Why haven't you bought this $160 8 TB hard drive yet user? It's the return of a stupidly good deal desu, and it has a WD Red in it that you can get out of it, a lot cheaper than buying just the bare drive.
Holy fuck that 8 TB drive is dirt cheap AGAIN, $160 for 8 TB
Other urls found in this thread:
Anime is shit.
I wish.
And I was about to ask Sup Forums about this. Does anyone know if the 8TB drive can be swapped with another drive, specifically seagate? If it's possible, I'd like to shuck this drive and then use the interface as a sata to usb adapter.
As an Ausfag I'm insanely jealous.
>Geek Squad is still in business
Sho sho paid shill
Is it the worthless WD reds again
Why wouldn't you be able to? As long as it's the same size, which I assume is 3.5".
>tfw you bought five of the 4tb versions a few years ago for $100 each
now that's a spicy rigatoni
Refugees are allowed to illegally jump the border into Canada without much consequence, you might as well return the favor. Just beware of the CBP drone at 30k feet if they happen to have one doing duty up north instead of down south.
Well, I dunno if the interface is designed with WD pcbs explicitly in mind, and thus won't work with a seagate. Firmware on the interface might explicitly expect a WD hook or call or something.
I think there is a good reason why these things are on sale.
rememeber that anything above 2 TB in a HDD is unstable.
my theory is that most of the memory it touts is actually due to a compression algorithm directly on the hard drives.
if you fill this thing up the data will get corrupted.
if you get this then expect to get a back up drive for it.
>limit: 2
It's cheap because the flood waters finally receded in Thailand after 5 years
garbage, no wonder seagate doesn't even think about WD anymore my shitty 5 year old barracudas are probably faster than this thing if you took it apart and ran it in sata 3
I'm European.
It probably has a SATA power+data adapter inside the unit that connects to the HDD as any other would. I'm 99% sure of it.
>refurbished drives
How good are the WD Reds in that thing? I tend to hear that high capacity HDD's are prone to failure, and I don't mind shelling out money for server-grade HDDs if I ever feel like making a backup.
For instance, the MY BOOK drives actually have structures in place to prevent other drives from being used, and you have to rip out two pins to make it work.
See here:
Oh, sorry then. I didn't know that was actually a thing.
I bought one of these. Backed up about 5TB of data and write speeds were about ~160MB/sec
This is not a MyBook.
>I'm European.
im so sorry for your loss
Thus why I'm asking, if it was a my book I'd already know the answer.
>no warranty
>what are credit cards
>what is Magnusson-Moss
>my theory is that most of the memory it touts is actually due to a compression algorithm directly on the hard drives.
>if you fill this thing up the data will get corrupted.
Do you have a source to back your claims?
Fuck off shill
>t. Seagate internet defense force
>WD Reds
lmao there's a reason why it's being used in these cheap external enclosures.
WD drives are PMR drives.
You're thinking of shitty seagate SMR (Shingled magnetic recording ) drives.
It it one of those "helium" drives that fail after some years?
just dumb really dumb.
these are WD Red NAS 256MB
>WD fags
WD is literally even more behind seagate than AMD is behind nvidia, there is no defending incompetence at that level
I used to work at best buy. Geek squad and accessories is where the store makes profit (name brand products are sold for no profit since they price match with Amazon and Wal-Mart), so sales associates are told to relentlessly shill geeksquad services when selling products.
I always had issues with wd had +10 wd disks fucked but till now Seagate Toshiba and Samsung running fine.
Had a raid 0 with Seagate barracuda even upon sector fail stayed strong for 5 years.
Wouldn't it be better to buy 4x2 TB hard drives for stability than 1 8TB hard drive?
WD is laughable shit, its why no OEM will touch them
well lets run down the list
seagate is
>more reliable
>quiter (then blacks)
>higher capacity
>better price to performance
>more valuable as a company (seagate is worth 80 billion WD is worth 25 billion)
>more profitable as a company
>more OEM contracts
just face it the reason WD is buying sandisk and HGST is so they can avoid bankruptcy
wait, wasn't western digital the top dog in everything and seagate the ones that broke after 2 days?
what happened.
I have a 250gb western digital blue 7200rpm that use as my primary drive since 2009 and it still works flawlessly.
>wasn't western digital the top dog
no, they never were and probably never will be
Seagates are the most failure prone piles of shit you can buy, ignore the shill and look up failure rates yourself.
WD Reds are bad drives.
Helium drives fail after some years? Source or get the fuck out. The helium in hard drives won't run out after you become old.
Seagate offers better warranty but they're not that quiet. I hate that annoying click noise it makes once in a while.
Because you have medical coverage
You're the first person I've ever seen say that. Seriously.
I don't think you're right about this one.
