/bst/ Battlestation Thread

Old thread is full. Give feedback to the 5 bsts above yours. I'm in the process of moving so I need to do a bit of cleaning. I also need chairs suggestions

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>in b4 >faggots DCIM0512.jpg

absolute fucking faggotry

Hello everyone

discord invite
cool server


dude, sideways lmao

I know I suck lol

Poorstation reporting in.
And before anyone asks, I keep oral hygiene stuff in my room to keep housemates from using my things.

I posted a neofetch to soc and no one responded :C

Get a triple monitor stand to maximize aesthetic.

Very comfy looking, especially that blanket cave.

Popped my neck, feels better.

My speakers died yesterday, rip creative speakers, you will be missed.


How are the scabies going

Ivermectin killed them. Was awful moved. Stopped hanging around drug addicts. Now just get drunk alone :/

I fucked the remembered the password at least.

nar just find drug addicts that are not as filthy and get drunk with them

That looks incredibly clean and comfortable considering you're poor and live in a shared house, user. Keep up the excellent work!

Nice, but a little boring.

Max qt.

I like the color scheme a lot.

>Get a triple monitor stand to maximize aesthetic.
I made the mistake of buying monitors without mounts

Is /bst/ trap-exclusive again?

Where's your new setup?

Not yet set up. I don't even have landline internet yet, fuck.

lads, what monitor should I get for general gaiming? I have about 300-400 pounds, or 500 or so dollars/ euros. currently have a shit tv i use my 1070 i7 on....

way to fuck up your eyes though

>Blowing 400 quid on a screen
I reckon i've paid about that for everything you see in the picture

Getting a projector soon :D

Ayyyy nigga you recommended the 21:9 meme a couple days ago to me. Just received my display and this shit is amazing.
>tfw experiencing a first person vidya in 21:9
Who the fuck needs VR?

My desktop is anywhere in the house~

Interesting blanket fort setup. Does the window behind have curtains? blinds?

Comfy backlighting you got there. RGB strip along the back of the desk synced to the motherboard? Nice use of the PS EYE, too.

Vertical shitposting monitor and ultrawide? Sign me up. Get rid of the shitty HyperX headset and get a proper mic and we're talking. Nice white case too, I'm getting one of those.

You must love that window next to you. Ever thought about removing the tree or is that a sort of privacy screen?

That keyboard makes me laugh, 'tis cute. Is that a real mac or just a poached case with a real computer in it?

a e s t h e t i c. Probably get good battery out of that.

Pic related, my shitty desk. I'm thinking of removing the top shelf to open it up and taking that stuff to the cupboard top behind me. My camera lens is scratched, pls no bully for shit picture. Ryzen 3 mobo and ram soon.


Gotta love 60% keyboards... Except for when you fire up a game of course. As for the Mac, it's just a G5 case with PC components inside.

Heres my set up

Will you replace them with proper speakers?

clean those papers dammit

window in the bedroom (behind loft/fort) has curtains, *and* blinds

See, I told you. LG Ultrawide meme, Its a lifestyle. Once you go ultrawide, you never go back. just a heads up, you might need an ultrawide tweaker for some games that dont support 21:9. if you have an lg monitor, and you cant fix the ration and forced to use 16:9, monitor settings in quick menu allow you to change the ratio from wide to original, basically running the display at 16:9 without the terrible stretch.
Nah, I wish, i bought the phanteks 1m led add on to use with the case rgb button and the desk led i bought on amazon during prime day. both strips colour match since the desk strip can be fine tuned, I'm content despite them not being synced.
Damn, that audio system. I'm on a tight budget so far i've decided on pic related.
Yes i know, but returning from a relative that built a sound system from car speakers and a 15 inch sub woofer, i fell in love with the vibrating feeling. It was like a massage.

Only tried subnautica, Terraria and hellblade so far which all supported it. Gonna play some stellaris to see how it works in strategy games.

>Glossy screens

I know for a fact that FFXIII (cant be fixed), Dark Souls (all games, ultrawide patch), Starcraft (cant be fixed), CoD (almost all games, ultrawide patch), are some that dont support ultrawide

>speakers on their side
enjoy your off axis response you fucking retarded nigger

That looks alright, although I would get a different sub. I know it's tempting to get a matching one, but there are better subs for less than or equal that price.

>Diablo 2
Nice. I still play that game.

Don't care for most of those except maybe souls but as you said it can be patched. I just looking for a good movie to try now.

Any suggestions on subs, I've been researching for a month now, and still dont have quite the understanding I wish to have. Kind of hard to pick out speakers without ever test listening them in store. I can only go based on reviews and these graphs which i have 0 understanding still.

From yesterday

Dud, how the fuck do you live at a 90 degree angle?

>no girls allowed.jpg

I just bought an Asus MG279Q yesterday for $499.
It's pretty dope except for some backlight bleed. I'm playing most games at 1440p on my 1060 so I'm sure it'd do well for you.


whats the point of that lamp

maybe a ghetto light dimmer

Can I see your hackintosh guts? I'm thinking about buying a g5 case, too. Did you mod yours?

use irfanview nigger

comfy levels are so high. love that setup


This is comfy as fuck. I wanted to write something better but I'm terrible at this and it always takes me way to long.

smoker, vaper, and OCD for organization? my man!

>dell optiplex
you instantly win user

what do you make user?

mine about a year ago.
not much has changed

by any chance a gateway laptop?

here's my setup feel free to roast me about how clean and minimalistic my setup is. monitors are triple 27inch 4k ips in case anyone's wondering.

eww glossy monitors, otherwise nice setup.

it's called a battlestation thread not show off ALL your tech thread... also clean that desk up I wouldn't even be able to think with so much shit around.

nice setup just get rid of the mousepad meme it's 2017

again unironic mousepad meme in 2017

how is this even a station? do you live in your bed or something?

really liking the improvised headset stand, do all of you guys fall for the mousepad meme? starting to see a pattern...

buy that third monitor and properly allign them you know you want to. throw out the mousepad.

nice lighting get rid of the oil soaking meme pad.

