Is brave really worth using to avoid Google? I heard it's a meme browser. What about firefox? Are the devs really as cucked as people say?
Need a new browser?
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Stop listening to what people say and stop following every single thing you hear online. Think for yourself, look into the subject, research, then decide for yourself.
>w3m not got tier
Literally worse than reddit
This is Sup Forums just tell me what browser to use.
Some people say it's worth avoiding Google. Others say that Firefox is garbage too.
I make them all happy by using IE11. Not even joking.
Why are you suffering this much? just use IceCat, is clean has fuck, compatible with addons, the only problem is how bad handles ram but again, is more mozilla problem, future version are going to be the shit
>Icecat not in placebo tier when it is just Firefox stable with a different logo
it's not.
IceCat is Firefox stable with sane configs for privacy and some nice addons like 'https everywhere'. Autism Tier with LibreJS is optional.
wait seamonkey is ccompromised aswell? fuck
Brave is now thw official log of shit browser
If you like to suck a warm nasty log of shit out of andy sixxs asshole please try brave. Its very fast and stable and not sjw
I heard brave is the true redlog of shit. Please redlog me
Log of hair?
>Other alternatives
This word combination is erroneous, please, consider altering the image to simply "alternatives", thank you.
Who does /brave/ here?
It renders my andy sixx memes perfectly
Firefox nightly is godlike.
Brave is shit on desktop.
The Soros thing isn't fucking real, do your research
HTTPS Everywhere is supposed to be bad for performance, Smart HTTPS (revived) is shilled as a better alternative.
Chromium is a virus that was infecting my computer until I finally found a way to delete it and everything else it shit in.
What about mobile?
I know DAT feel. For some reason YouTube videos take much mode screen space on IE which makes much more useable. Alas, the rest of the browser is still garbage...
Brave is really good on Android from my experience. I personally still use Firefox since it supports WEBM, has better UI and has sync, but otherwise Brave completely shits on it performance wise.
Just don't browse the internet.
>nightly is placebo
>all those "excellent" browsers
>Think for yourself, look into the subject, research, then decide for yourself.
and you'll end up coding your own browser.
It's the best performing android browser according to a benchmark done on an S5 (other than the Samsung's Internet Browser).
What benchmark.
Okay, Firefox is launching a new initiative to fight "Fake News"- but doesn't describe what it considers 'fake news' or not.
So, what browser should I switch to?
Source on that about Firefox? You fell for actual fake news retard
pale moon. the furry autist will never let us down
>Is brave really worth using
no, use ungoogled chromium
>What about firefox?
not until 57, use palememe or waterfox
You are fake news
>ungoogled chromium
>trusting a student project
Nightly is autism.
Wow, how retarded do you have to be to ask for a source right under a link that has the source.
I'm guessing you need your big brother to post for you
thank you based furry autist
do any of those autist browsers support greasemonkey/Sup Forums x?
pale moon does
it's not wrong, it's just redundant
Brave is excellent, don't fall for the memes. NEETs are just upset that someone is trying to change the economic model that might result in them paying for content.
Is FF57 out yet and what were the about:config changes to attempt to make it more private?
Nightly is as good as FF ever gets. Stable FF lacks the latest features, optimizations and pushes Mozilla's political opinions down your throat.
>Brave is excellent, don't fall for the memes.
What features other than faux-adblocking does it have that FF and Chromium don't?
Oh my god some used logic and reason
Really need someone to tell me what they dislike about Brave. I took a glance at it a few weeks ago but decided to stick with ff nightly but I came back to it now and notice its incredibly smooth when dealing with sites with a lot of javascript stuff in it. Firefox feels so laggy in comparison. The only downside I can think of is the lack of customization and it feels soulless compared to firefox but damn everything else is flawless
mozilla does not run SeaMonkey
I would like to ask the author of this work to explain the difference between luakit and uzbl
There is nothing. Mozilla shills are just mad because there's a better browser than Firefox.
severe autism with the samefag
NetRunner masterrace soon!
