Should I use kubuntu/ubuntu mate/xubuntu/lubuntu/or the normal ubuntu

Should I use kubuntu/ubuntu mate/xubuntu/lubuntu/or the normal ubuntu
I won't use ubuntu budgie because it's kinda laggier than the other ones

use gentoo

you should use the one you like, retard

i want the one that's the most compatible with stuff, retard

what stuff?

That all really depends what you need it for. Though I would avoid lubuntu/lxde if you have a computer that was made in the last 5 years. It's pretty bare bones compared to everything else.

Everyone praises kde and says it's the best de
Is that true, user

Xubutnu or Kubuntu

MATE is shit.
LXDE is abandoned, wait for LXQt to start being stable if you want Lubuntu.
Unity is also abandoned, so between it and GNOME you should choose GNOME.

This one

Yeah its good if you like customization and if you have a decent computer
Just try Xubuntu and Kubuntu in a VM and see which one you like better.

Just use the main version.

Xubuntu didnt load for me for some reason. Some error about some file missing. Kubuntu loaded just fine. Is there any reason to use Xubuntu over Kubuntu really? Also should i use LTS or the latest version?

DRUGS? How on Earth did you get involved with drugs? What, were you giving them to him? selling them to him?

Ubuntu or KDE neon?


ubuntu minimal and install i3 on it

Running Xubuntu, Lubuntu, and Ubuntu Mate on different computers
Would rec either one honestly

If you want latest KDE install KDE Neon, it's just Ubuntu 16.04 with latest KDE packages. Otherwise, install whatever you bloody like, the underlying system is the same.

Ubuntu / Kubuntu
KDE Neon is unstable as fuck.

Lubuntu for lightweight
Xubuntu for ubuntu without amazon botnet and xfce
Kubuntu if you like KDE apps
Kubuntu with Trinity for patriachy-tier DE
Ubuntu if you're a cuck
Debian if you like the apt package ma'ager but want an actual real OS

you can have most/all of them installed in your system. just install some random *ubuntu and then install the *-desktop packages with apt-get