10/10 would rate again

wash those curtains my dude

get rid of the mousepad otherwise nice setup

r8 8/8 m8 gr8 b8

potato cam must be covered in the oil your hands pick up from that mousepad huh?

clean your shit 2/10 would not bang

just take ONE good pic if you want to get a rating

>still falling for the analog pdf meme

BATTLESTATION thread not tech showoff thread
nice monitors and keyboards tho

Why do you have your trash can on the desk?

Disgusting. It looks like even opening your curtains is a nightmare; looks like the hacker den stereotype

Packard bell ipower gx
it's the same as the gateway one

nice keebs but wtf is that tube bullshit
you could use a nice mousepad
wtf am i looking at too many hideous monitors
why do you do this
did you swipe a pc from a high school or something lmao
get a mech and your shit is good
love the keebs but your desk is too convoluted for me.
looks like shit desu everything about it
cozy af

Nice JBLs my dude

Ayy. r8, h8, etc. Also, long shot but just out of curiosity has anyone here ever done paramotoring? I recently found out about it and I desperately want to get into it.

>Give feedback to the 5 bsts above yours
Shouldn't it be the worst five to help people improve their shit? Anywho, your drawers not being lined up with the table top looks kind of bad. Does the table top just slide around? If so I suggest getting some of that white foamy shelf liner to put between the drawers and the tabletop. That's what I use and it works perfectly.

R8ed b4. Still a lot of personality. Cable management on consoles maybe?

Monitor mounts. Turn everything 90 degrees.

Go to ikea and spend $20 on five Adils table legs. Other than that not wildly offensive, just a little boring which is the worst crime of all.

Rip. Time to get some big boy speakers. I like the lighting and the ultrawide looks nice.

Looking good senpai, just do a little bit of cable management.

Wtf is this lighting. Very cool looking but rip your eyes.


I have two MG279Qs and I like them quite a bit. I don't notice much if any backlight bleed but maybe they use a different panel now, I got mine a while back before the price drop.

So do you just go thrifting a lot or what?

What do you plan to project and where?

Fucking tasty. The day I get into thinkpad collecting is the day I stop having any money.

Something something something, vaseline camera. A little cluttered, a little cramped. Is that a picture of you and your mom?


Perfect? Holy fuck. How do you do your bias lighting?

Almost comfy. Buy a new mousepad and a bookshelf.

Very nice, keep up the good work project boi.

Explain the duck user.
I want a detailed story.


What he said.
I have white brights as my normal lights, the lamp is a yellow bulb and allows me to get tired enough to go to bed at a regular hour.

>Mousepad is a meme!
>Only person in thread without a mosepad
Might want to turn down that autism.

my best friend got it for me from a woodcarver in haiti
bout as detailed as it gets, wonder what the woodcarver is up to

For your price range, look at the offerings of SVS, BIC and Klipsch. Just read reviews, check the frequency response to see how low they can go and check if they work with your interface.

Thanks user. Don't drink yourself silly.

Cute shed.

Thanks. I'd sugest using a coaster for your mug.

Thanks brah. I do plan on giving them some "proper" stands in the future.

>How do you do your bias lighting?
I use an original Lightpack that is driven by Ambibox (thrid party software).

Your station looks neat despite all the things you have stored. What is that thing under your mixer though (where it's sitting on)? Looks like a mini fridge.

I'm sure hes lurking /diy/

Temporary setup until I go back to uni. Really missing a big desk right now.

What do you think of my new battlestation?
Image too large so here is an imgur link.

Any tips on what to improve?
I want to get a second monitor but can't afford it right now.

>that keyboard
>that mouse

Do the fans in that system get loud?

They're clean m8
It's just the colour
Nice bst btw
>hacker den stereotype
Thank you user.
I'm fixing the curtains.
They are hard to reach coz of the telly in the way.
Carboots skips and ebay all the way!
Nice collecting btw!
Dead quiet m8.

Where did you get those shelves from?


I want to get a better picture but the rest of the room is filthy and I need new blinds because I moved in recently

>I use an original Lightpack that is driven by Ambibox (thrid party software).
>Your station looks neat despite all the things you have stored. What is that thing under your mixer though (where it's sitting on)? Looks like a mini fridge.
Huh. I might look into that. Thanks. Being a collector directly conflicts with trying to keep things looking neat. And it is a mini fridge.

The white ones? Ikea Billy shelves with corner hardware.

How do I under desk cable manage?

Sorry for the potato tablet camera

It's the mac pro trashcan meme it's great most stable workstation I've owned just needs the occasional yearly reboot whenever apple makes a new version of macos

>go along with the herd
>it's the best way to avoid falling for memes trust me

next bst should be meme shed edition


NEET Bong/10

Next time I open it up I'll take a picture of it


The wall to the left of the setup which isn't in frame has two posters on (game of thrones and the walking dead) I'm going to remove them and install either a projector screen or paint some screen paint on the wall. Should offer me a 100" picture, granted it's full HD but I love large screen casual gaming regardless of resolution. I'll be buying an Xbox One S for it and I'll get Virgin TV installed in the room as well.

velcro straps and careful cable management; works every time.


looks very similar to my setup screen wise and nebula wallpaper, whats the keyboard senpai?

whats that keyboard mate?



went from left setup to right setup.

pretty happy with it

the background light must be distracting