/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:



first for xmonad

first for Source Mage GNU/Linux

Should I get a Linux+?


Wizards assemble!


Would it help with the issues I mentioned here?

read lfs if you want an intimate understanding of linux

Install Source Mage (not even memeing).
It's LFS with a package manager.
It's package management system is simpler than gentoo's, but it provides the same level of customizability none the less.
It doesn't use systemd.
They have their own simple init scripts system implementation.
Both the package management tools and the init system are simple bash and therefore their inner workings are not obscured.
There's no package repos.
Instead, you have grimoires (collections of spells) and each spell is a collection of scripts that tells sorcery (the package manager) how to obtain the code from directly from upstream, resolve dependencies and build and install the package (it basically operates on the same principle as the AUR).
You will be forced to learn to configure your kernel, deal with init scripts, things like wpa_supplicant if you're using wifi, what xorg features you need to enable while compiling it and what they do, etc.
I learned a bunch of stuff when I installed it.

What are some essential things to do after Linux installation?

Watching anime.

install gnu

If it's a regular distro, just enjoy it, but if it's Arch Linux, tell everyone about it.

Non meme answers, pls...

Why do I need to "go get" import packages instead of the go get tool doing it automatically? Doesn't it make more sense to just get everything for me instead of making me do it separately?

I meant do i need to run some commands to update things or something? Maybe some important tweaks to do?

Uninstall and install anything else if you installed arch



Why not

Do you want 5 gb of libraries imported every time?

As long as it only downloads what I have specified in imports then what's the problem? Shouldn't be 5gb or even 0.1gb.

What is correct way to install software? Built in software center application? Or should i use terminal? How often are programs in software center get updated?

Your package manager, only

Is there a way to hav more desktop sessions?
I'd like to be able to switch between GNOME and aome tiline window managers I want to play around with. Is this possible? If so, how?

login to different tty
launch de/we

uninstall and install source mage if you didn't install source mage

Absolutely retarded.
A window manager isn't supposed to be noticeable, yet you apparently want to notice it, because you're wasting time switching back and forth between two. Do you also eat your food with two spoons at the same time?

>Your package manager, only
Its the same thing as "software center" correct? Why though? For the most compatibility?

just ditch gnome already




Is "home" the same thing as "my documents" on Win?


why does my linux act like the ctrl key is being pressed intermittently

I have firejail installed and used firecfg to sylink the programs to firejail,but using firejail --list reports no programs using firejail,despite there being syslinks in /usr/local/bin.
What do

Windows doesn't really have an equivalent. Maybe my documents folder is somewhat close assuming most of your files are saved there rather than the Desktop or wherever else.
But one aspect of $HOME for which there's no counterpart in Windows as far as I'm aware (I haven't used it ages) is that programs are usually owned and run under different permissions.
Take Firefox for example. It gets installed as root, but allows users to run it. This way nothing you do while using Firefox can change its files. It stores personalized data for your user in $HOME
but if another user then runs Firefox they are getting the completely pristine untouched version of it because nothing the other user did could change anything in the Firefox install outside his $HOME. Your new user will then get his own personalized data stored inside his $HOME.

So GNU/Linux $HOME directories are not only a great way to keep your data together, but also are very effective at isolating data/modifications/customizations of different users from each other, and it's also a really good security model since typically anything you break, or malware you somehow get piggybacking on anything in your $HOME can't effect the root owned base installation of the software or other users.

Thank you! Can i also get your opinion on ?

when did these threads get so slow?

Best way to install packages is the CLI. Ubuntu and some other distros have graphical applications, "Software Center" being the worst of them. It's slow, shit and the fact that it labels proprietary software as "free" doesn't make it any better. Meanwhile on the CLI you get what you want, instantly. "aptitude" is here pretty beginner friendly because when you fuck up, it holds your hand.
# update the list of avaiable programs (the sources)
aptitude update
# now search for something
aptitude search browser
# install a program
aptitude install w3m
# use program
w3m Sup Forums.org
# get rid of program
aptitude remove w3m
# upgrade all programs
aptitude safe-upgrade

If you really want a graphical interface, "synaptic" is a very good choice.


what the fuck

Where can I download CloverOS?

