Do IT at tech company

>do IT at tech company
>programmers are all condescending even though their problems are always stupid
>call me geek squad guy and laugh
>have to live with fact that they're all making 2x as much as me

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Just ignore them. Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you.

Guys give each other shit all the time. Don't be a pussy, just dish it right back at them.

>>do IT at tech company
do IT what? Tech support for offices or sysadmin?
There is a big difference

I set up and trouble shoot office computers and printers etc. And help employees if their corp mail or password or computer is messed up.

dont programmers and sysadmis usually do those kind of work too?

I was wondering the same thing. Why the fuck would programmers not know how to do that shit unless it's just time consuming I guess.

Not at larger company.

Fucke off nerd.

Face it, you're just the blowjob guy

Internal IT is a joke.

> Why the fuck would programmers not know how to do that shit
They know how to install a driver and print, everything else hardware- or network-related isn't their job.
> sysadmins
Depends. I started as a tech support guy, now I rarely do any office set-up, it's mostly servers maintenance and setup. Rather send out our new tech support guy than do it myself, because, you know, it's always nice to sip coffee and lurk Sup Forums when somebody is working instead of you.

>tfw my senior does this to me

Their jobs can already be automated. They are on borrowed time now. Hardware/IT will be one of the last jobs to be replaced by automation. Stay strong brother.

programmers deal with the same shit, nobody respects programmers either

>tfw do what OP does and also do programming, program testing, business management and all the videos/images/animations the company needs because I also have a degree in animation and design

And I get paid less than a thousand euros a month! So don't complain OP, I bet you have a nice salary.

Just commit a suicide. Easy.

because what you do is bullshit a retarded monkey could do

i know this because i am IT myself


>tfw work at top tech company
>tfw i secretly look down at all the IT people

feelsgoodman :^)

I thought programmer is the bottom of the barrel of computers job?

Kill yourself or accept the fact that you're a failure

Ask them if they've ever had sex.

you need some modicum of skill to be a programmer

IT requires you to plug the rectangle into the rectangular hole and screw the blue cable into the blue port

>mfw reading their mail and watching their inane irc and slack conversations
>mfw purposely screwing with them applying the wrong gpos and stuff
I find it more hilarious how customer economic dept always complain, slightly tempted to replace all of their incoming payment accounts to my own but fuck prison and shit

So you're a grunt, basically. Unless you're in a very small company and you're the only IT guy.

You ARE on the lowest part of the totem pole. Just don't worry about it. You'll be an SA eventually.

Are you fucking serious? Just ask them for more money, they are literally skinning you alive if you're not lying about your qualifications and actually do all that shit.

being the IT hardware guy has various degrees of competence. you have those newfags that think they're hot shit by installing a processor onto a motherboard and then you have the "veterans" that run multiple cluster servers with who knows what technologies and know a little bit of everything.

A lot of time you're not allowed to. And why would I waste time when I have work to do?

Lmao you're letting literal nerds bully you?

that's because you have an unrelated degree

It's better for you too look for a job where they don't focus on computers, like a hotel or a school, as long as you're the only guy who knows how to fix the printer.

I didn't lie about my qualifications at all. Next time my boss tells me he needs a corporate video I guess I'll tell him I wanna get paid extra because that wasn't in my contract.

I also have programming certs, otherwise I wouldn't be there to begin with.

Certs are not a degree.

So what, when they interview you for programming jobs they don't ask for your degree, they ask for code samples, a portfolio or test your programming skills themselves.
Degrees are a meme.

>when they interview you for programming jobs they don't ask for your degree

It's true though, degrees are just a stepping stone, employers care more about your experience and if you did an internship than the paper that says you completed the degree.

Depends where and for what job.
In my country hell will freeze over before you get a job without a degree.

This isn't 1998 user.

I work as an IT monkey. I get shit on my the people I work with and I get shit on twice by infrastructure's incompetence and attitude. Weird thing is the phone keeps ringing and the emails and meetings keep coming. People don't like asking for help and generally will hate anything associated with the weakness that they have

I write articles about IT for a magazine and get paid 55k gbp, which is about 70k usd

Man, just push for more, seriously. If they rely on you this much you NEED to let them know you're unsatisfied with the financial treatment, prepare some kind of speech about it, or write the points of contention on a paper and go from there.

You literally have nothing to lose - improve your life, man.

Words can break hearts ;_;

>They know how to install a driver and print, everything else hardware- or network-related isn't their job

i know many code monkeys that can't even fucking do that

This, pretty much. There is going to be a great deal of frustration when lots of people start getting replaced really really soon by bots or robots.

>tfw 1998 born newfags are already job capable

>that pic

Right there with you mate. Exactly the same situation.
If you're being taken advantage and don't have a future in the company leave, but only after you've got the paper experience for the next job.