Sorry to clarify, you're the first person I've seen saying that WD Red are bad drives.
>>WD Reds are bad drives.
Except these are actually HGST Ultrastar He8 drives, just rebranded for WD with their firmware.
>WD Reds are bad drives.
I've bought tens of reds myself, not a single problem since like 2012, not a single failure since
Of course they're not samsungs, which I had running on one server for ten years straight and then moved to a test bench and is running still to this day, but quite good nonetheless
bring this deal to yurup and I'll buy a set of those for my homelab, I only have 12TB currently available
Don't trust Sup Forums. There seems to be Segate shills here. I don't see how you could otherwise recommend a company that released a drive so bad they got a class action lawsuit for failure rates. Also that would find SMR performance acceptable to even release to market. There's a reason why Hitachi dropped the tech.
Missed out on this the first time, nabbed two this time. Was considering 3 for raid 5 but this will keep me for now, I think. Won't even be mad if they aren't Reds.
agree, we need such deals in EU, too
Does stripping the drive out void the warranty? Why are these going for so cheap?
I'm planning on buying 5 8tb wd reds, and these are $120 cheaper than just the bare drives. There has to be a catch.
>Does stripping the drive out void the warranty?
yes, that's why you put it back in when you send it in for a replacement if it shits the bed
>Why are these going for so cheap?
WD Red is a really shit model, no warranty and they're refurbished drives.
Buy Ironwolf or N300.
People have successfully sent in the drive alone and gotten a full enclosure back. YMMV.
>WD Red is a really shit model
No dude, these aren't the same as He8 Ultrastar drives. Different firmware, different components. The only thing similar is the build and the circuit board which means nothing.
Only thing different is the firmware. Please source otherwise. They run the same.
Not that guy but maybe they're hgst rejects?
>WD Red is a really shit model, no warranty and they're refurbished drives.
That picture is a year old and from a different drive model. A quick google shows that this one has Reds.
lmao have fun shucking these pieces of shit
protip: it's a pain in the ass
It's the same case with these.
All you need is a credit card. I don't understand the videos I see people taking 6mins. It literally takes me 30 seconds to open one. I've done 20 of these.
>different components.
Where did you hear this?
i wish 6tb reds would fucking go on sale, i need 6 more of them. even though i wouldnt only buy 2 at most from the same person, id like to save some fucking money
People have speculated that they could be "binning" drives but that's all it is, speculation.
No. You made the claim that HGST's Ultrastar He8 is being used as WD Reds. Not only is that illegal, but that's also the fastest way to lose money because Ultrastars ARE NOT the same as NAS drives. You've never owned or heard Ultrastar drives, have you?
What? Why the fuck would that be illegal? Is this a joke?
>Enterprise drives that sounds like a engine is the same as WD Reds because they look the same on the circuit board and outside
Is this a joke?
>256MB cache
Anything below 512MB is worthless in today's computing environment
10% the size of the population means products being sold at a markup because less people buy them
>say product is one thing that meets certain standards to be called said product
>it's actually a different product that doesn't meet those standards to be called said product
gosh i fucking wonder
pretty cheap but i'd prefer the mycloud version
You're right, its just a shill
>2 Rajeesh have been deposited in your Rupees, account.
Owning an Indian seems like more of a burden than a reward.
I have He8s. They sound no different.
Except they exceed those standards. Who is going to complain for getting a superior product?
>less durable
>better product
NAS drives run slower but last a shitload longer you twit
The only thing that makes RED "NAS" drives is TLER support. Something that's enabled in all of Ultrastars.
Also I posted more proof than what your word is. It's up to you to provide something of value to support your claim.
What joke is this? Running slower doesn't mean anything. I guess Green drives must be the most reliable out there? You can have a faster drive with a longer MTBF, which is pretty much made up by the manufacturer anyway.
>Seagates are the most failure prone piles of shit you can buy, ignore the shill and look up failure rates yourself.
Alright, let me do th-
NAS drives are designed to last longer, not because they run slower you fucking retard
No shit. That's what I said.
Feed me - why are single platters capped at 2TB? They've been there for a while.
Use a courier
It's almost certainly a 5200 rpm drive
256MB Cache
Oh so its fucking nothing.
>wanting your RAID to be louder and hotter
No one is using these as their main drive.
> WD black
> black
It'll run off with all of your bits!
Seriously though - that's a low quality drive.
>WD vs Seagate bullshit
>sitting here with 3 Hitachi Ultrastars
Enjoy your bickering between two shit HDD manufacturers.
nobody likes waiting 17 seconds for a fucking 5400RPM drive to spin up
I have 10 of these, it doesn't take that long. These drives aren't designed for speed anyways, that's not what NAS drives are for retard.