CloverOS is for the common folk.
Use Source Mage if you want to join the noble elite.

Sell me on it.


Suck at finding stuff from the command line.
How does one search for files/folders in Linux?


It seems you also suck at finding answers to dumb questions via web search engines.
Open wide, I'll spoonfeed you cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-find-a-file-under-unix/

thanks fampai

What is a good Linux OS to start off with? I've heard mint is really nice


I'm also trying to live boot Linux with persistence on a MacBook. Anyone have any luck with that? I've tried with ubuntu but he persistence wasn't set up for some odd reason

You can start by reading the OP
>>What distro should I choose?

I'd suggest an Ubuntu variant.
Pick a DE (Desktop Environment) you like and install the one with that DE.

Why not just dual boot?

Ah alright, thanks

Would that be an easier option? I assume you can do it through parallels or something like that right?

It would be the better option.
And I don't see how that can be difficult either.
Shrink your OS X partition and install GNU/Linux next to it.
is your friend.

Ah ok, thanks for the help

Did CloverOS die?

didn't it die already years ago?

The new one.

why doesn't Sup Forums develop a script which installs gentoo?

gentoo already has an installer

Installed arch, any suggestions to make my desktop more comfy?

kill me I forgot the picture

install gentoo

needs more arch logos

Working on it, got any recommendations?

CloverOS was never a thing.

What's the point?

# pacman -Rnsc $(pacman -Qlq | grep kde)
# pacman -S openbox tint2 rxvt-unicode mpv feh compton pcmanfm lxappearance dmenu

>download waifu wallpaper
$ feh --bg-fill


There have been threads every day for a month.

futurist.se/gldt/wp-content/uploads/12.10/gldt1210.svg forks of gentoo do have installers

CloverOS is another meaningless, pointless, purposeless derivative distro that's no different from the one it was derived from.
There is nothing that sets CloverOS apart from Gentoo and defines it as a separate distro.
CloverOS is nothing.
It's not a thing.

What finally killed it?

It was dead from the start.

I mean why did the threads stop?

They didn't.

There hasn't been one for 6+ hours.

Who cares.

I'm saying they stopped.


trading comfy vending machine picture for help with my stupid question

Is I3 really good for use with a laptop that's constantly on the move? Being able to quickly use the keyboard seems better than the touchpad.

I've noticed screen tearing on my laptop when using i3 and switching between workspaces and resizing windows, as well as static (buffer garbage). My laptop isn't old, I got it a few years ago.
Is this an issue with all i3 instances? Is there a way to avoid it? Should I use the little NVIDIA GPU my laptop came with instead of the Intel graphics for running my window manager?

would you say this is a:
type of thread

i'd say your post was fake(gay)

all /fglt/ is faggots
next thread will be /flt/

I would strongly recommend looking into CWM instead

Why's that? I've never heard of it.



Yeah I can look that up I was wondering why you strongly prefer it over i3.

install gentoo


it is very, very simple. I feel like it is way less complicated, cleaner, extremely lightweight. It has robust features, very good documentation, it is easy and the default setup and keybinds are great.

I feel like tiled window managers such as I3 were an absolute nightmare of complications compared to CWM. desu

iptables question here:
What hapens if I omit the "-m state" in iptables rules? Do any of you specify your state as NEW,ESTABLISHED etc?

What is the difference between:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

Also, I have seen that some people use "-p tcp -m tcp" notation and some just put "-p tcp". What "-m tcp" even does?

I couldn't find a better thread for this kind of questions and man pages didn't answer them, so sorry if it is offtopic.

>tfw cheap HP laptop
>arch linux causes a huge amount of issues on that machine
>KDE crashes on startup
Consumershit, not even once

Can I access the windows partition of my harddrive from a linux os?
Too lazy to move stuff onto a separate harddrive, only to move it back onto the same one.
Also, I want to stash my anime girls on there