advice me on the easyest distro to use for a retard
i want to install it on a laptop , do i need to check compatibility or some shit liek drivers ?
advice me on the easyest distro to use for a retard
i want to install it on a laptop , do i need to check compatibility or some shit liek drivers ?
ubuntu, check out their site for OS requirements
If you go with Ubuntu, it should support all of the devices straight out of the box. The exception might be your WiFi. Cross your fingers about that one.
install gentoo
install gentoo
Debian or Fedora.
Everything else is a meme for beginners or bloated as fuck (canonical spyware).
check out gentoo, and install it
For most people, Ubuntu is the standard. If you want a more complete experience right out of the gate, I recommend Linux Mint MATE edition. If it's a weaker system with 2GB of memory or less, Linux Mint XFCE will be blazing fast. Get a couple of thumb drives and try both live. Remember, they always run a little slower from USB. You won't get full speed until you do a full install. AND BACKUP YOUR SHIT!
wtf i just checked gentoo , looks like too hard for me , MINT on the other hand looks comfy
It IS comfy. It's not to say you'll never have any issues. No OS works 100% perfect all the time, but don't let that scare you. Most fixes for common issues are a google away.
gentoo is meme os, it's the hardest one to learn good luck
Thirding Linux Mint, comfy as fuck.
Or Slackware if you want to learn something.
Forget about Linux, just do a fresh Windows 7 install and follow this guide:
Doesn't exist.
git gud or go windows
This is a losing battle, as soon as you grow up you realize it's retarded.
This. Don't see why everyone here is recommending Ubuntu (Windows 2.0).
What about KDE neon?
Debian and Fedora are great for people who aren't afraid to mess with the system, but don't want to get bogged down in gentoo/archlinux autism. They aren't great for the "I plugged my printer in and it doesn't work." crowd. I do love Debian as server distro though.
In case you didn't notice, OP said he doesn't know shit about Linux. There's nothing wrong with easing someone into it with either Ubuntu or Mint. We all went through this shit the first time we used Windows.
Linux Lite, literally tells you "do this first" and other hand holding shit
Arch is pretty great for beginners
Crux, Funtoo or LFS.
Burn in hell
kys nigger
Mint or Ubuntu
Nice, any cons?
Debian or Fedora for GNOME
OpenSUSE for KDE
>Or Slackware if you want to learn something.
This with slackbook
Also the community is great and active in linux's questions forum should any question comes up
windows 10