Forget it, I disabled the e10 thing mozilla added and its not as laggy anymore I feel like it has some hickups whereas brave has none but I'll take the customization of firefox for now until brave introduces something interesting
only bad thing is no addons/extensions
No Webm embedding
Brave is a real botnet.
but it is real
nice integers of the repetitive quality anons
Or, you could be intelligent and use Waterfox.
No you won't.
>Mozilla partnered with George Soros
This is an outright lie. There is no evidence of this. Please provide some concrete evidence if you can. From the linked article:
>Mozilla, the non-profit which runs the Firefox internet browser, said Wednesday it was launching a drive against ‘fake news’ as fact-checking software backed by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar got its first run-out in public.
Use some critical thinking skills. It doesn't say that Firefox is using this software (it's called "Full Fact" btw), because at this time they aren't using *any* software. Their "Initiative" is currently no more than an announcement of their intent to investigate what is possible. That's what the official blog announcement also stated.
People see that "Full Fact" is launching, and that Firefox is looking into possible avenues they themselves can pursue, and Sup Forums has turned this into "Firefox partners with Soros!" which, at this point in time, is a lie.
Maybe Mozilla *will* partner with Soros, but maybe they won't. The future is only speculation at this point, and to make such definitive statements is foolish.
Don't be a liar.
> Chrome
Just werks. Safest and fastest of all. RAM wise it's got fixed, so if you are low on RAM, it will use less ram. But you can use "the great suspender" and it will help you cut down ram usage. It has all the addons one might need. The best.
> Chromium
Same shit with extra hassle.
> Vivaldi
Power user browser. The potential is huge but there is no sync yet, and the UI is written in Javascript. In fucking Javascript. So every time the thread is busy or something, the entire UI slows down. The engine is Blink, so imagine a giant excavator with a Porche engine when the main UI thread tries to do something.
> Brave
Meme. They took Chromium, slapped on a monstrosity UI and ruined addon compatibility. Literally a shit product.
> Opera
Was good. Even when they moved to Blink it was kinda promising. But then the chinks kept ruining it, and now every feature is just half-implemented, half-assed. Like Turbo... good luck finding and configuring it. It's just shit.
> Edge
Fast shit. But shit. Addons barely work.
> Firefox
Shit shit. Slow and shit. Slow updates, extensions all broken by now, slow browsing experience, and a RAM hog since they pushed e17s. Also the company's only aim is to push SJW agenda and diversity. That's Mozilla's main role. I am not even joking, check their site.
That's it I guess.
I can even speak German to some degree but these stupid spellchecks I swear on me mum...
Don't you dare talk shit about Microsoft edge, it is fast as fuck
With all that said, what's the best option for someone who puts privacy and security above all
Chromium I think.
It is addon compatible, it gets updates, it uses the same fast as fuark engine and the botnet shit has been disabled.
You can find many builds for every OS (Windows, BSD, Linux, OS X). Even portable builds.
So I would go with this.
You can install "ChromeIPass", and it can integrate into Keepass. I have my passes offline, yet my browser can autofill this way. Comfy as fuck.
> inb4 Firefox
I don't know. They advocate how open they are, but in fact they get like 99% of their budget from ad deals. And the browser calls back home by default and all that shit. It's just... no. I realize supporting the underdog might be good, but Mozilla strayed away from it's original good path they had back then. Maybe with Servo they will get their position back... we will see. But at the moment, it's dog shit.
Thanks for the info user but I think I'll stick with Pale Meme until FF settles down. It's surprisingly decent.
>> Chrome
>Safest and fastest of all. RAM wise it's got fixed
Are you retarded?
>shit 8x
Confirmed, you're retarded
Firefox, just change a few things in about:config
Waterfox, if you're too lazy for firefox
t. retard
Chromium has no botnet parts, that's Chrome.
This is why people use it instead of Chrome.
