AMD Official Statement - Full Damage Control about Vega Fake Launch Price

They know the stock volume was very very very low. They put the price lower for better reviewers score. $499 for a gpu bigger than Titan Xp + HBM, c'mon we are not stupid AMD...

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Agree, this is a AMD bullshit: WHERE ARE THE AIB?

>We are working with our partners to restock all SKUs of Radeon RX Vega 64 including the standalone cards
Wait, you mean Gibbons fucking lied his ass off that stand alone cards were launch day only?! I'M SHOCKED! SHOCKED I TELL YOU!

b-but Sup Forums told me that amd are the good guys





Looks like the CEO's H1B is gonna get revoked.

Don't forget to buy vega.

>$689 for HOUSEFIRES slower than $499 GTX 1080

dumbass buttcoin miners are driving up the price

AMD knows only miners were going to buy these so they didn't even bother making them good gayming GPU's


It's not that these cards are that bad it's that they're massively overpriced for what they offer to gaymers. You can buy a 1080ti for like 50 bucks more at most and it will wipe the floor with Vega 64. This just shows that AMD doesn't care for it's long term customers. They betray them in order to make maximum bucks on hardware. They would do it with CPUs too if they had the chance.


>one favela nigger tries his hardest to post every wojak edit he has

poo in loo


This. If 56 was $399 and 64 was $499 amd would be the undisputed kings in the gpu market for everyone except people looking for THE best at any price TI.

Instead they fucked up and priced like retards meaning that 1070 and 1080 are still better price/performance in many cases.

Why did amd give up on their standard tactic? Not ti mention that they only have 3-6 months until volta releases and they are stuck competing against the 1160 and 1170 respectivly while 1180 and 1180 ti btfo of them hard core.

>If 56 was $399 and 64 was $499
They literally just announced they are going to be restocking stand alone SKUs at those MSRPs for fucks sake. Did you even read the link?

>We are working with our partners to restock all SKUs of Radeon RX Vega 64 including the standalone cards
>We are working with our partners to restock all SKUs of Radeon RX Vega 64 including the standalone cards
>We are working with our partners to restock all SKUs of Radeon RX Vega 64 including the standalone cards


Stop derailing the circlejerk, how do you expect the autistic armflappers to get their tiny penises erect like that?

>at those MSRPs for fucks sake
Nope, still $100 price increase. Stay mad AYMD drone.

>Nope, still $100 price increase.
"Our initial launch quantities included standalone Radeon RX Vega 64 at SEP of $499, Radeon RX Vega 64 Black Packs at SEP of $599, and Radeon RX Vega 64 Aqua Packs at SEP of $699. We are working with our partners to restock all SKUs of Radeon RX Vega 64 including the standalone cards and Gamer Packs over the next few weeks, and you should expect quantities of Vega to start arriving in the coming days."


Where does it say they're staying at the initial launch MSRP?

Did you read it? Because it confirms two things.

1) Price increases are perminant.

2) Srand alone gpu sku will be restocked.

Which means they will be restocking the stand alone gpu for sale at the HIGHER price.

This is 2nd grade level reading comprehension here.

It doesn't. This is just the usual BS. Nothing will change. AMD are operating on too tight margins to allow them to go at $499. Otherwise they would be operating at a loss.

>Our initial launch quantities included standalone Radeon RX Vega 64 at SEP of $499 [...] We are working with our partners to restock all SKUs of Radeon RX Vega 64 including the standalone cards
>standalone Radeon RX Vega 64 at SEP of $499
>SEP of $499

Exactly, as all other sources confirm there is no talk about releasing more gpu at the initial sale lower price point.

$499 is initial price point
56 comes out on 28th, for $399
do you retards also blame AMD for stupid 580 prices?

they tried to deter price increase with packs and failed, what they will simply do is restock standalone cards from packs

they did this with 290, fury, 480 and now vega.

releaseing their cards before they let AIB in on it.

which is a huge fucking mistake because most people dont want that fucking leafblower in their case.

we can talk all night about how AMD fucked up again.

Look at these *FREE* games. Just look at them!

$499 (without the games and in LIMITED quantities)

But the games are *FREE*

The standalone cards that includes two (2) [[[[[free]]]]]™ gaymes!?

The problem is that the packs are not really a deal since they only contain high end mb and monitor that already have huge profit margins and not that much value. What they should of done is shipped with your choice of any ryzen compatable mb and any freesync monitor for some price off.

As it stands that monitor was due for a price cut months ago when compared to others. Over all you don't really save money.


Less bandwidth than the Titan Xp at stock