VPS hosts

Other urls found in this thread:


Either I am IQ 62, either this does not work. Have you tried it on your own?

How can I make my web dev job more fun?

Currently listening to rogan podcasts and watching twitch streams.


> 12000 lines of CSS
> 55000+ lines of JS

How does it even get that bad?

It's my job to write a webExtensions add-on to get this shit to work without running proprietary Javascript

All I need to do is get the forms to submit payments to work. How do I even?

Did you include jquery in your document?

What does the console say.

This is going to sound completely retarded, but I'm somewhat new to web development.
how does one develop a web application with a LAMP stack and apache that is in the root? Currently I'm using Atom and I don't want to grant Atom superuser permissions.

it's exactly what I changed the code to inside the script tags of the paste you posted

He probably doesn't have jquery in his document or has the script in his head tag or something.

it's based on
I just changed the code in the script tags, so it should be fine I think

Repeating my question that was like the last post in the other thread. Going zero to hero in webdev, is my best bet starting out to just work through freecodecamp?

it's not the worst, depends on the ability you have already though

Could anyone recommend any excellent JQuery/JS video tutorials?

I have all the generally recommended channels bookmarked, just wondering if anyone knows any that have a particularly good JS/JQ tut.


I'm familiar with programming and concepts in general. I've made a few things in Ruby and Java over the years, ie IRC bots and shit Android apps.

if you spent time actually getting into learning webdev instead of reposting this in every thread you'd have at least a dozen nice sites already desu

How does /wdg/ feel about external links opening in a new tab? I've seen arguments for and against it.

depends entirely on context

Why do you need to not run the javascript btw?

it's non-free

it's less stupid than it sounds

Nevermind. I figured out that I need to edit some config files to change the DocumentRoot.

just run it completely sandboxed, it can't do anything to your computer. What about the next massive javascript ball on the net you find, you gonna rewrite that too?

>it's less stupid than it sounds

preferable in most situations. Fuck devs who make you lose your place on a page.

That's not the point, you foolish webdev

okay, then what is the point?

he's a memer who buys into Sup Forums shitposts that's the point

keep in mind, I've been using linux for almost 10 years out of principle of having control, and being able to modify my machine, but even I think rewriting code for javascript on random websites is insane.

Seriously if you just use some addons you can block any malicious requests or modifications to your machine. The code on the server is inevitably closed source anyways.

Who cares if the servers are running closed source code?

not running non-free code on my computer

k have fun with that. Hope you enjoy rewriting literally ever website you want to visit ever.

goddamn FUCK web development. why are there 8000 ways to do everything? why are there 250 different frameworks, libraries, server side languages, tools, etc...? I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. People always shit on web devs, but I would take any other area of development over web any day of the week.
I just want to send a goddamn json to a server, get my access token, interact with their fucking API, and be done.

Fucking this, I hate this shit so much.

yeah I agree that there is an over-abundance of frameworks and that there is a bubble of trendy cult-like hipster trash but why not just stick to one stack and not give a shit about anything outside of that stack? Call yourself a MEAN stack developer or whatever and be done with it.

Best place to learn PHP? No memes about PHP being shit please, I'm looking to get employed in webdev.

I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible and I'm still struggling. I've been developing for years but barely any web work. I have ZERO interest in web development (even though I know it's almost impossible nowadays to get a job that doesn't have some aspect of web). It's a "code test" for a stupid internship that I don't even want that much that involves interacting with their API.

Should I use bootstrap in the web app that I'm developing or is there some other fancy framework that is used nowadays?

>why are there 8000 ways to do everything?
how is this a bad thing

bs is still the gold standard

vanilla javascript

found the PHP developer

Actually I don't really like php. It's just so strange that there are autists on this board who actually hate choice.

choice is generally good, but together with it also comes fragmentation. You now have lots of ways to do the same thing, with no specific path being particularly the only correct one.

Fairly certain, that choice of tech is more often than not just whatever you randomly picked when you started out, because in the beginning you have no clue about what even half of these things are.