I found my first job and I work with some other IT guys. For the context, I'm kind of a super engineer, know everything, multiple specialities, studied management and social engineering too, a lot by myself while the other chads where doing parties and shit.
Guys with whom I work are like 20 to 30 years experienced, they just kind of know java and a bit of networking, and I see them learning how to do things I already know. They don't know git or Linux, just Windows and SVN (they think FOSS or Linux is a sect btw). While they are doing their shit, I'm doing all things related to embedded or what they don't know (c, cpp, rt, Linux, python, etc...). They earn twice my salary and they keep telling me how to do things although they barely have an idea of what I'm doing. They are not even my superior, I just listen to them talking dumb shit and ignore them telling they have some good advices or shit. (must have good relationships with coworkers)
But I don't know what to do more. And I can't really convince anyone to pombe paid more. (at least for now) The plan would be to make myself irreplaceable, the thing is I work in a very very big company and HR don't really know or care of who do what in divisions.

I work at a fairly large (~20000 employees globally) software company. I don't think anyone except new grads act like that or cares.

Weird man, I work at a big company as well and I enjoy shooting the shit with Helpdesk. These guys, in our company at least, have the most omnipotence and through the years I've seen them actually get the girls in the office as opposed to programmers who are huge nerds. I've always viewed their jobs as sweet fucking gigs, personally. You can level-up with a job like that as well, so keep that in mind.

Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will leave mental scars that never heal.

I hate that people think this now. The only reason people care about what anyone thinks is that they do in the first place.

Caring about other people's view of you is toxic

It's called a joke.

>(they think FOSS or Linux is a sect btw)
Because it is?
Have you seen the people on Sup Forums?

But Poe's law user.
There are people that literally believe that speech can be violence.
This world is fucked up.

Try growing up without friends.

Are you for serious crying right now? It gets paid way more than programmers on average plus you work on your hands and knees and all up in the ceiling like plebs.

>tfw no IT sissy fuckboi to bully with my dick

You're a glorified tech janitor user...

>tech janitor looks very angry at us programmer superstars
>too lazy to check why the servers are offline again
>tech janitor can do it frequently so we pester him and remote reset the servers just for lulz
>remove IP from comp printer so tech janitor has work to do
>us programmer super stars has to brainstorm whats the next revolutionary UI or UX for our frontend but we just fool around to "look" like we're working

we had our shit before but we got it over by moving to a different company. if youre the tech janitor, be prepared to be shat on

> (You)
>>(they think FOSS or Linux is a sect btw)
>Because it is?
>Have you seen the people on Sup Forums?

Yeah I've also seen major embedded systems running Linux. Such as weapons.

>It gets paid way more than programmers on average
no way

if your not bothered about your job then im guessing you have enoughtech savvy to acquire logins etc, wait till after hours and upload gigs of fucked up porn to colleagues terminals, throw in some cooky shit like print screen desktop and set it as wallpaper that kinda shit..mass email bosses "accidently from their terminals" sharing the freaky pr0n..its not that hard, im not even my tech guy at work and i know all admin logins and user email passes etc.

They hired me through a connection, I have prospects for higher salary. I was initially hired to just do programming there, but due to someone's absence we had problem and I offered to fix it myself because I knew how to. One thing led to another and I was basically "in charge" of keeping things working. Same for our corporate videos, I had previously done a freelance job for my employer for some video stuff and a christmas greeting card so he asked me if I could do it. I didn't think much of it and said yes to that as well.
Before I noticed I was doing the work of like 3 different people on the salary of just 1. Next week I'm going back to the office (I work remotely most of the time) and I'll talk to my boss about this whole deal.
I will gladly continue to do all the things I do because they are easy and I like them, but not for a pittance of a salary.
Fingers crossed.

The problem is that I got hired fresh out of my internship with little previous work experience and a tiny portfolio so I'm kinda in a tough spot, I can't just up and leave and expect to find a job quickly again, so.

>Work in a software engineering company
>Co-worker is literally a blue haired, feminist with a nose ring whose contribution to projects is being constantly offended and trying to tell people what to do
>Everyone knows you have to walk around eggshells with her because otherwise she'll report it to HR and blog about how hard it is to be a female in tech
>Literally got help by some feminist tech group every step in her career
>Only got hired because our "diversity officer" threw a shitstorm about how our particular project didn't have enough women on it

You want to talk about "not fair" user?

>diversity officer
>gender quotas
>Google Vice President for Diversity

god i love not living in US

55k is a lot of money m8.

Even if you live in London that's a lot of money.

>Implying this isn't the UK

Literally cuck my shit up senpai.

I literally hate my job and have lost all motivation to work or even try anymore because of her. It's really fun and interesting, the second she walks into the room it fucking kills the entire mood. She threw a massive shitstorm the other month about how she constantly feels she has to "prove herself" because she fucked something up and another co-worker told her off about it. Everything is "As a woman in tech I feel like ...."

