>update SJWfox
>notice some of my add-ons aren't working
>open about:addons
What botnet browser do I switch to now?
>update SJWfox
>notice some of my add-ons aren't working
>open about:addons
What botnet browser do I switch to now?
Other urls found in this thread:
Get better addons dumb anime poster
>browser breaks addons
>lol its cause ur addons suk cock like I do
You're part of the problem.
>want to keep using legacy addons
>insists on using bleeding edge version
>bleeding edge
watering hole fox
>Developer is lazy as shit
>Doesn't update his addon even when they had plenty of time to do it
>hurr durr its the browswer faults im lazy herp derp
Will this keep getting me the mad boy pussy that Firefox gets me?
How about you fucking wait a couple days for the add-ons to be updated?
pic related
>literally impossible to make such addons anymore because the new api is garbage
fuck of i bet you think it takes only a line of code to make it work
>so bleeding edge it can't even emulate backwards support
>so bleeding edge it is becoming an inferior version of Chrome
Switch to Chrome.
If Firefox wants to become an inferior version of it, you might as well switch to the real thing and leave a nice comment with these precise words in the development blog section as you are closing the door behind you.
Double the amount.
by 2020 all browsers will be chrome
chrome is shit
It is, but Firefox is aspiring to become an inferior version of shit,
and when you are becoming even worse than shit;
then the only option is to go with the default shit people are used to smelling compared to something worse.
Kind of like a bear choosing an abode.
Yes it could go hibernate in the mud and dirt under some cliff,
but a cave is still better than sleeping in the shade of earthen shit.
I remember a time when that actually was the case. That was back when the Eich-man was in charge of things.
anime website.
>use some absurd, very specific addons that do very specific things
>no other addons do the same
>worked perfectly fine for years despite rarely being updated
>shit suddenly breaks because devs changed something for no reason
>lol get better addons
>use some absurd, very specific addons that do very specific things
Do tell.
>Still using Firegoy
I mean, beteen Chrome that was bretty gug but got torpedoed by Google's begining in politics, Fireoy that got metaphorically bought by Soros, I'm still not sure about what to use
9/10 chances it's the Sup Forums (((coicidence))) detector or something like that
opera is pretty comfy and has a built in VPN/adblocker
opera is chink botnet now
i don't really care because
>runs fast
>looks comfy
Get with the times grandpa. Featureless uncustomizable back doored web browsers are the future
Personally, i would rather have the chinks botnet over yanks/google/nazi snowflakes any fucking day.
>what are webextensions that work between chrome and opera
>still spreading the fake soros meme news
>suggesting chrome
gtfo you dumbfuck
It's not a VPN it's a proxy.
Very different.
>Licensed (((freeware)))
Spy among us mentlegen
Nice try, Apu.
>using Opera instead of Vivaldi
I'll never understand why people blindly update without checking the revision history.
>muh security protections
Get a script blocker and download from trusted sources you dipshit.
Chromium! Why is this even a question anymore?
Webkit won faggots, Gecko and Mozilla are deprecated.
The one that won't allow you to keep shitposting. You had years to jump ships so stop bitching.