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It's a full blown witchhunt

I'm not familiar with those webpages, but Prince fucked up bigly.

Good luck staying neutral when the precedent is "I was in a bad mood!"

>mfw Sup Forums is actually going down
>even worse, cloudfare tells hiro to shut down Sup Forums and they flood over to Sup Forums

>inb4 >>Sup Forums nazi

what's ghostgunner/hateron?

Ghostgunner was a 3d printer for AR parts.
Hatreon was Patreon but for edgy cunts.

Good, I can finally leave this place

>TDS down, they immigrate to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums down, we immigrate to reddit
>Reddit down, we immigrate to google+
>Google+ down we immigrate to...

Yahoo answers?

>Google+ down
Not gonna happen since Google owns 50% of the Internet infrastructure

usenet, if they thought they had an eternal september before just wait...

Namecoin is the future.

>the entire alt* heirarchy gets dropped because people think it has to do with the alt right
>no more binaries
that would suck

Is Namecoin like Sky?

same desu

It was a mill

you meant to say big league?
>and they flood over to Sup Forums
we are already here family

>shutting down a legitimate business selling firearms
Whats next, they going to take on the NRA? Boot Brownells, MidwayUSA, and Gunbroker off the web?

They're going to ban the GOP just like they banned other political parties in 1933

I assume GP meant "censored" rather than "down". Google will absolutely ban the shit out of your neo-nazi movement if you try to move to G+.

i hope they ban Sup Forums. those fucking cunts deserve to be shut down

>tfw Sup Forums is going to get all of Sup Forums shut down
>even /po/ and other comfy boards

>blaming victims instead of the perpetrator

Are there alternatives to CloudFlare?

Mfw Sup Forums is starting ww3/civil war 2

Can pool just get its own site everywhere else going dark is just going to increase its numbers.

At any rate pool won't last long on this site I see it spinning off being deleted by the end of the year


Lots of people are eager to do mitm attacks on your users.

Worldstream, but I don't think they have any free plans.

>implying we won't cast you off without a second thought the minute you turn into a liability

The thousand other CDNs

Sup Forums is the largest board and posters there constitute the largest buyers of passes. Hiro isn't getting rid of his revenue.

>posters there constitute the largest buyers of passes.
So that's why /vip/ is full of animu?

Anime Nationalism is the real woke shit.

So you're telling me the biggest board whining about Jews is also the one willingly giving them the most money? P O T T E R Y

>Sup Forums is the largest board
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are faster.

>posters there constitute the largest buyers of passes
Source? Even if it has a large population, posters there are inclined to be hostile to Sup Forums and see the pass as a "jewish scheme."

>Hiro isn't getting rid of his revenue
Getting rid of Sup Forums might cut revenue but it will also reduce bandwidth usage a good deal as well.

I promise you when push comes to shove, no one who isn't a Sup Forumstard is going to fight for Sup Forums and risk the entire site.

Fucking hell, they're going all out

Don't believe Hiroshit about bandwidth the site has plenty he whined about bandwidth then added two more boards he's talking Japanese shit.

Sup Forums alone is 30% of the site and was even higher during the election.

It is not 30% of the site. It's not even the fasted board lol.

>Sup Forums will get shut down

didn't pol go full reddit?cant hiro just kill it

Can someone redpill em real quick about this cloud fare meme and just stop making threads about this every two minutes? Ty

Redpill me* I meant

Old Sup Forums left a long time ago, neo-Sup Forums is just a sad and pitiful shell of its former self

>Playing the victim card


And that doesn't make Sup Forums heroes because?
Sup Forums is cancer and should be dealt with.

You do know if this place dies they'll all spread out to other websites

So what. I don't use any forums or social media.
I just want Sup Forums to cease to exist

No they won't. They'll just go to other boards, Sup Forums is usually the first stopping point.