Fucking literally kill me. I can't even find another job that pays well enough for me to continue to live in London.

Maybe at a small startup where they can't afford many employees but usually no


You're forgetting the downside of programming.
>You have to work with diversity hires you dare not be alone in the same room with
>If you reach any type of status as a programmer, said diversity hire will leech off you, if they can't, the plan to back mail you begins
>Diversity hire will literally never face real consequences for this, worse that could happen is they lose their job
>They'll do fuck all for your team but still get promoted to some high pay nothing job
Programming in 2017 is awesome!

why are you letting her get under your skin this easy? is everyone there a brainwashed cuck?

Why do you care

What the fuck are you doing at work to be blackmailed with?

No, but HR and managment is. She ruins the working environment and makes it unbearable. Can't even say shit to her because you'll get in trouble, potentially get fired and then get blacklisted for being a "sexist" and never get a job in tech again.

Especially now with the "google memo" saying anything even remotely against someone who's female gets you labelled as an "alt-right Demore symphatiser" and that's it - you're out.

you must be talking about the chinks and indians huh

You're forced to wait for the them to get "promoted" to some made up job like "head of diversity" and pray that the next diversity hire programmer isn't as bad.

Poos you mainly just need to teach them the correct methodology. They do everything as inefficiently as possible, it's like a game to them. The real problem is women being hired just because.

Its fascinating how low we are fucking going.

Glad I live ina pseudo third world country where in my IT office, we're 5 men and 1 women and there is literally no tension.
We all do our job, we are behaving like humans, not fucking Hitler-tier approproiating pretentious cunts jabbing at each other for how we were born.

women are the bane in the IT department.

theyre the ones that gets promoted just as easily and they didnt even need to lift a single finger. beta programmer cucks will defend and do all her work just to get praised or gazed at

i swear, whenever i see a woman programmer or leader, i always fucking challenge their ideas and approaches.

fucking hoe doesnt even know how to crypto passwords in config files and decides to put them all in a single fucking readable table... i swear stupid bitches like her need to die

>pws in plaintext
isnt that day 1 fucking knowledge

whenever i see a woman programmer or leader, i always fucking challenge their ideas and approaches.
>programmers aren't sexist

IT people are easier to replace than software devs. And let's be real m8, a lot of them probably make more than 2x what you do. It's supply and demand. If you don't like it, learn how to program and get a job as a dev.

in tech the level of professionalism is worryingly low, it goes beyond banter.

As a 9001x programmer, I can tell you that most IT guys/"devops" are in fact "muh hobby" geek squad guys and deserve to work around the clusterfucks your average web programmer will leave for them. That being shitposted, you really want to decently pay the few actually really good ones - aka the ones that know their stuff and don't come up with retarded password restrictions and user right restrictions.

This, tier 3 virtual networks, virtualization clustering and super computers and putting up with shitty UNIX/WIN/proprietary server consoles.
But judging from Sup Forums OP is not one of them.

>This, tier 3 virtual networks, virtualization clustering and super computers and putting up with shitty UNIX/WIN/proprietary server consoles.
Or a good DBA, these have become rare, I'd guess.


Because you have zero legitimate qualifications, you're a tech support monkey.

I'm coming into my junior year of college looking for internships in programming or IT...

Corporate life can't be this awful can it? What the fuck is a diversity officer?

swallow it, because that's how tech in America works.

>he graduated CS for this

because you're a filthy tech monkey
you don't make money for the company, they do.
you're no better than a janitor

you aren't supposed to appeal to HR. you appeal to whoever does your quarterly/bi-yearly appraisals (i.e. your boss). you make yourself irreplaceable to them and show your worth to them. if you aren't getting paid what you are worth and can't manage to foster the type of relationship with your superior where they would be inclined to listen to your request for a a raise then you walk. it's that's simple. don't do work for more than you are worth without a plan to bail if you don't get your due.

It depends on whether or not you want to work in an IT department for a company, or a technology company. IT departments for normal companies can vary depending on the business, but generally they lack the politically-correct bullshit. If you work for a technology company, then you get diversity shoved down your throat. Take one of my old contracts, for example:

I left because of it being overran by non-technical fags.

Thanks. I live in London.
10% pension too.
P gud. I got an engineering degree.

Fuck IT monkey work. Seems boring as fugg

>then you have the "veterans" that run multiple cluster servers with who knows what technologies and know a little bit of everything.
Thats not IT. Midrange guys are not IT guys.

A lot of times they don't.

>too dumb to program and stuck with IT
>deserve respect
>want equal pay for a much easier job


They wont be laughing in 3 years when drumpy leaves office. The only thing they will be engineering is soup in the soup lines.


Why wouldn't they just go abroad?