So now that Tor is officially working on a way to stop "racism" and "hate speech" on their platform, what anonymization software should we use that actually respects our freedoms?
So now that Tor is officially working on a way to stop "racism" and "hate speech" on their platform...
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Why the fuck are they accepting this dumb shit?
You weren't truly user on Tor in the first place
>but don't stop 10000 CP sites
wew lad what a time
>changing "closed" to "accepted" and removing "(invalid)"
Problem solved.
cypherpunks scumbags gtfo
>none of them have even remotely the destructive potential of fascism
holy shit, this guy must be trolling
no kidding
>Pic related
Holy fuck. They have some serious white knights @
This is by far the most retarded statement I've read on a while.
> probably bad idea
Yeah but they didn't build the tech on the idea of "mostly safe", that is a design flaw and not a reason to just give up on they principles.
This user is not part of the tor project.everyone can make an account at their bug tracker and report bugs.
If Satan had an onion service, would you broadcast it?
I can't even tell. He sounds exactly like a memer (down to mentioning "virtue signalling" ad verbatim in a sarcastic tone) but has apparently been a long time contributor to Tor.
Apparently all of the CP cooks your brain.
Yes, because it's none of my business.
What's the proper word for such a person?
the funny thing is there is another group of facists but more clever since they call themselves a religion, message is the same - we are the chosen people, others are unclean, they should be slaughtered, glory to god and his prophet - that way all these outspoken fagots are afraid to even think critically against them; and speaking against that group would be social suicide
Delusion can be willful. I think he might be actually mentally ill.
Look how many of the comments are him replying to himself.
If the nodes on then etwork are all using different versions of the internet, censored to suit the node operator's feelings, the entire network collapses.
You can't block Satan's onion service without also undermining God's.
How many goddamned fucking threads do yoiu need you Sup Forums brainlets?
They've said while they don't agree with it, they won't enforce action you stupid cunts.
Stop jacking it to Hitler and learn to fucking read you stupid fucks.
>while they don't agree with it, they won't enforce action you stupid cunts.
Twitter and Google and Facebook all held similar positions in the past.
Nice strawman though. REEEEEEEEE more. And god forbid we talk about current events in technology, when we could be hosting another AMD, intel or nvidia paid advertisement!
>Twitter and Google and Facebook all held similar positions in the past.
Except it's literally impossible with Tor because of how the software works. It was explained several times.
Mentally ill people in technology (security) are very dangerous.
Do you even know how Tor works?
Don't forget cloudflare, reddit, and basically everyone else. "we hate it but we won't do anything" spoken by a leftist always means "I am waiting for the overton window to shift to where I can get away with censoring things I dislike"
>"we hate it but we won't do anything" spoken by a leftist always means "I am waiting for the overton window to shift to where I can get away with censoring things I dislike"
If you think anyone who disagrees with you on anything is just lying, what's the point of even having a discussion?
Blocklists are not impossible, more like useless, because onion addresses are free and can be generated in seconds.
It's not about closing such an issue. It's very dangerous that people at the Torproject are talking about such things.
It's like every goddamn "clearnet" service.
We will not censor anything.
We will censor some stuff.
We will censor more stuff.
We have to censor everything we don't like.
We censor everything Kevin's mom reports to us.
wow, the whole point of Tor is to not censor but they are censoring? Look, I think all Nazis and racists should be tortured horribly but you should still at least be able to listen to what they have to say.
>It's very dangerous that people at the Torproject are talking about such things.
And you're complaining about censorship? REALLY?
"Free speech" is quickly becoming one of the worst buzzwords. Everyone has their own arbitrary definition and thinks theirs is objective fact.
Virtue-signaling your political stance to your fellow communists/fascists/liberals/republicans/(neo)nazis/anarchists/capitalists/socialists/conservatives/libertarians/other: ______ (cross out what doesn't apply).
The real question is why this political shitposting hasn't been moved to Sup Forums already.
>wants people to listen to what nazis have to say
it's like you actually want to know who in the population is a nazi
That's an argument to extremes which is a fallacy and irrelevant to blocking just one devil.
saying some speech is dangerous doesn't imply that he wants them to be unable to say it, quite the opposite i bet every reasonable person would agree that having them say such retarded things in public is better than the alternative ie silence and suddenly services don't work anymore
We are not taking about everyone but people representing the tor project. Using their official Twitter.
I never mentioned "Free speech".
I mean it's just dangerous to start talking about censorship for such a project.
They might start with hatespeech and end up blocking pictures of mothers breastfeeding.
Then the oh-so-great Tor network just turns to a slow internet.
Use ZeroNet instead of the SJW infested shit called (((Tor)))
This. Every Sup Forumsacks shoul use this network.
>he doesn't realize that Satan is a vital part of the LORD'S ecosystem
Theologylet please
Based tor
Why can't Sup Forums just fuck off already? Sick of these autists shitting up threads constantly
lol dude check this shit out: adolfhitlerforpresident.bit
Of course he doesn't he is a retarded pol migrant
They are not, it's closed as invalid.
I just need to scrape some stickers from my laptop.
I've been telling you faggots for years, Tor has always been controlled opposition. It was a navy Intel project, it's contributors are Jews who work for Google, that is just an extension of the CIA. This is why Tor is filled with cp, drugs and human trafficking, because these global markets are controlled by the CIA, it's part of their black budget. What's funny about this situations is that the Jews at the CIA have destroyed Tor's credibility. You see, until now they always pretended there's nothing they can do about all the cp and human trafficking on Tor, because the technology prevents them, but now they've proven that was all a lie, clearly they could've done a lot to stop cp and trafficking, they just didn't want to.
Leftists are actually saying that whites wanting to be alone and undisturbed in their own countries is worse than child porn, assassination contracts and human trafficking!
Sweet mother of God! I have never seen a group of people more insane than leftists. It's not even a political ideology, it's just pure mental illness.
0/10 tinfoil hat
> Ticket already invalid
You are all like Reddit fags. Not even checking the source.
You really are new on Sup Forums aren't you? The CIAs black budget activities were common knowledge on Sup Forums back in the day. Ever since you tumblr leftards swarmed Sup Forums the quality of this site has declined like hell.
>Ever since you tumblr leftards swarmed Sup Forums
Yes, I'm sure it's the tumblr leftards that are the cause of all these Sup Forums threads plaguing every board all the time.