Best Android Launcher, that isn't botnet or a meme

Best Android Launcher, that isn't botnet or a meme.

Something feature packed,free ( as in freedom) and minimalistic.

Those with built-in news/feed function is a big bonus. I am into that shit.

KISS Launcher

> Fear of botnet
> Use non open source os


this tbqh senpai.

Evie Launcher, been using it for a bit and it's pretty comfy

nova or action launcher.

I like Smartlauncher.

KISS / Hayai

Not free as in freedom.
Not even free as free beer for some features.

>non-open source

There are no good open source launchers

>built-in news feed
how do you expect to have a non botnet launcher with something that is a botnet? also news feeds are shit

Simple built-in RSS client.

Nova Launcher.


Open launcher is pretty comfy

Do you want free or do you want the best?


Apex launcher

They are honestly all shit. I don't like the way icons scale in any launcher except for Pixel Launcher.

"botnet" is for the search engine optimisation


Hayai Launcher
only 10kb
fast as fuck
most minimalist you can get
discovered it 3 months ago, litterally changed my life as it's super simple and fast to use

he said not a botnet user

Ok. So OP here. I ended up using open launcher, which is pretty good, but in alpha. So far works fine.May end up getting into the code and help this project. We need something like this.

Btw arrow launcher from microcucs is actually not bad, usability wise. But as always the botnet is strong with this one.

Obviously Nova is amazing but i cant be sure with the closed source, especially in a launcher where i give almost all access to my phone.

me too


Microsoft Arrow Launcher

kys launcher

all memes aside, literally everything. is. a. meme.