Not all tech is created equally though and they absolutely don't do the same thing. React and Bootstrap aren't different choices for the same problem, they're different problems. And yes, people do compare R & B -> reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/1qqrhy/bootstrap_vs_angularjs_vs_react_when_to_choose/
A lot of the "choice" that fags around here whine about isn't really a direct comparison. It's a mistake a lot of beginners make because they don't understand anything. Hence people asking useless shit which language is better.

But alas, it's easier to whine about choice than it is to acknowledge one's incompetance.

Official Discord server:



kys senpai

Listen up whenever you start a new /wdg/ general thread post the fucking Discord link you window-licking mongoloids.

It's not that hard, it's literally discord.gg/wdg.

Fucking do it next.


Redpill me on PHP

I don't encourage this sort of frogposting clique aggression from you lot.

It's not that bad, unless you do dumb shit with it.

I need to bring up the massive amount of xss vulnerabilities and lack of server side validation in this company's site, but I'm pretty confident that in just going to get told that the field lengths in the DB are too short to script anything bad, and db datatypes and client validation are good enough to enforce data consistency. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that's the wrong mentality but I'm not sure how best to argue against it.

Define 'dumb shit'. I'm moving on to PHP from Javascript now and would like some ideas of what not to use PHP for

make porn site and call variables after christian figures

Stick to PHP7, and anything that involves Symfony/Laravel and you will be fine. Here's some reference material.


Have fun.


stop spamming your shit discord server
There are other places you can go to if you so desperately want >muh usernames

Thanks bro. Is the official documentation on php.net ok too?

Give me interview questions for a frontend position that requires knowledge in django, angular, and design patterns. Maybe some database management in MongoDB.

how does one use a search engine

Yeah that's good too.

Well that's an easy one.

What are your hobbies?

This question threw me off guard. I prepared for everything technical but not this.

clearly not LMAO
>ezest softball question
Living With Autism.

My hobbies are launching apps and websites.

I didn't want to seem like a workaholic.

We have 2100 members and minimum 350 online users every day.

And tens of active users.

So, don't you think we are little more representative of the /wdg/ community than one single voice (your self)?

Anyway, if anyone wants to join for advice or just to share their work, feel free to do so and enjoy the bants.


>So, don't you think we are little more representative of the /wdg/
>frogposting is /wdg/ now
cya folks

What is it you would like? Genuinely curious here.
Do you want people to stop posting in the thread and all use the discord server instead?
Having both in parallel is utterly nonsensical.

>"what are your hobbies"
>reading japanese powerpoints
>dev work
sounds like a good way to get immediately rejected

jesus fucking die. post your faggot shit on reddit or something. This defeats the entire purpose of this fucking thread and website.

>how are you
>well you know suffering from clinical depression i just jerked off 6 times already and it's only 9am, and i thought about my sister choking on my dick how about you?
you don't need to tell the entire truth babe
no one does
just saying reading novels and trying to read foreign novels works

Is there anyway I can maintain similar alexa rank if I change domain?
And a related question, if I point domain to different how best to make this a seamless process for users, who mostly won't be aware of the change. Thanks.

different server*

lol just started my first web dev job. this shit is cancer.

>desktop developer
>learn 1 language, it does everything
>out of the box the language supports 90% of what you need

>web dev
>amalgation of 15 different technologies just to achieve same functionality of desktop app
>html an ugly shit written by a physicist and no one has bothered to replace
>seriously who the fuck thought it was useful to require in every page?
>json so much better than XML, but industry fell for the XML meme
>elements shitty unintuitive names like a href div span, every fucking noun in web jargon is meaningless (WE HYPER NOW)
>most commonly used element is the fucking nothing element
>CSS standards slow to adopt anything needed, job replaced by each browser achieving functionality in a different way until the standards catch up
>instead of forcing idiot users to update their damn browsers developers bend over backwards to re-invent the wheel and implement new functionality to support old cancer
then there's....
>gooberscript a shit, so n-million libraries written to supercede a shit language with more shit (jquery) until the standard catches up

but wait, there's more!
HTML CSS JS isn't enough, we need server side page processing in tandem
>better port this gooberscript for server side scripting too! you wouldn't want to use something easy!
>fucking RESTful meme, all it means is you're using HTTP correctly, not like a fucking moron
>he fell for OOP derived MVC meme
>oh btw we need to support mobile devices now too

i'm pretty new so maybe i'm spewing shit out of my ass but what a fucking clusterfuck