If Sup Forums dies other corners of the internet will be swarmed with our special brand of autism, which in turn will lead to other corners of the internet dying off for the same reason.

this domino effect will continue until the only social media is facebook and the us govt has full control of watching everything we do all day long

I don't understand what is going on. Is that why Reddit is being so slow?

>bawwwww, mommy, they wont let me play with their toys

Set-up your own damn caching+name server, problem solved.

I said this place as in the website as a whole

Im still ok with this.
Im not american and i dont use the internet for anything else other than to chat or video call,watch porn and download torrents.

I might read some stupid news article from time to time for the fun of it but if it got somehow "worse" i still wouldn't care

You know, something has got the gears crankin in my brain for the longest time now and seeing sites like this and even our own here be put on the list for a witchhunt just because of "certain people" the powers that be don't like it makes me see things differently than before.

Let me give you a brief history lesson about the similarities of certain posters. The JIDF was a real thing on Sup Forums back in the day and when it got fully exposed including the owner, shit came to a stop almost immediately and the posting habbits stopped. What is the JIDF you may ask? Think of the TorProject shills on here but on steroids.

Regardless, after that I started noticing on just about every board many posts with the sentiments of "fuck Sup Forums" and "those stupid fucking SJW Sup Forumsacks, am I right fellow posters?". They couldn't fuck with Sup Forums so they fuck with the rest of the site entirely to make them hate Sup Forums

And don't let anyone tell you this site has never been politically incorrect to some degree before. If they do they are easily outing themselves as a colossal newfag. You also notice out of context reeeing about Sup Forums when it isn't even an issue of discussing. Such examples include,

>Blah blah fuck your opinion back to Sup Forums"
>This board isn't Sup Forums
>I wish Sup Forums would stay on its containment board

Admit it, you've seen a lot of these at least ten times a day on here lately even if the discussion isn't even slightly politically incorrect. Then I see this shit and it hits me. It's been building up to this witch hunt. They failed to brainwash people with the MSM horse shit because nobody believes them anymore. Now they're posing as us pretending to be normal posters among us to sway opinion in the most inorganic way I've seen in ages.


Sure, go ahead and say Sup Forums should go and it would be better for the site. Call them a liability if you want. But what happens when the sum of all your fears are realized and there comes the day it doesn't stop at them? What happens when they condemn Sup Forums because this board has politically incorrect opinions about rainbow headed xir wrecking the computer industry and they label you as terrorist facilitators because we help people learn about computer security? Make no mistake, this is the slippery slope.

When that happens where are you going to go? Dead as hell Endchan? Are you going to eat from the pig farmer's trouph over at Infinitechan which has as many points of entry as a bangkok street walker? Face it. They're going to come for all of us. It isn't a matter of if, it's a matter of when and we need to start thinking what we're going to do when that happens and not who should be sacrificed.

>oh well silly nazis just don't be political xD
>Cloudflare ends plans for a legal gunsmithing website with no political affiliation

Oh GOLLY GEE WHIZZ how could this HAPPEN when we trusted liberal elites to decide what's okay to see?

and shitpost on Sup Forums obviously

how much time do you spend here?

The time when i am too exhausted to do shit.
I would have gone to sleep but its too early and i dont want to wake up at 4am

>the day it doesn't stop at them
Cloudflare just took down an entirely apolitical, legal-in-America gunsmithing website because they didn't like guns. It's not fucking "when" anymore.

then if Sup Forums serves a purpose for you, whatever it may be, its hard to claim that you wouldnt really care if it were gone, because it would affect your life in some minor way and you would need to find a replacement for it, same as every other user here would have to do.

your in the same boat as us

I assume, of course, you're not hypocritical, and oppose civil rights legislation?

what website?


I'm trying to figure out if this can be interpreted legally as willful damage of a computer system constituting criminal computer tampering. They've admitted verbally that they're doing this entirely because they think some sites shouldn't be allowed online.

It's a containment board you fuck.

works for me.

