>japs couldnt make a OS better than windows
>ruskis couldnt make a OS better than windows
how is this possible?
>japs couldnt make a OS better than windows
>ruskis couldnt make a OS better than windows
how is this possible?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm really surprised China hasn't
Not enough interest
why are they even attempting when Stevie boy already made a better OS...?
>multi-billion market
>no interest
ok kid
>reading comprehension and thinking skills of a 10 year old
>that projection
Computers, software, and the internet are American inventions.
Everyone else just follows and imitates them (poorly).
Takes too much money and time.
>ruskis couldnt make a OS better than windows
But they can!
>those non-boring wallpapers
Jaopan is God awful with software.
Because a Fin and a Jew-Commie already made a better OS than Windows and they can just use it for free.
Japan was never good at anything.
If you shitheads weren't 12yo you would have known that what now is called chink junk used to be called jap scrap.
the levels of stupidity in this thread are off the roof
whatever you say black boy
It is pretty pathetic when you consider just how fucking terrible Windows is.
Japan did something better than that. They made an OS better than Linux. So much better that the corporatist America collectively lost its shit and lobbied for big brother to protect "muh murican interests":
>When the Japanese government announced it would install BTRON PC in Japanese schools, the U.S. government objected. It called the Japanese initiative "actual and potential market intervention" and threatened the move with sanctions. The Japanese, dependent on the U.S. export market, quickly dropped the plan. The U.S. government later withdrew its threat, but the damage had already been done. Nearly all Japanese companies involved in TRON-related activities had canceled their projects.
Weird how Torvalds is an American citizen now. Probably gave him citizenship in exchange for NSA backdoors.
thousands of people from around the world made an OS better than windows.
>OS better than windows
>literally gets btfo by this machine
Window's only value is it's ubiquity, you can't just "invent" your way to having universal market share.
And then we wonder why the world hates America.
HP printers have had official Linux support for what, 15 years now?
paid shill for the communist OS backed by zionist globalists.
are you talking about wangblows?
>tfw epson provides printer drivers for linux
Just werks on my machine.
no im talking about the fat communist jew you worship as your saviour retarded brainlet scum
that card is fucking useless
There are a lot of OS better than both Linux and Windows but nobody's making drivers for them.
mac got nvidia drivers though
In the long run, that was helpful. Having the primary x86 PC OS be so resoundingly awful kept x86 alive as a hobbbyist OS platform and gave space for Linux and Free Software. TRON did not respect freedom any more than Windows did.
Genode can use rump kernels in userspace for drivers, including Linux, NetBSD, and OpenBSD.
It's pretty good for shitting on Saki players.
Yeah but it's too niche, you could put a better card on your deck instead of that. Also nobody plays Saki.
terry isn't a jew
>north korea runs a customized minimalistic zero botnet Linux distro
There you go
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>zero botnet
north korea has it's own operating system.
Linus Torvalds might be a little closer to "husky" than "athletic", but I wouldn't call him fat. And I couldn't care less about his religious affiliation.
>country of origin
1. Arch Linux
2. ArchBang Linux
3. GhostBSD
4. OpenBSD
5. VectorLinux
6. SharkLinux
7. AV Linux
8. Linux From Scratch
9. OviOS Linux
>Thanks, Canada.
This. Its not just computers either. All technology beyond basic tinkering is an American cultural artifact.
I have an HP printer and has always worked perfectly.