> Retarded
How so? I have 24GB of RAM, yet it is using just as much as Firefox 56 does.
> inb4 that's a lot of ram
I have Sup Forums X + appchan with some fuckbloated setup.
Also using a fuckton of extensions.
AND it uses less RAM than Firefox. (It uses 1.6GB atm with ~10 tabs.)
Chromium phones to Google. The only thing that's different between it and chrome is that chromium uses exclusively open source parts. It's still a botnet. That's why Iridium and unGoogled Chromium extist.
>privacy and security
pick one
Chrome/ium can't event filter ads properly
> SRWare Iron
> Comodo Dragon
Stop spreading FUD, Chris Aljoudi you shitskin fuck.
Firefox being partnered to Soros is itself fake news, probably made by Brave developers. Mozilla employees themselves have explicitly denied being associated with Soros.
I think Windows is the problem. I have Ubuntu, Firefox 55 with two addons and 14 active tabs - memory usage 244.2 MiB
I really don't want to use a browser that is made by weak whiny cunts but nothing else has the same customizability.
Probably. Do you have e17s enabled though?
Before e17s Firefox was indeed the ram champ. But it just feels wrong to disable it, like one step forward, two backward...
srware iron is compormised, also op remove iridium from that list its german bot net.
Instart Logic and Upmanager problems exists only in Chrome/ium based browsers, not in Firefox
> problem
Like, you have uBlock Origin + uBlock Extra installed anyhow, then how is it a problem?
(shoot me though, I used Chrome for bfilter years ago when there was no native adblock. I am a sinner. Oh and I used Adblock Plus on Firefox.)
Iron and comodo dragon are shitware. Are you 12? Because nobody sane would recommend that garbage.
>take chromium
>close source for no reason
Yeah, no. Both are spyware/botnets.
> Recommend
I recommended Chromium, I only brought up examples and also included a link that explains every step a tinfoil-hat-person would need to take. Those are just examples of how there are even alternative builds and shit. Just use Chromium and read the page.
(SRWare Iron is open sores though.)
Firefox is still the best I find.
Are you OK, user? There is nothing like "e17s" and if you mean Electrolysis (e10s) then yes, I got it enabled by default.
Fuck you all, best support, best features, you can’t have this.
It is. I wish there were option in Firefox to set your local page as a new tab page. Mozilla said Windowsfags were infested with malware thanks to custom new tab page, so they removed it without asking :(
>no webm support
I don't even use it on my iPhone.
I just have my home page set to my email provider, then Ctrl+T immediately.
What's so bad about Vivaldi?
I just find it really fast and nice with the latest updates.
Not sure where I got that from, but I guess we will live.
So I should eat shit, just to be a bit safer from advertisers...
How does it affect me though? Like I see and download no ads. That is what I basically want. What else should I want?
> not using email client
No sync. And the fuckslow Javascript UI.
Actually I watched the recent livestream and I just cringed during the entire video. It's literally Javascript hacks on top of Javascript hacks and on top of Javascript hacks. It's INSANE. Like the entire UI tries to search for text parts and whatnot, IT IS CRAZY I tell you. Just look up that livestream and you will vomit on your screen.
> not using email client
Depends on your definition. I don't access my email via a web browser, if that's what you are getting at.
But as a user, as someone who just wants a nice-looking browser which allows for customisation and stuff like that, will I notice any of that?
I say it because I've been using since the beta and I've had no issues AT ALL. I literally don't care about "back office" issues
Then why is it the starting tab?
> will I notice any of that?
Not really, and you should just use what YOU enjoy and find comfy. Just because someone says so... lol.
It is still in fact a monstrosity and I love Vivaldi's features - would be the happiest if they had a clean code or used native code. But maybe if they implement Sync, I will move anyway. They should also make a mobile browser (sync and adblock is all we need really.)
>Then why is it the starting tab?
Because it's a website that complies with DNSSEC and TLSA validation, so I can immediately tell if something fucky is up via my validator..