>maybe i'm spewing shit out of my ass
>learn 1 language, it does everything
Yep, you are. At least you have an ounce of self-awareness, most devs don't~

I can kill myself or learn node
I actually don't know what to pick

learning node
you'd probably fuck up killing yourself like you did everythiing else in life
node is relatively fuckupsafe

is there a difference?

Crazy idea, but have you considered installing gentoo?

WAMP/MAMP installed locally.
php.net - literally the best documentation on a language
A project - member sign up site with register form and login

If the domain name doesn't change, it won't matter, assuming there's no huge downtime

>seriously who the fuck thought it was useful to require in every page?
It's a magic number, my dude.
>json so much better than XML, but industry fell for the XML meme
You wish they had. Wait until you have to parse what contentEditable shits out.

installing gentoo is hard.

npm install vue

is easier

>Put a text you want to save
>Save it with a key
>send the key and the link of the website to your friend
>he can see what you saved with that key

i thought it would be a good idea to practice what i've learned.

What theme is that? Looks like some sort of Google material design-type shit. Super clean

i made it with materializecss

XML is an upgrade to the HTML 4.0 code with some scripting capabilities. Tons of people were using it but that was like 12 years ago atleast. HTML 5 gets rid of the need for XML. And smart people use smarter scripting backend languages like JSON, PHP, Java, C++, Perl

If you don't like it make something better.

>HTML 5 gets rid of the need for XML
I was going off on a tangent. If the industry had fallen for the XML meme, they would have fallen for the XHTML meme too, I could only hope.

How the hell do i improve my React skills? I'm so shit.

Anyone familiar with MaterializeCSS able to help me with this issue.
It seems like my cards don't want to go into their rows because of a slight height difference.

maybe do the flex box trick?

use symlink.

Is there anything like textbox.io but free?

nevermind, found some alternatives.

How do i withdraw formated information from textbox editor to datebase (in my case MongoDB) to later on render it in a new post?

Is self employment through web development easy?

should i use post or get when im uploading a txt file to convert it to json?

Not really.

If you do go for it then I recommend you make software for companies. Never make things for people. They want everything for free and complain constantly. They act like they are your employer even though they do nothing for you. Businesses will gladly dish out 10-20 grand for your software if it solves a problem.

Anyone know a simple javascript function to spell check a small set of strings?
I don't need to spell check the entire english language

Which is better for storing data in browsers, IndexedDB or Local Storage?

Depends. If you have self control and discipline, it can be relatively easy, and that 'relatively' keyword is important, it's still going to be a fucking journey and a half.
If you struggle in school, barely do anything at home, etc. turning to web dev isn't going to magically make you an easy millionaire.

You're still making things for people when aiming for business clients.
It's much more important to NEVER devalue your work. Ever. Your time is important, and make sure it gets paid for. Do not fall for the free app/site meme. You DO NOT have the infrastructure to cope nor the wealthy investors willing to bankroll all that mess. In addition, when you have a dilemma between charging a higher rate or a lower one, go with the higher. Always. As long as you adapt, you'll be fine.
In regards to complaints, never listen to "potential" clients. Pay way more attention to paying clients but also realize that you can't just shove all features into your product/service, feature creep will kill you.

They're both fine. Local storage is probably simpler to use. Unless you need features only found in indexedDB, I'd go with local storage. Local storage is also more widely supported than indexedDB last I checked.

This thread gets pruned. So if someone posted an answer to your question and you didn't catch it in time, it's gone.

Whereas in a chat application, you can always scroll back to find your answer.

Plus, we have lots of learning resources, links. Nice code markdown, etc etc.

It's like a nice bar, where you can come everyday and have a coffee. Nice things.

>enjoy bants
>on a sfw server

No thanks. kys