Thoughts on BSD/FreeBSD?


>not gentoo
It's garbage, user.

It's free and it's BSD.

It's Linux (kinda), but It's for corporate fags

>Arch is better

it's fun setting it up and using it for a bit but if you want to use it as a daily driver you're better off using something else. it feels like a debian install but with no desktop out of the box

even worse driver support than Linux

great on a server rack, terrible for easy desktop use.

If you understand how Unix like systems should be, try BSD. Linux distros used to be very similar but have really moved away from Unix of late.

started sucking really badly at version 8

got slightly better with the last 1-2 releases

Perfect explanation.
Its fun but it doesn't serve much purpose to me.
Its good if you want something very secure though.
It also gives you some more e-peen because you're using an actual Unix OS instead of a Mac based one. From what I remember OpenBSD is slightly easier to install in comparison to FreeBSD.

Why is it great for on a server rack? All the software packages seems out of date compared to Linux.

Portmaster is fun and all.


If you want all of the troubles that Linux had to get a system running in the '90's, then use FreeBSD in 2017

Easily the best post I've seen on Sup Forums. Ever.
That said, if you want to try it out, go for it. Just understand what you're getting into.

yeah wow the BSDs make me configure Xorg by hand and they blow up my monitor if i don't give it the right refresh rate

oh wait

fuck you and your FUD

p. rltd
ohman that sounds like exactly what i want.

Best logo out of any operating system, hands down. Too bad it doesn't live up to it.

Too slow on the desktop.

Who are you quoting?

(Polite sage.)

>It also gives you some more e-peen because you're using an actual Unix OS instead of a Mac based one.
Why are you implying that Mac-based OSes aren't Unix-based ones?

I run it on my server and old-ish notebook. I much prefer it to Linux since it has an actual feel of quality and engineering to it, due to it being developed as an actual cohesive OS.

build a custom kernel please user seeing the generic is making me uncomfortable

Thankfully it's September soon

BSD > Linux. Personally I use FreeBSD, but I've used NetBSD and OpenBSD in the past and have no issues with them.

I cant really justify building from source on this older machine considering the amount of time it gets used. If I ever have to reinstall I'll probably not even bother building ports any more 2bh.

>actual feel of quality and engineering to it
I'm sorry user, but you have brain damage.

No offense to you but if all you come up with is one thing like that compared to the hundreds of serious Linux security issues, some which linger around for over 25 years then perhaps you are the one with the brain damage.

excuse me where is proofs?

I love its simplicity, but it's missing some drivers for parts of my motherboard on my new laptop. I'll need to check if it'll run for me again once 12.0-RELEASE is out

what version did you try?

Bugs happen, I'm not arguing that.
The bad thing here is that the FreeBSD security team has been provided all the details and haven't acted or informed users for MONTHS, even though it could compromise every FreeBSD installation using the default update mechanisms.

11.1 and 12.0-CURRENT

hardenedbsd is pretty good

>BSD > Linux
Please explain how.
>muh negligible speedup