Who is ready for 8?
You can watch the solar eclipse and go blind, or watch Ryzen get put on life support.
The most refined 14nm CPU ever made.
Who is ready for 8?
You can watch the solar eclipse and go blind, or watch Ryzen get put on life support.
The most refined 14nm CPU ever made.
Other urls found in this thread:
id rather watch rick and morty
Not sure if this is real.
What if it's true?
LN2 pot makes anything true.
not like (((they))) would fabricate false evidence or lie, not possible. unprecedented
if it's true i'd buy intel but to quote butthurt corelets, "muh synthetic benchmarks"
no one cares jewtel shill
totally not going to sage this one
amdpoojets completely BTFO
I too have a personal shabbos goy to pour LN2 into my kosher pot, Rabbi.
Cannonlake is never coming out is it?
*Supposedly* it's Q1 2018 for peanuts-sized mobile chips.
Show support for Israel, buy Intel™ 8th™ Generation™ today.
>personal shabbos goy to pour LN2 into my kosher pot
audible kek
>personal shabbos goy to pour LN2 into my kosher pot
totally not going to laugh about you man
why would anyone be surprised?
Because it's six pootel stuttery cores.
just because a quad is "stuttery" in fucking videogames doesn't mean the hexacore would be bad
Bingbus is always stuttery because it's shit.
>moar coars
>moar chipsets
>moar housefires
Disaster after disaster.
>or watch Ryzen get put on life support.
lol ok. Do you actually think Intel is going to push out anything interesting? It's gonna be the same sad rehash shit as the last 4 years worth of shit.
>The most refined 14nm CPU ever made.
That is the nicest way of saying "We can't get to 10nm for shit" I have ever heard.
>someone actually catalogized shitposting
Now this is Sup Forumsentoo.
Now do the same for the sopa, intel and nvidia. Guess amdrones have selective memory.
That would have to be running at, no joke, 5.5 GHz. Clearly LN2 going on there if it's even legit and not some fake bullshit.
Oh boy, damage control.
>amdtards don't shitpost
Intel falseflagging? Thanks for uncovering the jew!
That was purely a reaction to one of them shitting up every thread on here.
Show me the shitposter using the exact same file names for crying Intel wojaks for months/years on end. Spoilers: Doesn't exist.
There was some guy going on about woodscrews and fuck off huang but he's gone as far as I can tell.
Ye, where did wheresmymic.gif dude go?
probably killed himself after vega release
But Vega killed Quadro and is about to kill something else.
>inb4 le leather jacket man
>as if that was literally ever an insult
No it didn't
Oh yes it did.
No Quadro can handle large datasets, and these are getting bigger and bigger.
Literally not true
>who needs large datasets
>HBCC is ebulz pajeet magick
Literally (You).
Like holy fuck stop denying HBCC makes GPUs much less niche in most production environments.
>shilling Intel
We know the jews aren't paying you, so why are you doing this?
it's not shit and it's not the cause for the stuttering
You're just making shit up to make vega seem appealing not gonna work
(You) gotta go
Yeah bingbus is literally the problem and it's terrible
It's not, unless the core count is really big.
Good luck reaching 5ghz on 6 cores without extreme housefires.
this right here
>this kills the intlelfag
jesus christ fuck off
why would ringbus be the cause you goddamn retard
you have no idea what you're talking about
You clearly don't have any idea what you're doing Brian
Stop bingbus
Bingbus is shit and intel knows it, they're forced to come up with a new uarch
>most refined
>not even out yet
I used to talk like that when I wanted a new toy and tried to make it out to my mother that it was some amazing product, when in reality it was a Thomas the tank engine model and was more or less the same as the others I had
You won't buy it anyway
With 500w consumption
T minus 1 day until the entire Ryzen lineup is made obsolete.
5ghz is totally possible with liquid cooler.
5.5 well off
lmao all these forced memes. Intelshills are on full force today.
What are you going to do with yourselves when benchmarks and reviews confirm intel is back and dominating AMD.
maybe one day Samsung or Apple can buy AMD and make them great as you fanboys wish they were.
You realize this is neither a die shrink nor an architectural advance, right? It's a "refinement" of a "refinement" of a two gen old arch on a three gen old process.
They will definitely gain performance by throwing more Skylake++ cores at the problem. If it's priced right (I doubt it, but Intel could run a loss to hurt AMD), it could be a very enticing buy. Will Intel shills suddenly defend "moar cores" when Intel does it?
Why does everyone here spazz the hell out over benchmarks?
as long as it has the power to do what you need with your budget, should that be enough rather than stressing yourself out and looking through benchmarks from AND and Intel shills alike and trying to decipher what's legit and isn't?
Performance needed, price, and thermals is what I look for personally. Not raw performance that you may not use for your tasks, and then end up upgrading again before even maxing it out.
just say that you regret falling for Ryzen meme, we'll understand :^)
hey baby
Will this actually be good? I can imagine that it could be a housefire since there recent extreme series is that bad. I just want best single thread performance and multi thread performance in one chip
CPUs are actually going to improve over time
OMG, I just realized that Kaby lake was just the binned coffee lake with two cores deactivated. Intel has been holding onto coffees lake for an entire year waiting to clear stock of their defective units.
And then in a few months we get Ryzen 2 on 7nm.
Competition is good. You're welcome tech industry.
What did they mean by this?
You are clearly delusional since photos of the 7700K are avaliable.
>few months
More like a year if optimistic...
I literally just ditched intel for Ryzen
Fuck everything
We all know Intel had to step their game up big time back in 2015 to keep up with AMD's innovations.
oh wow, a processor with marginal improvements that will require a new series of motherboards!
how will AMD ever recover with their ever-improving zen architecture and guaranteed AM4 support?
Just Wait™ or buy RYZEN?????
Is this just an announcement for coffee lake or will the processors become available tomorrow? I wanna upgrade my 2500k, but I was waiting to see intels response to ryzen.
How would a picture of a 7700k prove that 7th generation aren't just binned 8th?
No extra cores
Buy what you need now.
Just as an aside, Ryzen motherboards are good for the next few years.
my ryzen 7 at 3,7GHZ gets 1610 score.
i bet the 14nm+++++ 8700K is overclocked while 1800x is stock clocks
thanks senpai
*gives you hug*
>paying more to buy the same processor from the past 5 years
Are you literally retarded? First result - Like one post Second result - Literally anyone using rbt.asia for any reason Third result - People telling the BR monkey to eat shit and die
>What are you going to do with yourselves when benchmarks and reviews confirm intel is back and dominating AMD.
Yep that 5.5 GHz stock Intel CPU is coming any second now, you fucking mouthbreather. Stop jerking off to Tejas and Jayhawk fanfiction.
Wait until tomorrow at least, see what it's all about.
Remember Skylake-X? Wasn't too long ago, faggot. Suggest you wait for results before you start waving your dick around.
thanks a lot senpai
*gives you hug*
nahh that's ok.. i'll stick with my R7
>Intel uses MOAR CORES!
>Intel burned itself in the confusion!
www facebook com/jarred.land/videos/10154878406240415/
Point is, they've been banging their head against a wall for so long that their competition has caught up and then some. They were counting on node shrinks and fab advantage to carry the company and it didn't work out.
1. Quad core
2. That's a titan vs a pro ssg
Hey cutie. Drop your Discord or Twitter. Thanks.
Will you watch some animes with me?