Why are there so many gooks in tech?
Why are there so many gooks in tech?
anime website
Anyone know where I can get a cool leather jacket like Jackie Chan wears when he does those conferences?
Because white bois just can't computer
>graphics cards
more like gaymen and the reason for that is South Korea.
cuz gooks are smart
because their society promotes STEM education and careers for everyone. this means that you have a large pool of people to choose from, and you have some bright minds that turn out to be very adept at running a tech business
Because the ones in the West usually come from an educated background, and therefore have high IQ genes. Your average nongmin isn't going to the USA to work in tech.
Same thing with Pajeets.
Because that's where all the electronics are made and assembled by cheap labor.
Whites simply can't compete
Why doesn't Lisa's Wikipedia page show how much she's worth like Jensen's does? Is she piss poor? What's she hiding?
A penis, obviously.
pretty sure that's Jackie Chan bro
>24mil salary
>Why are there so many gooks?
>in 2007
Taiwan and Korea, but specifically Taiwan since that's where Lisa and Jensen are from, have better education systems than the US
They study instead of posting on Sup Forums
Those are chinks not gooks, user. Twinks if you wanna be more specific.
Gooks are from Indochina.
If you're gonna insult someone, at least do it right.
I gotchu senpai
I can't remember who they are exactly, but they're the CEOs of most major PC companies, such as Acer, Asus, Lenovo, etc. They're all fucking chinks.
None of those are American or even western companies you retard. Acer, ASUS, and Lenovo are Taiwanese, Taiwanese, and Chinese companies respectively.
Why the fuck are there so many Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums?
>le edgy racist post
Go away stormcuck
The question is about gooks in tech you fucking mongoloid. What does that have to do with American or not? These are global PC manufacturers with all their presence in the west.
>global PC manufacturers
No they're not. They're asian companies that have branches in the west. The question's answer should be self-evident, gooks are more interested in tech companies than westerners. Does Europe even have any PC OEMs?