*eats memory*


Unused RAM is wasted RAM


But what if you want to use the memory for something else, like a hello world made in java?

Then the scheduler should figure out how much RAM the program will require, free up just enough RAM and then run the program

What if is a really, really big hello world that requires all the memory?

t. web developing retard

In that case you should kys yourself for putting your computer on a low RAM diet

If you are using 50% of your ram you should consider adding memore because if you use it all your system either crashes or starts using swap which makes your system go snail speed.

Thats a poor excuse to make bad coded programs that eat up a lot of RAM. Devs should make priority after making a functional app, more optimizations.

I disagree. The compiler should be the one making the optimizations.

If it can optimize pure shit into efficient code, it would have solved the halting problem.
The current state of Sup Forums is sad.

Another excuse for being a lazy dev.

*gives you tons of gratis software*

doesn't happen if you set vm.swappiness and vm.min_free_kbytes properly

*takes 50 seconds to start up from an SSD*

I'm lmaoing at this harder than i should


I recently ditched sublime-text for atom.

Best decision I made in a long time.
Love ctrl+shift+m for typing markdown.
(I write all my cooking recipes to a private gist in markdown)

>Best decision I made in a long time.

How so? Other than the markdown mode.

It also supports me typing Japanese via mozc which sublime-text never did.
There is a sublime-text-imfix package that half worked, but caused trouble with the line formats.

Plus atom doesn't require a fake license.
So far I haven't found anything about atom that annoys me.

A scheduler is the thing that assigns CPU time to each process. You're thinking of the memory manager.

>electron defense force knowledge of computers

>tfw the RAM retracts its consent to being eaten and the Electron program is terminated for memory rape

Get your webshit out of my desktop

>running a full web browser for your shitty program because you're too retarded to learn anything else besides javascript