>certain combinations of cp is illegal
really makes you ponder keeping your collection
Certain combinations of cp is illegal
Other urls found in this thread:
All combinations of cp are illegal wtf are you talking about
say wat mate?
and the universe is just made up of certain combinations of atoms all floating apart from eachother.... whats your point mate
Just call it """modeling""" and it's good to go.
Yeah as long as you don't see the nipple and pussy it's good to go. Jesus fucking christ nothing makes sense anymore
>as long as it's not porn, it can't be cP
wow detective
It's 10 square cm away from being porn
nudity =/= porn
You win this battle
>certain combinations of illegally downloaded games are illegal
wtf I hate laws
Found the pedo
found the retard who doesn't know the definition of porn
I miss the combinations guy and the icons on his desktop guy.
You are especially salty today. Did someone hurt tour feelings?
This thread isn't suitable for Sup Forums. Please stand by for deletion.
Whatever you say, pedo.
so you claim that all nudity is porn?
really makes you think.
>isn't suitable for Sup Forums
it's a variation on one of Sup Forums's oldest memes. delete yourself, newfag
I hope the Child Rescue Coalition finds all of you sick fux.
see retard
You still see that fucking child naked don't you?
That's great
also I'm no child in need of rescue
see >instantly believing anything you read on the internet, even on Sup Forums
>tfw you're in charge of maintaining the CP server inside Microsoft HQ
>tfw you're a pajeet slime with zero sex drive
>>tfw you're in charge of maintaining the CP server inside Microsoft HQ
>>tfw you're a
high probably, a jew. the torah says sex with children is okay and rape of gentile kids is also okay.
I know the meme, but I still want pedo lurkers to freak out. Short-eyes motherfuckers.
You're either in extreme denial, a confirmed pedo, or an underage. [spoiler]reported[/spoiler]
Or he's a shitposter and you are easily triggered.
actually, in the UK it can be if they are in "sexual poses."
fucking bullshit. better off encrypting everything and "forgetting" the password
At first I thought OP was talking about the bash program, and that copying certain things were illegal. I need to lurk Sup Forums again, I became too naive in these recent years.
Also illegal in the UK they can put you away for a decade if you don't give them your password. Bongland is an even worse police state then the U.S.
I don't get it
Wrong image I guess?
If you go on of those nudist websites, there are children naked but it's mostly them at nude beaches or doing everyday activities.
>bash program
Nigga what? I know what you're referring to, but that's one wacky way of doing it.
Then it's not porn.
>I need to lurk Sup Forums again
Sup Forums is cancer. It's nothing but an extension of /h/ /d/ /s/ and animal abuse.
>biting the hand that fed moot
Same shit happens in America, even if you're not charged with a crime they "detain" you for years. The constitution doesn't mean shit.
Not really. It's mostly normalfag central with some threads about traps, loli/shota, or furry.
Furry has mostly moved to /trash/, though
>tfw certain arrangements of 1's and 0's are illegal
>tfw certain arrangements of atoms are illegal
> Be at family get together
> keeping the kids entertained watching funny youtube videos
> they're all showing me their channels
> gaming videos/sketch shit/attempts at greenscreen stuff etc
> 10, 15, 20 views on them all
> cousin's 8 year old daughter shows a video of her doing gymnastics in pyjamas
fuckin pedos
>certain combinations of quantum states are illegal
took my joke and even refurbished it smfh :(
>the typical Sup Forums poster is a greasy neckbeard justifying his collection of cp.
How surprising.
I tried searching "user's hot 8 year old cousin doing gymnastics in pajamas" but didn't get anything back.