>this garbage bag full of flies is a CONTAINMENT bag, I can't throw it out.

although it is being hosted by godaddy now. this was cloudlfare hosting previously?

yes, but it is no longer behind cloudflare, you fucking idiot.

cloudflare controls 10% of the web's traffic and helps mitigate attacks.

>We're fighting Nazis!
>pic related

Awww shucks. Thats just nuts folks!

msn groups

Sup Forums is so shitty it can be replaced by 9gag. All it serves is as a waste of time while on the toiler or when im trying to delay going to bed by doing something mindlessly.

If you are so triggered i mentioned a competitor cancer spreading site avoid replying.

i find their products site misleading.

the open source cnc mill for $250 looks like an amazing deal, until you click on it and is says in the description "You will be asked to pay the remaining balance of $1250 at your convenience after procurement. Orders will not ship until after payment of final balance...."

why not just say it costs $1500 instead of totally misleading everyone who is browsing..

>still spouting the containment meme when all Sup Forums has become the containment box

ok you fucking faggot show me some proof, some link or something it used to be cloudflare and cloudflare dropped them, otherwise im led to believe they willfully migrated to another host, faggot

You don't contain cancer by giving it a safe place to grow. moot actually deleted /new/ (Sup Forums's precursor) along with /r9k/ at one point. He didn't bring them back because the users flooded other boards and made them unusable. They didn't. He only brought them back because of some dumb ED drama.

That's fair but "kinda scummy checkout cart" being grounds for Cloudflare to kill a website would kill half the internet that's using them

Pretending it's not because a liberal cuck is scared of home gunsmithing is denial.

>immigrate to reddit
Not happening.


Did you...did you actually read the OP?

It's pretty clearly right there.

>Sup Forums down, we immigrate to reddit
id much, much sooner migrate to lain chan or infinity chan
>Reddit down, we immigrate to google+
>Google+ down we immigrate to...
nothing google is going down they are basically in bed the us govt

>Entire movement to take down monuments led by Jews who have publicly and repeatedly posted about how much they have white people and conservatives
>Well, gee golly Jimmy, I just can't understand how they could make the leap from Nazis to us regular folk!


yes, it says his subscription is ending.

you pay yearly for these things and at the end your subscription ends.

from reading the tweets it looks like the guy didnt pay his bill

How much they hate**, important typo

The fact that Sup Forums was and still is being raided by both sides, and by paid media firms advertising themselves as "consensus makers" was definitely not a part of anything.

/n/ was deleted before /new/ was ever created. /new/ was the second incarnation, and it was only created because moot realized he fucked up.
The only issue ever was that moot didn't like the content being posted, because moot didn't support free speech. Moot was just a little queer who liked loli porn but couldn't handle race realism being discussed.
The reality, that you're too new and ignorant to realize, is that everyone is a cross boarder. No one here has purely singular interests and only remains on one board. No one just left the site when /n/ was deleted, or when /new/ was. They just carried on business as usual on their regular boards.

Cloudflare is a free service.

That wasn't my interpretation, but if that's the case I don't see an issue. He made a tweet since I checked last that definitely points in that direction.

If he's choosing to leave CF because he thinks they're cucks, more power to him. If he's being forced off because they're afraid of guns, fuck them.

Cody is an anarchist. Not really normal. Granted he's postmodern left and not ideological right like other cloud flare refugees, but the point remains they haven't booted any moderates yet.

I don't doubt they will at some point go after moderates with this precedent set though.

Since when?

>cloudflare *pro* plan will end now

Read the email, the guy was using the trail for the Pro Plan.

coulda fooled me
>Pro: $20/month

They'll target Ben Garrison soon.

I left Sup Forums a while back, it's full of reddit, pic related pretty much

From cody himself:
>I can't talk shit about you and benefit from your service, so as a measure of some respect I'll leave CF.

really makes you think he left cloudflare voluntarily dont it?
